Chapter 258: Rozz Area (Part 6)

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[Queen Mother Insect lvl 99]



[Mission / Optional "Exterminate the Insects"

Rank: "G"

Description: Eliminate the [Queen Mother Insect] to prevent the nest from re-emerging again over time.

Objective: Eliminate Monster [Queen Mother Insect]

Failure condition: Death of the User, Queen Mother Insect escapes

Reward: 1x Restrictive ring [G]

10K x Crystals

100K x Gold]

That huge insect came out of the ground making a deafening screech, and the system gave me a mission at the same time... it was probably furious because we had wiped out all of its children... well, anyway, I see no reason not to take this mission.

"Everyone get together!"

Seeing that big Insect is heading towards us, I feel a chill down my spine that indicated that something bad was about to happen, so I raise my voice so everyone come close to me.

Since our group had re-grouped because the princess had ordered the same some minutes ago, this was not a problem, and those of the Nurt guild who were trying to kill the remaining insects return without asking anything.

They were experienced adventurers, so they knew that they must first follow orders and ask what was going on latter. But this time it was not necessary to say anything to those who were watching me with doubt since immediately the Queen Insect makes its move.


"T-That's ..."

"T-This is bad!"

When everyone turn their attention back to the screeching Insect, from its mouth, it suddenly spits out a large amount of green liquid straight at us.

Without wasting a second I sunmon my grimoire, and in the next moment, an energy shield surrounds us. The men who try to move to evade the attack stop their feet after seeing the shield, and we all witnessed how the liquid impacted the shield.

My shield had been strengthened, but surely even if it hadn't, it wouldn't have had a problem stopping this attack as it wasn't that strong. Even so, we can see that the liquid that had stained all the ground around emanate a translucent smoke consuming the earth it touched.

Yes, that liquid was a kind of corrosive acid... although it doesn't have much impact power, I'm sure it would be very bad if anyone touch it.

"For a moment I thought that thing was going to spit out some kind of energy beam or laser..."

"A creature with only a level 1 soul can't do something like that, Alexander-sama... the only way for someone of that level to use its internal energy as a projectile is with the support of an object "

For a moment, seeing the spectacular entrance of this Insect and how angry it seemed, I thought that it would project a kind of Kame hame ha from its mouth... but Cleirsa-san tells me that it was impossible for this monster.

Well, if you think about it, even Scythe, Vrana-chan, Leona, and Mari who have [Ki Control] ability, it's impossible for them to do something like that. They can't even create a rice grain-sized flash of energy out of their bodies and control it… they can only strengthen their blows by creating a light layer around their bodies.

…They would even probably need a bit of practice to do something like that with their weapons.

Well, even if the attack of that insect is not what I expected, seeing the pale faces of the men of Nurt's guild after they saw how the acid consumed the ground, it is not that it was a despicable attack either. It's good that we were able to avoid it.

Besides, I was a little worried that the bodies of the insects that we defeated would be consumed by this acid, after all, you must understand that these had quite considerable value. But my concerns were unnecessary since it seemed that the exoskeletons of those insects must have an anticorrosive property since they were perfect despite being stained with that green liquid. Well… it was better to say that they no longer received more damage than they already had.

"I think we should end this..."

While I was thinking about those things, the princess as if she wanted to correspond her words takes her bow, and this time she begins to charge all her energy in it while aiming at the Queen insect which when seeing that its attack was not effective begins to move its big legs towards us again.

Then the arrow made of energy shoots straight towards that monster...

It hits the monster without any problem and goes right through it, but as if to show us how resistant these monsters were, it only complains for just a second and continues to run towards us.

"It seems that this time it will not be so easy to defeat the leader of these monsters, girl"

"…so it seems"

"This is why I hate these monsters... besides being visually unpleasant, they are also troublesome to deal with."

"Well… you guys better back off and take care of the little ones. Leona, Scythe, and Vrana, we'll take care of that overgrown bug"

"Yes, Master!"

