Chapter 256: Rozz's Area (Part 4)

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We had already spent several days in the Rozz forest, and now we were close to where the map that the prince had bought indicated. It can be said that everything had worked out well so far, only some of the Nurt Guild men got hurt a little when we were attacked by a large number of monsters, but it was nothing to highlight and with only a couple of potions and some rest they were soon recovered as new.

This was because every time we went further into the forest, most of the monsters we encountered exceeded the 5th limit... having to fight against several of these monsters at the same time with close-range weapons was much more complicated for them who were between the 7th and 8th limit.

In our case, we had weapons to fight large numbers of monsters, so this didn't affect us much. Perhaps only Scythe who also fought with a scythe would have some trouble, but since she was a monster and her stamina and senses were greater than those men, everything was fine with her.

Probably the fact that she reached the 9th limit during these days had something to do. When she was at the 8th limit she could fight against a person in the 9th limit without being at a great disadvantage, so now that things were evenit was even simpler for her...

Vrana who also fought with her own claws, had things even easier than Scythe. Since she was almost a higher limit than her and also since she flew all over the place, she didn't have the problem of being surrounded and she calmly could choose a prey in the air to attack.

Also, even though we were constantly encountering monsters above the 5th limit, not many 9th limit appeared… probably in one day we only had to fight 1-3 of them.

Although I don't know if this was because we were getting deeper and deeper into the forest, or our group just was not very lucky... even though these type of monsters were not scarce in this place, from what I heard earlier, it was assumed that only if you were unlucky you would encounter a monster of this level!

Damn it! Our party even had to fight a group of wolves that were led by two monsters in the 9th limit once, you know?

Well, I can't complain that much either, it's not like we ran into difficulties when we encounter groups of monsters with a 9th limit as a leader. These were quickly neutralized by the attack of the princess or Vrana when they saw an opportunity to attack them, so they were usually the first to fall in combat.

I didn't even have a chance to fight them since they always died at a distance from me...

Also, since the bodies of these monsters were considered treasures in this zone, every time we defeated one of those monsters I could see the joy in the faces of the men of the Nurt guild.

Surely either selling them or giving them to specialists to make equipment and other objects, the profits from this excursion will not be bad at all. Although, to be honest, for my group this did not mean much... the equipment that we used would probably already be of the same level as those created from those monsters, and the amount of money we would get if we sold them was not an amount for getting excited.

The only girl who would start fighting to get those monsters for her if she found out their worth, would be Revy...

Well, it's not like I didn't make some profit in this forest either...

"Stay alert! This place seems a bit strange... "

As I walked together with Turla, I ran my hand over her meaty butt… definitely, the nights in this forest have been quite fun! Feeling my hand, her body tenses a bit and she quickly looks around to see if anyone else saw this, then seeing that everyone else was attentive around their surroundings and they don't noticed, she yells at me in a low voice.

Perhaps my only complain is that her affection has not risen any more and remained at [95]... probably like the princess, what is necessary for her affection to break that barrier is necessary for me to make an engagement to her.

Well... probably just making the engagement to the princess will be enough. Due to our late-night interactions, it could be said that there is an implicit understanding between us that when the engagement with the princess becomes official, then she too will become my woman at that time...

So, to be honest, I don't see why she tries to hide our actions. Could it be that because we've been doing it like this up to now, she thinks we should keep it a secret? No… maybe she wants me to talk to the princess about our relationship first instead of the princess finding out?

Well, whatever the reason is, in the end that will be solved since it is impossib-... not, rather, I do not think that our relationship can be kept as secret. For now, I will only enjoy the expressions she makes when we sleep together as she tries not to wake the princess by suppressing her moans...

"This place actually seems a bit strange..."

Pulling me out of my thoughts that almost caused my saliva to come out of my mouth involuntarily is the voice of the princess, she also seems to find strange the atmosphere in this place that we had entered several minutes ago.

"Yes... we haven't found any monsters for a few minutes."

Then Rulnemet who was listening to the conversation of these two girls also intervenes. Yes, that was the strange thing about this place, the forest had become silent and we had not encountered any monsters for some time now.

That is the reason why I decided to tease Turla a bit, it was a bit boring to walk in this silent forest...

