Chapter 257: Rozz Area (Part 5)

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"Alex-chan, give me a stronger weapon! These weapons do not seem to do any damage to these things !! "


Upon arriving where the group was fighting with the Insects, that's the first thing Revy says to me. Apparently, Revy's beloved Berettas didn't do much harm to these insects… is not like the bullets didn't get through them, but I think the problem was the physiology of these things.

It was difficult to find a vital place to aim at, and therefore, even though she shot at what looked like their heads, they continued to move without being affected to much about the new holes.

Well, it wasn't just her who had troubles with these Insects. These monsters, despite having a leg or some part of their body amputated with the swords that the others in the group used, it didn't stop them at all.

Usually, these insects only fell after receiving many attacks... also, their exoskeleton was quite hard, so those who did not have high-ranking weapons had to spend a lot of energy to get through it.

... without a doubt, it was much easier to deal with monsters that were humanoid or at least that looked like mammals since causing damage to the head would mean their end.

The good thing was that my revolvers and Leona's, having the capacity to fire explosive bullets, the damage caused by our weapons was greater than the bullets of the Berettas. So I hand my revolvers along with several bullets to Revy who happily receives them.

For now I would focus on fighting with my sword, so I didn't need my revolvers much. Even though these insects had a good defense, their exoskeleton didn't mean much to the edge of my sword and it passed through without much effort.

Besides, it could be said that my sword was much more efficient than the Others' since when I embedded it inside the body of these insects, it emanated fire burning everything inside and quickly taking their life.

Someone else who also had a good performance eliminating insects was Scythe. Despite the fact that her weapon could not cause internal damage to her enemies, with the large size, instead of cutting only some limbs, the bodies of the insects that she faced were dissected...

Perhaps seeing how Scythe performed in the fight, in the end, Leona put down her weapons and also began to use her Kukri knives... she could not do the same as Scythe, but instead, she attacked the legs of her enemies amputating them and leaving them unable to keep moving.

Those insects were still alive, but... now they were even less dangerous than a simple goblin at the first limit...

Our harpy was also quite busy. Although she did not fight enemies on the ground, there were also few insects that possessed the ability to fly, and therefore she was in charge of facing them.

If it hadn't been for her grabbing the attention of those winged insects, perhaps the situation for us would be a little more complicated.

On the other hand, I thought that the princess would have the same problem as Revy in fighting these insects, but when I laid my eyes on her, she was doing quite well. The bow was not as weak compared to firearms as I had originally though ...

This time there were several enemies at the 9th limit, and it could be said that there was a leader who commanded them among these insects, so she could not show off by killing it using the arrow made of energy as she had done until now while we had fought with several groups of monsters.

It would really be counterproductive for her to exhaust herself to only eliminate a single enemy in the 9th limit between these insects... surely she understood this, so instead of using that energy arrow this time she used the normal ones but on these arrows I could notice that she added a bit of her energy.

Due to this, the arrow embedded itself fully inside the body of the insect she aimed at, furthermore, even though it was not at the level of my sword that arrow seemed to cause internal damage too.

The insect that it was hit seemed disoriented and then minutes after being pierced by the arrow it collapsed on the ground despite no one attacking it again.

"M-Maybe we should retreat now, Alexander-sama..."

…Even with several girls constantly taking down enemies and the amount we had to fight at the same time had decreased, the insects kept coming one after another.

Dozens of minutes had passed, and now there were a large number of insect bodies on the ground. Sadly, this was at the cost of our group's resistance. I could see the beads of sweat running down the foreheads of most of the people here… in fact, the ones who had it worse were those from Nurt's guild.

Due to these people, we could found that the legs and jaws of these insects were quite sharp... if it weren't because I had given each of them a shield bomb before, some of those men would now be split in half...

So the idea of retreating from the princess was probably the best choice… she had taken out what looked like a scroll, probably to create a distraction or teleport us to another place with it.

