Chapter 123 Kinato 8

Right now I was in what had become green fields around the town where Kinato's camp was. This was the last day to complete the mission to eliminate more than 10,000 rats, so it had been two weeks since we arrived here.

"It seems that the rats were quite infuriated that we hunted them in recent weeks and reduced their number..."

Rei who is next to me with a sniper rifle in her hands tells me while watching a large number of rats that came to attack the camp...

It is as she says, during the last days what looked like a herd of rats decided to attack the camp with a large number of them. Undoubtedly, this took us a little by surprise the first time they came this way but thanks to the things that had happened in previous days, the situation did not take a bad direction and by doing this they only helped me to increase the number on the counter of my mission.

The first thing that helped to avoid a misfortune because of the large number of rats was my little harpy that flew in the skies of the camp frequently and could quickly notice this.

So thanks to her, we were able to prepare in advance to receive them and then with my soldiers, Kinato's soldiers and the people who were recruited to hunt, the invasion of the rats ended in failure.

As for why Kinato's soldiers helped, this was not because they were asked to, it was for other reasons. During the week after we made the deal between both of our groups, Rika-san along with other high-ranking people came asking to join us to also hunt rats.

Probably the old colonel when he saw that the risk of killing these rats had decreased due to the large number of people who did so, he wanted to take the opportunity to also get a slice of this and so he decided to send some of his men.

Although, he surely told them to join in without even asking me if they could since most of those men just turned up and started hunting rats along with the residents. It was good that at least there was someone more sensible among them to come and tell me something about this... although this must be more because it could say that we both had a common acquaintance or maybe it is because she was someone of good character.

That person was Rika-san, she came to talk to me to ask me to join the rat hunt. I honestly didn't care what their group did, but it was also true that I didn't feel good that they only took advantage of what I did.

I knew that that couldn't demand something big in return for allowing them to do this, so I just asked her for something they wouldn't mind. I told Rika-san that if they gave me the crystals from the rats they killed, then there would be no problem on my side and they could hunt as many rats as they wanted along with us.

Although the crystals I would get from them was an amount that I couldn't care much about now, my purpose in doing this was another. I want see if doing this the system would take it as if we had a transaction between us and thus the rats they killed would also count for my mission.

As I thought, they thought it was a fair price so that there was no friction between us, after all, those crystals for them had no use and also, the rats they killed successfully increased my counter.

With the first invasion of the rats failed, they did not give up and the next few days also tried do the same. Unfortunately for them things were worse than the previous day for them, the reason for this is because having the idea that they would repeat this more times , then I brought a reinforcement of MLDW that had stayed there with the sole task of eating bodies of zombies all this time.

During the second invasion of the rats the next day, which seemed that their numbers were increasing and not falling despite all the rats we killed yesterday, then my Venus came into play.

At first the people who had not seen it became nervous when suddenly it appeared on the battlefield, but by explaining that it was one of my pets to them then they could calm down a bit and continue fighting.

Well, many knew that I had a girl with wings instead of arms working for me, so this may be why they assimilated it sooner than normal. Although I must personally say that a pretty girl with the only difference from a normal person being having wings and a plant that has the appearance of being able to eat an army of people, are two totally different things...

But I think what helped them the most to fight between its branches as a shelter was that they soon discovered that it only attacked rats and ignored people, and if a rat got too close to represent a danger to them then one of its mouths would end up swallowing this.

So, preventing the second invasion of the rats we reach the third day, today. And as if these rats wanted to tell us that they would not give up until they razed the camp, the amount we can see at this time is even greater than the previous days. For me this was perfect as it almost ensured that I could complete the mission in a few hours. I say almost because there was a problem, the damn leader rat had not appeared in all this time and without this it does not matter that I kill twice as many rats as the system ask me, all this will have no meaning and the mission will fail.

The rats ran across the meadow trying to reach the place where my Venus was positioned next to the people who fired arrows and bullets from here. So constantly they were shot down and they were groaning on the ground for their wounds waiting for death.


[Objective- 1000/1000 Great Rat completed]

With this system notification it was the 3rd notification I received about this mission to inform me that it had been completed, now only the goal of 10 thousand prairie rats and the leader rat remained.

