Chapter 122 Kinato 7

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(POV Alexander)

It had been a week since we arrived in Kinato and I must say that although things have not been perfect, it is not that they have gone wrong.

The main objective of coming here which was to create a mercenary shop went without any problem, although the number of people who came may have been low during the first days, this changed quickly when others saw the results of the people who had gone hunting. Rats with our soldiers.

Now the number of people who come to this store every day is almost 2,000, no doubt that is a great progress. Unfortunately, it is not that this came at no cost, the words of Yuriko-san that she had mentioned during the first time she spoke to the residents here were true and I had to make an investment if I wanted this store to work.

More specifically, it was that I had to buy crossbows in the system. I had to buy 2 thousand of these and at the cost of 50C for each one, in the end I spent about 150 thousand crystals including the arrows used by these.

While it was not as extreme as if I had to buy firearms since probably doing so my funds would have been drastically reduced or maybe I run out of they... well, this was still not a negligible amount and a affection little to my pocket.

My only consolation was that this would help me complete the rats' mission and I could also get some crystals back by doing this, probably close to 100,000. Well they say that the more you get, the more you spend...

But the main achievement of this investment this time is not something to enrich myself further . The first thing I got is the trust of Kinato residents, altought for now the amount is only a small percentage of the population of this place, but with each passing day it grows a little more.

The second thing that I won, well, this is also influenced by the movements that the bald man made in the last days. Now Kinato's environment is not so bleak and has improved a bit, but the most important thing is that establishments like bars were opened with which I could make my plans for the near future.

I thought the bald man could object since this greatly affected how this camp was run, but when Yuriko-san returned from talking to him, she told me that it had gone without any problem.

And indeed, days later his group began to make the changes in the camp. Now you can see people hired to put a metal fence around this whole town.

Certainly this one does not seem reliable and has the appearance that it would fall apart with only a few thousand zombies that attack this one, but that did not matter to me, what I needed was to change the mentality of the people here in Kinato and that they also had resources to spend and be able to go to bars.

So I do not hesitate to help them and send Vrana to MLDW to deliver a letter to the girls there asking them to send the necessary material so that the people of Kinato could create this fence.

Since these things weren't something I needed, I just gave them to the bald guy to get started and so all I got from this was repeated words of thanks from him.

"Alex-kun ~ I'm already tired ~ ... ha ... ha ... I've been exercising for about an hour ~. It's not fair! ~ I thought that coming to Kinato I wouldn't have to do this since there were no zombies here! ~"

"... I understand that you have to make her kill things to make her stronger, but... is it necessary that you make her do this, Alexander?"

"The master is right roock ~, if she doesn't exercise and eliminates those two big fat balls then she won't be able to fly roock ~"

While I was thinking about the things of this last week sitting in the mansion garden, Shisuka's complaining and Rei asking me for a more detailed explanation of why she does that reaches my ears. Also, Vrana-chan, you are wrong about that. You and she are different races so she could not fly even without her big chest... or not with a level 1 soul.

I put Shisuka to do this not because she is fat, but because it is always entertaining to see how her voluptuous body shakes with her movements, so if she loses those two big lumps then this would not be so fun, Vrana-chan...

"Shisuka, we will follow the popular saying that says" If the world gives you zombies, you kill zombies. And if the world gives you rats, then kill s rats! ""

"Eh? Is there a saying like that in this world? ~"

"...of course not... but I think there is a similar one ..."

"Vrana has killed many rats roock~ She also brought many for Shisuka to kill roock ~"

After answering Shisuka and Rei with some excuse that crossed my mind of why she had to do this, the first one is surprised by what she hears and the second one answers her question.

The truth is that if Shisuka was to blame someone for having to do this, then the little harpy that proudly inflates her little chest while saying that last one thing, is the one she would have to blame since she is responsible for this.

When I found out that she could easily hunt rats and bring the bodies of her prey here, I asked her a while later if she could bring live rats here. And since we're watching Shisuka work out right now, then Vrana's answer to that is obvious.

That is why in recent days my harpy has concentrated on catching rats that exceed the first limit to bring them and so Shisuka can kill them. Thanks to this I could enjoy one of the hobbies that I had acquired in this world, Shisuka could increase her level a bit and Vrana had fun flying bringing rats here... besides the number of rats of the mission counter also increased a little, so this must be a good thing since we all win from this.

"I'm tired, Alex-kun ~"

"Alexander-sama, a group of soldiers has come and asks to can see you. What do you want me to do?"