Probably what influenced her to make that decision was that from the holes we had blocked earlier, it seemed that those insects were making their way to get out again.

"No, Aniki! We must end all these monsters! We will fight until the end!!"

… It seems that the siblings had differences in opinion this time. Of course, there was no need to ask which was the most sensible option... seriously I wanted to hit the head of that prince, maybe that way he will compose a bit.

It is a pity that would mean maybe having an appointment with the gallows... no, perhaps since I become his brother-in-law, then I have some freedom to do something?

"Everyone come closer!"

"Wait, Cleirsa-san... let me test if I can reduce our enemies a bit."

Ignoring her little brother who wanted to heroically fight to the death, she begins to give instructions to use the scroll in her hand. But before she does, I decide to stop her.

No, of course it wasn't because I shared the ideology of the prince who had raised a scandal by complaining about his sister's decision, it was just that I still didn't feel cornered enough to escape from this place.

"Stop wasting time Alexander! If we don't escape now that we can, then it will be more difficult later!! "

Instead of explaining my idea to Turla, I decide to show it directly to her. Just like I did before in front of the walls of our mansion, I expand my domain and then make some BIMs appear around our enemies...

Feeling my dominance expand, Turla stops complaining and the princess frowns as she watches me closely. Then in the next second, detonations begin to be heard around us.

[Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!] [Boom!]

Unlike the ogres that developed in attack as their main attribute and the wolves that developed in agility, these insects had strong defensive capabilities. So even though these did not explode to pieces as happened with the guys who invade our territory before, limbs that were connected by more vulnerable joints were blown up.

In fact, if the insect was unlucky enough to be too close to a bomb, not only did it have its legs torn off... large holes in its bodies that revealed its interior with its internal organs appeared in them.

Due to the resistance of these monsters and their quantity, this time I had spent more BIMs than before doing several waves of the same attack. But it's not like it bothers me too much either, I still had over 90% of these booms.

"You should have done this from the beginning..."

"I agree with Revy-san... if you had these things with you, this would have saved us a lot of problems"

"W-Well… probably those things are not easy to obtain, Turla. So instead of complaining, we should thank Alexander-sama for using them. "

After the explosion, the battlefield had quieted down... certainly there were a lot of insects that were still alive, these things have quite a bit of vitality after all. But just like the ones that Leona had dismembered, these would not represent a threat to us now.

On the other hand, it was good to see that the number of insects that were underground was not infinite. Even though I could still see that some were still coming out, it was no longer as constant as when the invasion started. We could handle these in a much more relaxed way than before.

"Master, Vrana took care of all the flying enemies, roock ~ Praise Vrana Master, roock ~"

"Aniki! That was great! What were those things you used? Are they the same as the ones I saw in your mansion? "

"Good work, Vrana-chan. You did it well.

Yes, they are the same Lorens-kun. "

The flying monsters were not many, so it was normal for Vrana to be the first to finish off her enemies. So when she achieve this, she descends to the place where I was and then I begin to stroke her head while I reply to Lorens-kun.

He seemed interested in the BIM that I was holding to show it to the group who were curious about what I used to deal with most insects, and inside of his eyes I could see that they seemed to say to give him some of these objects...

"I'm sorry, Lorens-kun... these things are dangerous, so I can't give you some"

"Lorens, Alexander-sama has already been good to you by giving you the weapon you have now, so don't ask him for more things! It's embarrassing if you act that way!

…Those things seem to be valuable, so don't be cheeky asking Alexander-sama for these "

"I-I know that, sister..."

I certainly think that BIMs would be quite valuable here on Gaia, but that was not the main reason to not give some of them to Lorens-kun… I'm afraid the boy will blow himself up if I give him some! That would be troublesome!!

…So it's better to look a little tight-fisted here than to have to deal with the responsibility of making the prince kill himself.

" Well, let's finish with the insects that are still coming out. Everyone still has energy, right?!"

"Woooh ~!"