The first one did not worry me because I could see how the number continued to grow rapidly and it would not take long for the system to also inform me about it being completed, but the last objective was making me bite my nails.

"Master, master roock ~ Vrana saw a huge rat, is the most big that she has seen. Is that the rat that the master wants Vrana capture roock ~? "

"It has to be that one, Vrana-chan, I don't care if you tear off her legs or eyes, but I want that damn alive!"

Finally that damn rat show itself. At first I just wanted it to give Shisuka some leveling experience, but now I desired to vent a little bit of frustration that damn thing made me feel on it.

"I understand roock~ Vrana will do"

In the same quick way that Vrana-chan stood by my side to tell me that, so she flew back into the air and going directly to the direction where she should have seen the leader rat, then I see her descend at great speed in a place that I can hardly distinguish with my vision that it has even been enhanced by a skill.

It seems that damn rat was really shy... well, since I don't think Vrana-chan can carry it while she flies then we should go where she went.

"We'll go where Vrana-chan went, everyone get ready !"

After my orders my group enters the car and Yuriko-san holds the wheel to take us to where the leader of the rats was. Thanks to the fact that it was an armored military car used to transport personnel, it could pass by any rat that tried to attack it or without we has caring that the terrain was unpaved.

Minutes later, we can see Vrana attacking a big rat... she seems to have followed my instructions to I sayed and damaged its eyes with the claws of her feet.

Apparently if she wanted it, it would not cost her much to kill it, but sticking to what I told her she was only trying to distract the huge rat causing it some lacerations with her claws to keep it distracted and prevent it from escaping.

" Master rook ~ Vrana has caught the huge rat but the little ones were a nuisance, so she killed them roock ~"

When she sees our car arrive, it quickly flies towards us when it stops and we get off it, as she says, around the rat leader there was a good number of L1-L3 rats with the skull pierced by Vrana's claws.

"Scythe, Leona. Immobilize the rat to be able to transport it... I don't care if you have to cut off its legs or whatever it takes, just try to keep it alive for some more time."

"I understand, Master!"


They take up their weapons and advance to where the rat is, and meanwhile we try to make their job easier by killing the subordinates of the rat who are trying to protect it.

"... I feel a little sorry for that rat now"

"The truth is that I have always disliked these, so seeing such big rats produces me a bit of chills. That is why I think it is better to it be eliminated, Hirano-kun"

Taking my sword and killing any rat that crossed my path the voices of Hirano-kun and Yuriko-san are heard behind me while they used their rifles just like Rei to shoot down the other rats around the leader.

My subordinates do not last long in fulfilling my request and soon the leader rat was lying on the ground without being able to move since they had cut the tendons of its legs with their weapons. Then I proceed to hold it with a rope to be able to drag it with the car to the Kinato camp.

Seeing the final state in which this rat is left, I may agree a bit with Hirano's words... in fact, much of the frustration that had occurred to me in recent days disappeared because of that.

This one looked like it could die at any moment... but being an L4 creature, it should have a higher toughness than a normal rat. So it can probably suffer for a few hours before finally succumbs to its injuries.

Although I don't plan to torture it… well, no more than this, I will let the rat rest in peace once we reaches our mansion and so making Shisuka finish it. The good thing is that she has gotten a little used to killing creatures for everything I've made her do in the last few months, if it was earlier and told her that she had to kill this rat most likely she ran away just by seeing her without even listening to me

With everything finished, we proceed to drag the rat driving back... some of the subordinates of this were still following us for a while, but probably understanding in their little brain that it was the end for their leader, moments later they stop doing it and instead they disperse.

Then, as if something informed the other rats that continued trying to invade the Kinato camp, many of these also begin to retire and only some continue trying to attack the people who are among the branches of my Venus.


[Target- 10,000 / 10,000 field rats completed]

Well, now I can rest easy, with this the mission is certain to will be completed.

When we approached to the Venus, I notice that the pressure that the people who were fighting here had dropped a lot and it was probably only a matter of time until things calmed down.