"Hmn? ... let's see what they want this time, I hope that colonel has become more sensible during this time. Please let them pass and bring them here."

"Yes, Alexander-sama"

I hope they don't come to say nonsense, they have interrupted my precious time of relaxation and so if they start saying meaningless things then things can end badly…

Not long after the spy-maid leaves, she returns with a group of people dressed in military clothes as she had said. I see some new faces that do not look like normal soldiers... I say this because of some differences that they have in their uniforms that indicated that were people with a high rank.

In addition, I also see the old colonel and Rika, but it seems that his silly son did not come with him this time, although I think it would be strange if he wanted to see me after what happened in our meeting at MLDW...

"Boy, we have come to tell you that we decided to accept your demands and pay what you ask for the agreed resources"

"...hehehe, old colonel that was a week ago thing, market fluctuations have always varied causing prices to change constantly"

" You brat, you don't want to miss your word and ask for even more, do you ?!"

When they get a few meters away from me, the old colonel is the first to speak and without going around, he goes directly to the subject he wanted to discuss. Then when he listens to me, he and his group get nervous for a few moments and later he elevates his tone asking me to respect our previous agreement.

I am not a fool and it is not that I do not know the situation of their faction at the moment, they may be the most powerful faction with all the weapons they have but they are also the ones with the least resources.

Because of this, people in his group have started to come out to join other factions in the last few days, even some of their soldiers came with us requesting to join us and so obviously I opened the doors of this place for them to join us.

"... I'm kidding old man... I like to keep the words I say. Pay me what I asked Rika-san and then you will get what I promised in return."

"...Hmp! Well, brat, then I'll have some of our men bring the things you want but I'd like to get the supplies right away."

"Okay, old man. I had been bringing the resources to pay Shido-san for the next batch of people that he would send to my camp but I can use this to pay you, after all, there is still a week for our deadline to comply "

"That's all I had to say... I honestly hope we won't see each other soon."

"hehehe, you are so cold colonel. I thought we would be friends now... I even thought to invite you to eat something at one of the new bars in this camp"

"Oh, boy, you seem to have some cordiality and you're not just greedy. It wouldn't be bad to go and have some fun!"

After my last words to the colonel, one of his men intervenes. He had a fairly large and muscular body, but also gave the impression that he was a simple and straightforward person.

"Be quiet Kuma! that is not necessary, we will leave now!"

"If any of you get bored of following the old colonel's orders, the doors of our group are open for you to enter this one, you will certainly be treated well here "

"Hmp! Stop playing brat! Let's go !!"

With that he ends our pleasant conversation and turns to leave, then the group of people who came with him watches me for a few seconds and then walks behind him.

Since they were here, I had to try several things...

One of these was to see how pressured his faction was right now, so I wanted to gauge his reaction if I tried to increase the things that could get from them a bit. Unfortunately, everything indicates that they are really quite stressed because of that.

Seeing their expressions when I said the first thing, I do not doubt that they were about to reach their limit. If I kept pushing, I may have just triggered counterproductive things for us and that's why I had to make it sound like I was just kidding to calm down them.

The next thing was to see if I could recruit some of those high ranks with us, being able to do that would save me a lot of trouble. Their expressions when they heard me were varied, but I could confirm that they are not a very close group as Kiriko-san had told me a while ago.

Although they probably took this as a joke on my part, at least I let them know that there is another option apart from following that old colonel...

But the best thing for now is to let that faction breathe a little, or rather, that colonel. So I don't continue arguing and I only see the back of all that group walking towards the exit… no, there was a person who was watching Shisuka who was still exercising…

"What is she doing now? I've always been a little worried since Shisuka doesn't seem to be aware of her appearance and what this can cause... even she seems not to have noticed the eyes of those people in my group now were giving her"

The person who remains even after their group leaves was Rika-san who puts a hand on her forehead seeing Shisuka's large breasts shake because now she was doing squats…

I agree with her that the looks of some of the men in that group who were almost drooling to see her were really annoying... but as a man I also understand that it was impossible not to pay attention to that.

"Shisuka, your friend Rika-san is here!"

"Eh?~ Rika? Oh, you came Rika! ~"

Since Rika-san seemed to understand the reason why Shisuka was doing that, I decided to distract she with her own friend rather than having to tell her an excuse that sure she wouldn't believe me. Listening to my words, she stops and turns with us and then seeing to Rika-san, runs to her to hug her with joy.

