"Jeff are you in there?" I heard Slendy ask. "Yeah." I said as I stood up and opened the door. "It's 8:30, I just came to remind you of the training we are going to do." Slendy said. "Oh, right. I'll get ready now." I said as I closed the door and then took a shower and changed clothes. I wore an ash hoodie with black jeans and cool black gloves then I went to the living room and told Slendy I was ready.

She stood up and held my shoulder and then we teleported to a ominous looking shack. "What are we doing here?" I asked Slendy. "We need to get you a weapon, just stay close to me and don't touch anything." She said then she started walking into the building, I followed her into the building and saw different contraptions scattered all over the floor. "Is this where we are getting the weapon?" I asked in a disappointed tone. "Yeah, come over here." Slendy said as she walked over to a corner in the room and pulled a lever then a door opened and an elevator popped up. It looked like something out of a sci-fi movie to me from the secret door to the tech-y elevator. "Let's go." Slendy said waking me up from my delusions of grandeur then we entered the elevator and it automatically started going down. When we reached the bottom the doors opened and we entered a large room filled with weapons and gadgets. "I take back what I said earlier." "Looks cool right?" Slendy asked. "Yeah. So who owns this place." "Vexon" She said as she walked in a room. "Wait here, I'm going to go call him." She said and left. Two minutes later she came back with a guy wearing an apron over his clothes and googles. "And who is this?" He asked. "I'm Jeff the killer." "He's our new proxy." Slendy said. "Oh, I'm Vexon, so what brings you to my humble abode." Vexon asked." "I need a weapon." "So what would you like." Vexon asked as he brought out a small box from his pocket and pressed a button on it then it became bigger and automatically opened. "Something simple" I said "Like a knife." "Well I have just the thing for you." Vexon said as he brought out a medium size knife from the box and handed it to me. "Take this it's a blood knife. You'll figure out what it does later on. "Let's get going then." Slendy said as she held my shoulder and we teleported to a field filled with dummies. "Your training starts now" Slendy said with a grin on her face. "Start by stabbing that dummy over there in the neck." I walked over to it and tried to stab it but the knife bounced of it. "What just happened!?" I asked Slendy. "You need speed and precision if your going to pierce that material. Try again." Slendy said. I tried over and over again but it didn't work. 'Why isn't this working. Ok come on Jeff you can do this just let your hand move with the knife.' I took a deep a breath and swung the knife and finally cut through the dummies neck. "Well done Jeff your done with your first lesson. Let's go home we'll continue tomorrow." Slendy said then we teleported home.