"We are probably entering the territory of a strong monster? Maybe we should stop? "

"A strong monster? But Palmir-san, we have already fought several groups of monsters in the 9th limit… in this Area there are no monsters with a level 2 soul, so whatever it was here, we should be able to deal with that "

""That is true""

What the Nurt guild group was discussing was reasonable and surely this area was controlled by some strong monster, but even so, the strongest this could be is the peak of the 9th limit. So there shouldn't be much of a problem dealing with it...

"Yes, we will defeat whatever monster we find!"

"W-We can certainly do it!"

"Yes~ Vrana would take care of that monster, roock~"

Then the group of little ones intervenes animatedly... removing Vrana from among them, the participation on the fights of those two these days has been almost nil... since I was a little worried for little girl who was with the prince with her level, I had also given her a weapon similar to the one I gave to the prince.

She was a bit hesitant to take it, but in the end she was very glad to have a similar weapon to the prince. I had told the prince to teach her how to use it, so it was kind of nice to see this little couple interact with each other.

Although... I think the little girl will have to try harder to get the prince's attention since he doesn't seem very interested or was still too innocent to think about such things.

"This place is…"

Suddenly walking through a sea of trees, we came to a somewhat arid looking area... at first I thought there were only a few trees here, but as we got closer I realized what I saw were not trees and instead, were small mountains or mounds of earth that rose several meters of height.

"According to the map, the place we are looking for must be there..."

When he looked around the place, Rulnemt pointed to what appeared to be a mountain that instead of growing in height was growing in width. Then we all began to walk in that direction attentive to any activity... we expected that at any moment the monster that controlled this area would make its apparition.



"This is bad…"

"If this continues like this, then we will be surrounded by these things quickly!!"

Finally, when we suddenly approach the place of those high mounds of earth, as if they were volcanoes that began to erupt, monster after monster began to emanate from them.

"Sh-Shit ... why did they have to be insect-type monsters?!"

Yes, now that I looked at it again, this place looked like a large anthill or termite mound! But instead of ants or termites, these monsters were similar to the aliens that appeared in the "Starship Troopers" movie...

Besides, the lowest level of these Insects were in the 7th limit... and you could also find among them some of the 9th limit a bit larger than their companions.

"A-Alex-chan... those things seem troublesome!"

"Yes… we must do something to avoid having to fight against so many and have them surround us. Here, aim at the mounds of earth to block the passage of some holes in this anthill "

Seeing that a hundred of these monsters were quickly heading towards us, hearing Revy's slightly anxious voice, I pulled out some RPGs from my storage and handed them to her and Leona. Our objective now was those mounds to block the exit of these insects since being attacked from all directions was the most problematic.

If we could do that only monsters come out of one place, then we could take care of them much easier... in this way we will only have to focus our attention on an output of the anthill.

"Scythe and Vrana-chan, you two stay to help here!"


"H-Hey boy, where are you going ?! It is dangerous to go alone there!!"

[Boom boom boom]

While others were preparing to fight the monsters, Cleirsa-san and Turla notice that we now had 3 RPG and move forward and yell at us with some concern in their voices. Evading some monsters, we immediately shoot at the ground mounds which collapse after the explosions.

Giving them a quick look at these before looking for our next objective, I could see that our objective had been met and no more monsters were coming out from the collapsed entrance.

"" Wooh~ !! ""

"...That would certainly make things easier for us."

"Hmp~ But that lad should have said what he would do before going alone... it only made us worry uselessly"

" Fufufu, so you were also worried about Alexander-sama, Turla? It seems like you two are getting along really well lately, right? "

"E-Eh? T-That's… W-Well… s-since we've been fighting together for a while, it would be troublesome if we don't get along, n-no? "

"Bartol-san, Vernet-san... perhaps the best thing this time is that you leave the protection of the prince and Melan-chan to some of the men of our guild and you fight this time."

"Yes, I think that's the best, Palmir-san."

"Indeed, if the monsters end up breaking through to us, it would be worse in the end to have to leave the prince unprotected while we fight."

Seeing that the number of monsters coming out from the ground had greatly decreased, the others relax a bit and let out shouts of joy. For now we would only have to fight with those who had managed to reach the outside and a much smaller number who were still leaving their nest.

Having destroyed the largest number of outlets anthill, and seeing that the group where were the prince and princess started to fight, we also decided to return to help in the fight.

Perhaps the only change in the formation that we had maintained so far was that the prince's guards had taken positions further forward to fight.

…Things had improved a lot now, but I think this time it would be a long fight. I just hope that the quantity of these insects is finished before the resistance of our group...