"Don't hug me while you are all sweaty Shisuka !!"

"Eeeh, you are so cruel Rika ~"

Surely no man would mind if Shisuka hugged him even while in that state, but it seems that women have immunity to it and can do it. Well, with Rika-san distracted so she doesn't continue investigating why I put Shisuka to exercise, I should check some things.

Aurora, how is the progress of the rat's mission going? Do you think there is any problem to complete this before the indicated time?

[The number of rats eliminated so far are: Prairie Rats (L0) 3,681 / 10,000

Great Rat (L1) 487 / 1,000

Rabid Rat (L2) 79/100

Killer Rat (L3) 7/10

Chief Rat (L4) 0/1

Seeing as the number of rats killed has been increasing with each passing day, I don't think there will be much of a problem achieving the goal, Alexander. So apparently only if something unexpected happened, at this rate you can complete the mission before the time of this]

That's great to hear that, Aurora. It is a pity that the leader of the rats has still decided to remain hidden since my only concern is that it can escape.

For now we will continue to reduce their numbers, I am sure that this way when it see that its companions has been reduced significantly then it will have no choice but to appear. And by doing this, Vrana should be able to take care of this rat easily… perhaps I should ask her to just restrain it and catch it so that Shisuka kills it, I think it will be impossible for her to bring her so with only do that is fine.

By the way , the reason that the number of rats with limits more higher than needed for the mission are almost completed is because she is the one that hunting them mainly. The hunters usually only take care of the first two.

The size of the rats each time they break a limit increases and from what I can see, Vrana already has a hard time carrying a killer rat that is in the 3rd limit because of its considerable size. The prairie rat is the size of a small dog, the big rat of a medium dog and the rabid rat of a large dog.

The killer rat no longer grew so much and is only slightly larger than a large dog, but in return it appears to be smarter and more dangerous. Unlike the others that only bite the first place they see, they are usually attacking areas of the body that are vital like the neck with their claws and fangs that are sharper than their weaker companions.

No doubt they are a great danger for the group that hunts rats, but being few, they appear rarely. Besides, with Vrana flying over this camp constantly, it is usually they who end up being her prey.

Considering the earlier, I must assume that it is quite possible that the rat leader can grow back in size and as a result, it will be impossible for Vrana to bring her back flying to this mansion.

"Look Rika ~ Alex-kun gave me a radio to talk to each other even when you're at the barracks, take this one, it is yours ~"

"The truth is that I do not sleep in the barracks, as a high ranking of this group, I have the option of having a house in this camp. Since those who stay there in the barracks are mostly men, it is a bit stressful to have to be all the time there... you can come play whenever you want, Shisuka "

"I see ~ I will tell Alex-kun to ask permission to go there ~"

"... it really is strange to see a 27-year-old woman asking a 12-year-old for permission..."

Since Shisuka knew that there were radio communicators in our camps, she asked me for one so that she could give it to Rika-san so that they two could keep in comunication with each other. I didn't see a reason to refuse and accept without hesitation. In fact, as a person used to living in a world fully communicated with others, I perfectly understood her desire... I also miss my cell phone a little .

"Alex-kun ~ Can I go with Rika so we can chat with each other for a while? ~"

"...Of course, but some soldiers will accompany you just in case"

Her request caused me some concerns, but it wasn't as if I could keep her locked in a room for this. So after she asks me to go with her friend, I end up accepting, of course, but not before also having some precautions.

"Okay ~"

"Don't worry boy, I'll be with her, so I won't let any strange guy approach her"

Rika-san who seemed to understand the reason for my anxieties about reassure me saying that, but that would be two beautiful women who will walk together in this camp was what increase more my concerns.

Well, she should be someone known in this place so not just any fool would look for trouble with her. A moment later I see them leave accompanied by some of our soldiers as escorts and I am left alone with the other girls who were still here with me.

…Now that my form of entertainment is gone, then maybe I should go and also kill some rats to spend the rest of the time.

"M- maybe I should also do some exercise... i-it's a healthy thing after all"

"Yes, roock ~! You also have to slim down those big lumps if you want to fly roock ~"

"I'm not fat, little bird !!"

Well, it seems like I will be able to see someone else exercising, being able to see Rei's body shake is not bad either... the hunt for the rats will have to wait for a while longer.


Hello everyone!!

I had not realized that the links can not be copied by someone who told me that, now they are also in the description, I think there can be done.

Remember to visit my p-a-t-r-e-o-n and support the novel. I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"