Slenderman opened the mansion's doors and saw me standing right outside. "So you came back huh. Follow me." He said as he started walking inside.

He introduced me to Trender and told him to give me a tour of the mansion. First Trender introduced me to the slenderbrothers then to the slendersisters. "Why do you all look alike?" I asked as we walked up the stairs. "Because we're family." Trender said as he patted my back. We stopped at the top of the stairs and Trender started showing me all the rooms ".... and last of all, this is your room, any questions?" He asked. "Well, I guess not." I said as I opened the door. "HOW DID YOU DO THIS!?" I exclaimed as I looked around the room. "Maybe we brought your stuff for you, hmm?" Trender said in a suspicious tone. "You guys knew I was coming!?" I asked in a shocked tone. "Of course we did." Trender said as he left the room.

I plopped down on my bed and looked around the room. Well, what could I say, it was perfect. I was unpacking my bag when I heard someone yell "Jeff dinner's ready." "Okay, I be there in a sec." I said as I put a small dagger in my pocket. 'Why did you just do that?' 'I don't know just roll with it.' I thought as I went downstairs. Splendor showed me where to sit, I sat down there and waited for dinner.

After a while Offender came in with the plates using his tendrils to carry them. He put the plates on the table and opened the dishes master chef style. 'Man, I already know what I'm taking for dessert' I thought as I saw the stack of pancakes on the table. Slendy giggled and told me I could eat them right now. 'How did she know? Was my facial expression that obvious?' I thought as I tensed up. I took three pancakes from the stack and some ice-cream from the tub trying not to over do it and ate them silently, then I washed my plates and then told Slender I was going to bed. "Okay, goodnight." He said as I went to my room and laid on the bed and fell asleep.


I woke up at 6am and went for a jog then I took a shower and went to the dinning room to eat breakfast. I sat on the same chair as yesterday. I took the Coco Pops box and poured some into my bowl with milk and then I started eating. "Jeff, are you busy today? We need to go train later." Slendy asked. "No, but where and when are we going?" "We'll leave by 9pm and we are going to a nearby neighbourhood." "Okay, I'll be there."

After breakfast, I went with Slender to fill a report sheet then I went to go play baseball with Splendor, Slendy and Splendy in their human form even though I didn't know how they could 'transform'. After an hour and a half I went back to the mansion and took a shower then a nap.

"Who are you?" I asked a guy who was holding a knife and squatting with his head down then I heard him chuckle then he raised his head. " How is this possible!?" I exclaimed as I looked at myself in front of me but he just started laughing. "I'm going to kill you!" He shouted as he bolted at me. I started running in panic then I woke up sweating on my bed.

AN:Sorry for not uploading in a while and for the short chapter but I'll try to post long chapters regularly. Thank you for reading my book please rate and comment it really encourages me anyways make sure to stay safe and always wash your hands regularly. bye.