Seeing that some insects were approaching us again, Rulnemt encourages his men to fight again. They seemed to have regained their energy after seeing that most of the enemies had disappeared. So if we left this to them, they could probably take care of the remaining insects.

I thought so, but suddenly from the place where there was a hole in this anthill, a small tremor is created... in the next second, as if that place had exploded, dust and stones are scattered all over the place, and then the cause of all this it shows itself…

A large insect which was different from the others makes an extravagant apparition… this insect looked similar to a beetle, but what made it stand out the most was its large size.

It was probably about 8 meters long, and about 4 meters high… also, when I used my evaluation skill, it had a level [99] above its head. It seems that our group still won't be able to rest yet...

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(3rd person POV- Delna Kingdom)

The last months in the Kingdom of Delna have been agitated, especially in the capital of the kingdom. Some important organizations had been annihilated.

Despite organizations appearing and disappearing constantly, for those that were already somewhat old and had a firm foundation was something still rare. Also, this time the Kingdom itself was involved in this, making it even more unusual.

But well, apart from surprise everyone, this did not greatly affect life in the Kingdom and soon the daily life of the citizens continued in the same way.

Then when everything seemed to return to normal in the Kingdom, a major commotion broke out. The reason for this were two announcements that came from the King...

The first, which was the one that was most on the lips of all citizens, was the announcement of the princess's engagement. This sudden announcement caused the rumor to quickly spread throughout all the Kingdom.

Some said that the King, wanting to stop the forbidden love between brothers, had finally made the princess compromise with someone. Or that another Kingdom or other Forces had pressured the King to surrender his beloved daughter. This force being even greater than the Kingdom, the King had to yield.

...Although there were also those who said that the princess had fallen madly in love with someone and then she herself was the one who requested the engagement.

Probably the main reason for this was that the person responsible for all this was not well known, and had practically appeared out of nowhere. So people's imaginations began to work wildly.

The only thing that was known was that the name of the lucky guy was "Alexander", and that he had an organization with the name of [Apeiro Family] with the rank [H-2]. But even to other organizations that had good contacts even in other Areas, this organization was unknown to them. It really seems that he had appeared out of nowhere.

Well…They would probably be even more surprised if they found out that this organization was actually created just a few days ago.

Then, further increasing the intrigue, days after the King's announcement, a branch of an organization that was subordinate to the [Apeiro Family] was created in the capital. So, the organization "Alexander-sama's Servants" enjoyed quite a lot of popularity since it opened its doors there.

This organization was not very strong, only having the rank [I-2], but… for now, no one dared to underestimate them or the Family of the man by the name of Alexander since they had completely wiped out many organizations from the border, and even some of the capital. Also, no one wanted to upset someone who had the ability to threaten the King or had good ties to him… so, for now people could only talk about this and make assumptions. Then, soon the whole kingdom was talking about this.

Perhaps for this reason the second announcement of the ban on the marketing of Channel Rebirth Pills was overshadowed... well, it was also mainly because this did not affect most people, so it was quickly forgotten in their minds.

Probably the only ones who paid attention to this were people in the 9th limit and Alchemists who traded with them. But the former did not care much for them as it was not so easy to get them any way. If they really needed them urgently, then they could go elsewhere.

As for the alchemists and shops that sold them, it was also something similar. Strong people or large stores only needed to take these products to other branches in other places and they would not lose anything.

So probably the only ones who would have some problem would be small stores that were established only in one place, and also people who didn't have the confidence to go elsewhere.

So as any merchant in this situation would do, they would quickly try to get rid of products that could cause them losses, even if they had to lower their prices for that. In this way, the most unfortunate were the people in places where information traveled the slowest...

Thinking that they would probably make a fortune, when the lords of the borders regions were the information took the longest to arrive announced that they could not sell these pills, their money was stuck on those pills.

For the lucky ones who bought those pills for their own consumption, they were not affected and were just glad to get those pills at a low price. But unfortunately, this was not the case for everyone and some merchants were crying while cursing these pills...