


After training I took a shower and ate lunch then I went for a walk in the woods with my knife I tried stabbing a tree and the knife easily passed through the trunk and stopped near the center. Then I tried stabbing a different tree and it didn't even dent the bark. I continued walking forward until I heard my alarm go off then I went home and ate dinner.


After training I took Jeff home then made lunch for everyone. After lunch I went to go meet Slender in his office.

"How did he do?" Slender asked as I sat down across his desk. "Very good, he managed to pierce the dummies with the knife within 30 minutes of practice and he has a lot of potential."

"That's amazing. I thought it would take at least a couple days of training but he seems to be advancing quite quickly." Slender said "Yeah he seems excited about become our proxy but he still doesn't talk to anyone apart from the two of us." "Maybe Trender or Splendor could be his friend" Slender suggested "but bring some feedback after about a week of his training so I can assess him." "Alright. See you later." I said as I left the office.

I went downstairs and saw Jeff coming back from his stroll. "Do you want some orange juice?" I asked. "Yeah, thanks." I went to the kitchen and took two glass cups and filled them with orange juice then I joined Jeff in the living room and gave him his drink. "Is there anything you want to tell me." I asked Jeff. "Well there's something that has been bothering me." He replied and sipped his drink. "I had a dream and I saw myself in it and then he tried to kill me and then I woke up. "I think you have subconsious problem. You need to make peace with him." I said "We are going to go camping tomorrow so you can train, you need to get some sleep and I'll pack our bags." I said as I left to pack our bags.


I went to my room and sat on my bed wandering kind of training I was going to do before I slept. Suddenly I was standing in front of my 'subconscious' and he was staring me in the eyes. "So your back." He said. "Why did you come, what do you want from me." He asked about to burst into rage. "Look, I don't know you that well but you know me. If I did anything to offend I'm sorry and I'm hoping we can bury the hatchet." I said. "Why should I trust you after all you've done." He said glaring at me. "What did I do?" I asked but he didn't reply. He just clenched his fists and walked away then I woke up. 'At least today's encounter wasn't that bad.' I thought as I stood up and stretched my body, then I went to go brush and take a shower.

After that I wore my baggy brown shorts and a green long sleeve sweater with folded sleeves and put on a pair of white socks and my timberland boots.

'Perfect.' I grinned as I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. After that I went to go see Slendy in her office which I didn't even know she had. I knocked on the door and she told me to come in. " Good morning." I greeted. "Morning, looks like you ready but we'll be leaving in afternoon." She said. "Well alright." I said as I left.

I saw Offender put on his coat and hat and was about to leave then I asked him if I could come along. He agreed then he held my shoulder and we teleported.

"Just stay here and watch, you could learn a thing or two." He said as he teleported into a house, leaving me on a tree beside the bedroom window. 'This is going to be fun.' I thought as I watched him enter the room.

He took the boy out with his tendril then he held the husband and wife up with two other tendrils and interrogated them. The man's wife didn't seem to know anything so he used her as leverage. He started strangling her and continued asking the man questions. He started talking when he saw his wife gasping for air. After Offender got what he wanted he killed both of them and searched the house for extra info then he teleported beside me. "That was cool." I said "Well, maybe one of these days I'll take you on your first mission but it's time to go." he said and teleported us home.