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(POV- Celi-chan, Barl)

"It seems my luck is finally taking a turn for the better this time! Hahaha, I'm sure that now I can pay my debt to that damned brat and still make a good profit!! "

While we were sitting at the counter, suddenly my Mast-… this woman exclaimed animatedly. Seeing her, then I can't help but frown… since what happened before, the trust I have in her had completely disappeared.

"Why do you make that face, Celi? You should be happy! Maybe I can even buy you from that brat, you know?! "

"No thanks... I'd prefer to be Alexander-sama's property than yours again... Besides, I wouldn't be a slave if it weren't for you in the first place!!"

…No, I was a fool to trust this woman, that was the problem. It seems that I signed my contract as a slave when she took me as her apprentice, so from that moment my freedom had been taken from me. It was just that I did not know anything about this.

Well… I can't deny that this woman treated me well, in fact, that was why I never found out about it. So I don't have that much resentment with her... probably if the nothing happened and I only found out that Milene had the property rights over me as the contract I signed with her made me her slave, then I still would treat Milene as my respected Master.

In this world if you don't have strength, then living freely is quite difficult. It could even be said that the villagers of all the towns and villages were the slaves of the lords who dominate that region in a sense...

So even though I complained to her, I knew it wasn't so unfair for her to treat me like her slave in exchange for her teachings. After all, this woman was not so bad, and surely after I finished my apprenticeship, then probably she would annul that contract... or at least that's what I thought she would do.

But as I said, living without the protection of anyone is quite complicated, so it is better to have the support of an organization or person to be able to live well in this world. That's why even though I am now Alexander-sama's slave, I can feel calmer. After all, there is probably no one in Barl now who dares to oppose his group.

"Wooh~? Don't tell me you fell in love with that brat?"

"E-Eh? I-It's not that! I'm just grateful to him for preventing me from ending up being sold to a brothel or a perverted guy... "

Hearing Milene's words, I feel my face blush a little. I-I think it's normal for any girl to like an attractive boy, and Alexander-sama stands out in that regard.

"… If you ask me, I think that boy is quite perverted by himself. Have you not seen the number of girls he is surrounded by? There are also rumors that the new organization that is here in Barl has a relationship with that boy, they have some rules such as that all the members of this organization must be aware that they are his women."

"... I will tell Alexander-sama that you are speaking ill of him"

"Hahaha, now I don't care what you tell him! When I see him next time, I will pay my debt with the boy!! "

A little annoyed since she spoke ill of my benefactor, I decided to threaten her a little. Unfortunately, unlike other times when she hears me and she quickly ran to hug my leg so I wouldn't do it, this time she instead lifts a small box that she was holding very carefully.

…About the rumors that she said, I must say that I was also a little curious and so I asked some of the girls who wear a green uniform. But in the end, it turned out that was a lie.

What is true is that he has several beautiful girls around him as his women. But I think that's normal for someone important, right? I have heard that some nobles in other regions have dozens of women and constantly choose others from among the villagers to make them their concubines.

"I can't believe some guys were almost giving away these pills… well, they still cost me a few hundred thousand G's, but if I sell them, then I'm sure I'll get some millions!"

"...but isn't that strange?"

"Well... this time I checked them out and they were totally authentic! I will not make the same mistake twice of buying something fake!

Could those guys just desperately need money? Well, that doesn't matter, what matters is that they are real and they are worth a lot of money!! "

Milene's words draw my attention back to the box she was holding, and then, I can't help but ask her that. Since previously, what put her and me in a bad situation was buying something fake, this time she pays much more to make sure these were real, so I also think those pills are real, but...

Those pills are usually worth millions of G! Even though the sum Milene paid is not small, if she sells them, then is true that she could indeed make a small fortune.

By the way, since she didn't have the money to buy them, this stupid woman re-pawned the store to get money... since Alexander had paid her debts along with mine before leaving to avoid someone hurting me or Milene for not paying this one, he pay the debt then.

I tried to stop her but since the store was on her name, then there was nothing I could do… well, if she ends up selling those pills, surely she will be able to pay everything she owes Alexander-sama.

Honestly, I think it is better for this woman to pay her debt than to be Alexander-sama's slave... no, it is not because I feel compassion for her or something like that. I think if this woman stays by his side would be more of a problem than anything else for him!!

…Unfortunately, a few days later I realize that my good wishes for Alexander-sama were not heard.