'Where am I?' I thought is I looked around the empty room. I noticed I was floating so I thought I was in some kind of dream.

while I was floating around I came across some large doors and they opened automatically while I entered the room.

I stood there in shock as I saw the same torso of fire in the middle of the room. I tried to run but the doors behind me were locked. Then I heard a voice behind me "Where do you think your going?" Zalgo asked in a scornful tone. "Where am I?" I asked as I furiously banged the doors. "Welcome to my mind." Zalgo said with a grin on his face.

"How did you get your powers back!?" I asked in confusion and panic. "Well, that's not for you to know my dear" Zalgo replied. "I've told you never to call me that." I growled as my eyes started glowing red and my teeth became longer and the sharper. "Uh-oh, looks like I'm in trouble now." Zalgo said in playful tone which only made me angrier. He noticed this and became serious. He summoned two giant hands made of fire and used them to grasp me

I let out a sharp scream as the hands burned my skin which cause him to drop me. "You better have what I want ready next time." He said sternly as he disappeared and I woke up.

I woke up with my head aching and a sharp pain in my waist. I rolled my suit shirt u9p a bit and saw the burn marks Zalgo left. 'That Idiot.' I thought as I laid down on my bed. I heard someone knock on my door and I opened the door and saw Splendor standing behind the door.

"Good morning, Splendor brought you breakfast." Splendor said as he stretched a tray with food towards me. "Thanks." I replied as I took the tray and dropped it on my table.

Splendor left and I closed my door and sat on my bed. I ate my breakfast and took a shower and changed into a fresh new suit.

I went to Slender's office and knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard from behind the door and I opened it. I saw Slender on his laptop doing research then he told me sit down. I sat down on the chair opposite Slender. "Is this about the recruitment of the boy?" Slender asked. "Yes, are you ready?" I asked. "I've already done some research on him.

Just give me a bit, I need to round up."

While I was waiting for Slender, I took the opportunity to explore the office and looked around a bit and I saw a file shelf at the corner of the office. I went to it and opened the first drawer and took out a file, I read it and it was just some info on people that have been killed. "I'm done." Slender said from behind me.

I dropped the file and we left the office and went downstairs. I told Splendy we would be gone for a while and we left.

I took Slender to the house in the woods. It was quiet so we peeped through the window. We saw Jeffery playing video games and his brother and parents weren't around. "This is the perfect opportunity." I whispered to Slender, let's go."

We transformed into our human forms and knocked on the front door. Jeffrey opened the door and asked us what we wanted. I told him we wanted to see him on a particular issue in private. He opened the door and we entered and he closed it behind us. Slender told me to wait there while talked to Jeffery then they entered another room nearby.


"Jeffery, how would you like to become a creepypasta?" "What is a creepypasta?" Jeffery asked "It's a group I run." "Why should I join? What's in it for me." He asked. "Well you get to kill as many people as you want and go on adventures and get revenge on all the people you hate." "What makes you think I want to kill people" Jeffery asked trying to act innocent. "Well you can think about it and tell me your final answer next week. That's all for now." I said as I gave him a card with the mansion's address on it.


"Let's go." Slender said as he came out of the room. We left and teleported to the mansion.

I followed Slender to his office and we talked.

"Do you want to know what he say?" Slender asked.

"No, I heard everything you guys said." I said sipping a cup of coffee. "Well, I just hope he agrees." I said as I finished my coffee and left.


'It's the middle of the night but I still can't sleep.' 'Why don't you go do something else?' 'Why am I hearing voice in my head!' 'Go and kill! Kill!! Kill!!!' The voice said. I couldn't resist the voice was driving me crazy. I took a knife from the kitchen and silently walked up to my brother's room and locked then I entered my parent's room and pointed the knife at my dad's throat while he was sleeping and in one slice and cut it open and blood spilled all over the bed and floor.

My mum woke up and was about to scream so I held her mouth and cut her throat open too.

'Wasn't that exciting.' The voice rang out again 'Ye..Yes' 'Good, I told you' It said with a tone indicating malice.

By now I was way past help. I took the knife and cut my eyelids off and cut a big smile into my face with it 'Now I look beautiful.' I thought with a grin on my face.

'Now I am no longer Jeffery Woods, I am Jeff the killer.' I said as I unlocked my brother's door and left the house.

I didn't know where to go from there, I couldn't go back to the house because my brother would soon wake up. I remembered the card the guy from yesterday gave me, I took it and followed the directions to a giant mansion in the woods. I rang the bell and a very tall dude with no face wearing a suit opened the door. "Welcome, It's good you decided to come." He said and I could tell he was smiling. Then I walked in.