I went home after meeting Slender in the store and started cooking our late breakfast with Trendy after we all ate breakfast and Offendy washed the dishes.

I was in my room playing games with Splendy when I heard a loud thud outside.

We all went outside to see a hellspawn which, if you ask me actually look like demons from hell. It had a pair horns and tendrils that were completely red and it's body was also red and their were some random black patches and mouths all over it's body. I g was about 14ft tall, the same as all of us including the slender brothers. Me, Offendy and Splendy started attacking it with our tendrils while Trendy took out a giant axe and started attacking it too, why?, because her pearl white tendrils 'ruin her style' or so she says. WE kept on attacking it for a while but it wasn't enough to stop it. "We need to find it's weak spot" Offendy said then we teleported away behind a tree nearby while the hellspawn looked for us. We scanned the hellspawn until Trendy saw a glowing stone in it's chest. "I've found it, it's a stone in it's chest." Trendy said then she teleported behind it with Splendy and Offendy and distracted it then I snucked up to it and pulled out the stone with my tendrils, blood started gushing out of the hole in it's chest then it slowly turned. to me and died. "phew, finally." I said wearily as I sat down catching my breath. "Where do you think it came from?" Offendy asked to no one in particular. "Who else other than Zalgo." Trendy said, "No, I meant how it just appeared, how does Z algo know where we live?" Offendy asked. I just shrugged and got up. We all went to take a shower and wash off all the blood and dirt, we bandaged ourselves because hellspawn carried curses which meant we couldn't heal ourselves immediately from the it gave us, although it would heal, it would take some time.



'Gosh, it's already friday.' I thought as I woke up. I went to the kitchen to get some coffee and saw Offender making bacon and eggs for breakfast. I took my coffee and went for a little stroll. When I came back, I took a shower, changed clothes then I ate breakfast. "Trender, can you help me clean up the mansion today?" I asked Trender, "Hmm...Okay. I might as well just change the furniture as well and then repaint the walls, change the carpets, the light bulbs..." Trender said. "Whatever, just don't change how the mansion looks and make it clean. Let's get started." I said and started taking out all the furniture while Trender painted the walls...


"We're done" I said as I screwed in the last light bulb. "Let's take these paint buckets outside." Trender said as he took one last satisfied look around. We took the paint out and asked Splendor to help us burn the furniture, of course, he had to build a giant fort with them before burning them. Anyways, I looked at my watch and it was already noon 'Well, I still have about an hour till Slendy arrives.' I thought. We all waited for the paint to dry before entering the mansion. I made lunch then changed into the new suit Trender gave me, it was a midnight black suit with a pearl white shirt and a blood red tie. I turned on the air conditioning system and waited in the living room playing video games with Offender. Then I heard the bell and went to go open the door. As expected, it was Slendy and Splendy, but, they came with Trendy and Offendy. "I thought it would be better if they tagged along so we could have a proper introduction." Slendy as she walked in. I blushed a little at how gorgeous she was. I took them to the dining and called my brothers, there mouths dropped in shock when they saw the slenderladies (not literally). We all sat down at the table, we took turns introducing ourselves, "Hi, I'm Slendy" Slendy said in a polite and joyful way, "I'm Splendy" Splendy said, "I'm Trendy", "I'm Offendy...After all the introductions we ate lunch while asking random questions. "Where do you live?" Splendor asked in a curious tone. "In this same forest" Trendy replied, "Since when?" I asked Slendy. "Over 3000 years" She replied. After lunch me and Slendy went for a stroll.


I saw Slender and Slendy walk out of the mansion, Offendy went to Offender's room with him, Splendy and Splendor went to go play then I went with Trendy to my office. We read some books together then we started talking about fashion and I even showed her my 'special collection' as expected, she was amazed by the patterns which took me days or even months to make then we sewed new clothes for each other then we tested different clothes. It was a lot of fun.


I took a stroll with Slendy into the woods and was talking with her when we heard continuous bombs exploding

'boom' 'boom' 'boom'.