So instead of just wasting time watching until this is over, I better decide to complete the mission as soon as possible and that's why we continue to the mansion dragging the rat leader who caught the attention of some curious when they saw the big rat.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- "Kyaaa ~ I-I can't Alex-kun ~I-It's huge ... i-it will surely kill me and tear me apart! ~"


When I bring Shisuka from inside the mansion, that's the first thing she says when see the rat... it seems I was wrong and she still has some apprehension for killing some things, but leaving that aside, her words make me feel a little tingling in my belly...

[Mission / Optional "Pest Reduction - H"

The growth of rodent monsters is becoming disproportionate in this region, it is best to take action before the fauna here develops further and becomes a threat.

Requirements: Prairie Rats (L0) 11,824 / 10,000 Great Rat (L1) 1,408 / 1,000 Rabid Rat (L2) 157/100 Killer Rat (L3) 39/10 Rat Boss (L4) 1/1

Failure: Death, Time> 14:47:31, Escape from the rat leader

Reward: 5x Limit-Break Pills (Monster) [H] 5,000x Crystals 50,000x Gold]

[Mission "Pest Reduction-H"] [Completed] [Qualification: S

Reward: 1x Anti-monster Tower Floor buelprints 1x Scroll of convocation : Monster soul level 1 (Azar) 5,000x Crystals 50,000x Gold]

After spending some time calming her down and convincing her to kill the rat leader, this can finally rest in peace after being shot in the head by a rifle.

In the next second the system notification is heard in my head and I can see the rewards I got for it. I didn't expect much from this, but one of the things I get catches my attention...

The reason was that this seemed to me to be somewhat redundant, I did not see much difference in the purpose of the buelprints that I obtained of those of the energy shield... I will have to speak to Kurisu so that they can observe them and see if they were something useful.

Well, being something of the system these are surely useful, but it may also be something of a lower level than the energy shield so I do not know if it is worth putting effort into these.

The rest of the day went as expected, not long after the rats stopped insisting on attacking the camp and the ones that were still alive dispersed. So the next thing was to collect the bodies and make a count of all the bodies and proceed to distribute the parts that corresponded to each person.

For those who were involved in this, this day they went home happy because of the good harvest they obtained. I cannot complain either, I was able to recover most of the initial funds that I used for the creation of the store and also obtained a good number of boxes from the system when I also went hunting.

In the end, some 13,000 L0 rats were killed and also a large number of L1-3. This will certainly help the risk for people who continue to hunt rats for a livelihood, as these animals have always had a high breeding rate, I don't think they can be eliminated even if we try hard.

But it is convenient this way, so Kinato people will be able to get some food this way and the hunting group should be able to prevent the rat population from increasing too much again.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------Ending the mission the day before, then I can concentrate on other issues. So first thing in the morning after I get out of bed, I call Gloterus to check the progress of the things I asked for.

"Now with bars in this camp, it shouldn't be a problem for you to begin the things I asked you to do, Gloterus. How have those plans been going?"

"Hahaha, Boss Alexander, you shouldn't worry. The men I chose to do this have experience doing that, so the results will not be long in coming… no, the results can already be seen.

Although the military faction has obtained resources with which they should keep their members together, as you can see, people from that group are still going out to join us. Hahaha, surely that colonel must be cursing because of this "

Well, I think his words are correct. Every day some Kinato soldiers join our group... let's see how long that old colonel resists until he comes to complain to me.

Since I could not kill the leaders here… well, not for now. So the only option at the moment was to we gain over the inhabitants of Kinato. This may be slower than eliminating the liders, but this should not cause great chaos in this camp to it be destroyed.

And in these two weeks things went very well, although it is true that the bald person gained a lot of support for the improvement of the environment of this camp, our group also obtained benefits for that.

In the case of the military, the truth is that I did not have to do much, their situation was already bad and that is why I only had to do a few things to make it worse.

Therefore, to deal with these two factions we will continue to be a little patient and wait for things to develop to the right point to continue the next step...

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone!!

I had not realized that the links can not be copied by someone who told me that, now they are also in the description, I think there can be done.

Remember to visit my p-a-t-r-e-o-n and support the novel. I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!! seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"