I heard bombs exploding, 'What, is that coming from my house!?' I thought as I stopped walking. "What's wrong? Let's go check out what happened" Slender said. "The explosions are coming from my house." I said, Slender didn't know how to react, he just said "Let's go", then we teleported to my house.

What we saw left us in awe, my house or what used to be my house was now a rubble of rocks on fire. I stood there in shock while Slender went closer to the flames and saw a note and read it out loud, "Give up now and come to me - Zalgo". Then he started coming closer to me "Who's Zalgo?" he asked me, then the flames from the explosions grew bigger and formed a male torso with a head and horns. It looked down at Slendy and Slender, "I see you've found a new friend" he said to me. I growled at him. "What do you want?" I asked. "Oh, what I want is as simple as your power" he said in a polite way like he wasn't evil. "Cut the act!" I growled at him. "Okay, I'll cut straight to the chase. Give me your powers and I'll leave or ..." he said, "I'll never give you my powers" I said, "I see you want to do this the hard way, fine by me" he said.

After that the torso disappeared then I felt energy building up, "We have to go now." I told Slender and we teleported away. I looked back and saw a massive explosion that destroyed what was left of my house and the trees around it. "Was that Zalgo?" I heard Slender ask from behind me. "Yes." I replied "We need to go back the others", before we teleported, I caught a glimpse of a boy a distance away staring at us, then we teleported to the mansion.

We met Splendy and Splendor in the living room playing board games, then I followed Slender to his office. We sat down and Slender started asking me questions, "What does that Zalgo guy want with you?" he asked. "Well...Long story cut short, he wants my powers so he can become the most powerful." I replied, "Do you mind if I go check something out." "Sure." Slender replied. Then I teleported into the woods and searched for the boy who was staring at me. I teleported back to where we were when I saw him but he wasn't there. I looked and looked for him but couldn't find him, then, I heard some muffled screams coming from the western parts of the forest then I teleported there. It was him. The boy that I saw but.... he was trying to kill someone!? I stalked him and found out he was with elder brother.


'I finally killed him.' 'That took a while, well I need a nap.' I thought as I started climbing up the stairs. I entered my room, locked the door and fell on my bed. I heard my brother banging at the door but I just ignored him and fell asleep.


I saw the boy falling asleep from his window then I opened it and entered his room. I looked around and saw some rock band posters, a creeper poster and then... his desk. I sat down quietly on the chair and checked the drawers. I found a book with the title 'KILL JOURNAL.' I opened it and read the first page it was titled 'KILL LIST.' I read it and it was just the names of some random people like my class teacher or Jenny and stuff like that. I read the rest of the book and dropped it back. I looked at him while he slept and left with a smile on my face.

I teleported to the mansion and knocked at Slender's office door, he opened it and told me to come in. "Do you, by any chance, know a kid names Jeffrey?" "Well, yes." Slender replied "Is he in any danger?" "No, I was just thinking about making him one of our proxies." "Wait, where did you meet him!?" Slender asked with a shocked tone in his voice "I saw him in the woods killing someone and I think he has what it takes to join the team, well, we can pick this up again tomorrow, I nap to sleep." I said as I got up and teleported away. I took a shower and went to my room. I stared into the stars before drifting into deep sleep.