"Vrana will crush the bug, Roock ~!"


Not taking Revy's words the wrong way that had a bit of mockery in them, Cleirsa-san has no choice but to agree with that. Besides, I also thought the same as Palmir... I had to swallow the revulsion I felt when fighting with these insects too ... it may just be a predisposition, but it was not pleasant to have to fight with something similar to a cockroach of the same size or even bigger than a human.

I think it's even more annoying than having to fight monsters that get sexually aroused when they see you… no, both things may be on the same level of being unpleasant.

…If I had brought Kurisu with me, then I'm sure that she would have passed out before even fighting.

The good thing is that this fight was practically over, and now it only remained to take care of the Queen Insect and one or another of its children. So not wanting to extend more this fight, after my energy shield is deactivated, I move towards it with the girls following behind.

Honestly, I think it was more problematic to deal with the children of this Queen Insect than with this one itself. Its acid attack and sheer size aside, I think having to fight it wasn't such a difficult thing.

Then Leona, as if she wanted to test the defense of this insect, uses her two revolvers. Sadly, the Queen insect beetles appearance wasn't just for show. The bullets that hit it, despite having an explosive effect, cause it only small wounds... if we wanted to defeat it in this way, it would probably take us several tens of minutes until it dies from the accumulated damage.

So, with no other option, we took our sharp weapons, or claws in Vrana's case, and then began to attack it. Maybe I could pull out some more powerful weapons, but I think it was good to move the body from time to time.

With Vrana attacking what appeared to be its eyes to distract its attention, Leona, Scythe, and I attacked its legs by slicing them apart until its head was within reach for us.

Accomplishing this, Scythe using some parts of its body as support stands just above it. Then, while in that place, she makes several cuts with her great scythe, and moments later the monster's head falls to the ground...

It was a bit surprising, and even a bit scary, to see the beetle's body continue to move despite having lost its head...

But that doesn't last long, I throw my sword at the exposed area of its exoskeleton, and it is embedded deep there. As if my sword feels freedom or is just happy to be able to burn something big, it emanates a large amount of fire burning the entire body of the Queen Insect.

Honestly, I think this thing only came out to die... if it had stayed underground, then surely it could have survived and re-created another great family of insects.

"It seems that we can go to the place that the map indicates now"

"Yes, let's go there!!"

"We should first clean this place of all our profits."

"This is a pretty good magic sword... it surely has a high rank."

"Don't touch it Turla!"

"E-Eh? …I was just going to give it to you, it's not like I was going to steal it! "

"Is not that…"

After killing the Queen Mother Insect, the others had also done the same with the remaining of its children. So the others come to us where the body of the Queen was.

Rulnemt and the little prince who set their eyes on the mountain we were heading to earlier, quite happily say that because now we could see what's there without worrying. Unfortunately for them, as a veteran adventurer, Palmir stops them from going there to first pick up the spoils of the battle.

On the other hand, Turla probably as someone who likes swords and stuff, tries to take my sword out of the scarab's body but I stop her when I notice this. As a result, she gives me a look with some anger... of course that I don't stop her because of what she is thinking. Well, I can not blame her since I had not told her that this sword was not normal...

"Rulnemt, can you pass me my sword..."

"Hmn? Sure"

Thinking it would be faster to show her than to explain it to her, I ask Rulnemt to pass me my sword. Then without much thought after approaching it, he took the hilt of my sword without much concern...

"Gyaaa! H-Help me Palmir!! "

"D-Don't come near m-… Kyaa~! H-Huh? Nooo~ Hyaa ~ ! "


"H-How the hell do the two of them always end up in situations like this?"

Everyone here was probably asking themselves the same question as Revy… when Rulnmet touches the sword, it emanates a flame that covers his armor. Surprised by this, he starts running towards Palmir, who upon seeing him, quickly begins to back away.

To her bad luck, she stumbles over the head of an Insect that was on the ground, and somehow perhaps causing it to react by reflex when touched it, it spits out some of the acid from before... so, with no choice, she begins to remove her armor and even her shirt because of this.

That was dangerous… but observing that her white skin didn't seem to suffer any damage from the acid, I feel calmer. It was a shame that I couldn't continue to examine her skin in more detail in case I didn't notice something at first glance...

Rulnemt, probably seeing her actions, consider doing the same thing and begins to take everything that was on top of his body... in the end, because Palmir was concentrated examining her own body and Rulnemt kept running toward her while undressing himself, both of them end up falling to the ground while hugging esch other with the naked torso.

" Get off me, you idiot !!"


"Well... as you can see, Turla. This sword can attack the person who wields it, it is thanks to my body having some immunity to fire that I can wield it without having to worry about it. "

"I-I see... thanks for stopping me earlier."

"Damn it! Say that first before asking someone to pass the sword to you, Alexander-san!! "

...he could feel Palmir's breasts pressing against him in a direct way, so he shouldn't complain so much... well, since I'm a bit sorry for involving Palmir, I decide to give both of them a pair of H rank armor that I had in my inventory.

Although they are only the same rank as the ones they used before, apparently, being completely new, they accept them without problems. Then finishing collecting all the bodies of the insects that could be sold, we all advanced towards the cave entrance.

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Instead of a cave, it was more like s passage that leads us to a small green area that was like an oasis in this arid place. Unfortunately, we do not find any chests full of treasures or things like that here...

"Shit! I am not an archaeologist!! Don't tell me we went all this trip to find a dried mummy?!!

…Where is the treasure?!"

Well, probably people with the mindset Revy and me who thought that treasure = something shiny, would be disappointed to find this as treasure... well, having lived on Gaia for a while, I knew that other things would be considered treasures and they didn't necessarily need to be gold coins. In fact, those things could even be worth more than several chests filled with gold.

Unfortunately, Revy had the previous thought ingrained, and so she can't help but complain when she sees that in this place there was only a mummy sitting on a stone...

"The treasure is that... or rather, what is on the body of this person."

"...what does this person's body have?"


Rulnemt who now wore a new armor is the one who answers Revy's question, and I confirm his words to her who was narrowing her eyes as if trying to discover what the treasure was. But I was curious about something...

"… Why did a person choose to come to die with all their most precious belongings in a desolate place full of monsters? Isn't it better to just leave his things to those close to him? "

"Well... there are many people who think that it is something too simple to give the things they fought for all their lives to others, so they choose to spend their last days in places like these since the people who find them will be more worthy of them by passing the difficulties they faced to get here "

"Or maybe they really didn't have anyone to leave them to..."

"It may also be that he was the person with the most ability in his family or organization, and after he dies, leaving things of considerable value to them will perhaps be more a disgrace than a benefit..."

If it were me, I think I would leave my things to my offspring ... or so I thought, but listening to the things that others say, I no longer found the actions of this person so out of place. Giving everything I achieve in my life to my children just because they are my blood is not bad, but I think that they too should fight for this a bit.

Also, giving something valuable to someone who has no strength, in this world, that could also be like giving that person a death sentence...

"So, because of that, it's no wonder strong people decide to die in dangerous places."

"Well, anyway, it could be said that we are now worthy of this person's belongings, so this shouldn't be desecrating his corpse, right?"

"Yes... but I think we should bury him once we do that."

We had all gathered around the corpse of this man and we observed him a little, with the naked eye you could see that he was using quite good equipment. So when he was alive, he must have been someone with considerable strength... it was very likely that he was not from this Area.

Why do I know that? Because even though I can no longer see his level, from the remains of his body, I can feel a strong Aura that is still emanating, and what affirming this feeling was that this place seemed with richer life than outside... he was probably someone with a level 2 Soul.

Well, after making a simple prayer for this man so as not to be cursed, I move closer and take a better look at his equipment.