She has a fragile heart

In the morning, Henry woke up feeling better, he look at White who was sleeping on the sofa. He walk to her and picked her up, White felt a the warm arms lifting her up as she wrapped hers around his neck and kissed him. Henry was Taken aback, but soon kissed her back deeply as he placed her on his bed.

After awhile, she broke the kiss and Whispered "this is my goodbye kiss". She then tried to get off, but Henry quickly pinned her back down as he kissed her again firmly. White tried to fight off, but Henry pressed his body agaisn't her, holding her hands on the side. Tears began to escape White's eyes.

Ginny, Henry's mother, Walk in to check on him. When she sees what's happenning she quickly pulled him away "What the hell are you thinking about!" she yelled.

Henry stop, realising what he has done. Meanwhile, White was just laying on the bed, shock.


This made White froze out as Henry rubbed his cheek. Ginny walk to White and help her to sat up, rubbing the tears. That's when White realised she was crying. Henry felt guilty. Blanca became to tremble as she paled.

"Are you okay White ?" Ginny ask.

"y-yeh, i'm alright"

"ok then, let's go"

White nodded and stood up with the help of Ginny. But Midway, Everything went black as she fell back, Henry quickly caught her.

"White!" Ginny look at her. "what have you done!" she look at Henry. "anyway, go to her room. Hunter should be out by now"

Henry nodded obediently and went to her room, laying her on her bed. He then left, leaving Her with the Care of his mother.


Liam dreamt all night till now about the kiss on his cheek White gaved him. He was happily walking next to his friend Max down the corridors.

"What are you so happy about?" Max ask

"just happy. Max, how are you and Rose doing?"

"well we are dating now, why?... wait! you want to ask White ?"

"yeh. I'd like too" he responded.

Rose and Eve then joined them, Rose quickly hugged Max while his kisses her forehead.

She look at Liam and Say

"White won't be here today, she's feeling unwell"

"how do you know that?" Liam ask

"We were waiting for White but she didn't came out Henry's car. So we ask, and he said she had fainted won't be coming"

"To be honest, Henry does look a little shock and Somewhere else. Kinda like Guilt"

Liam chuckled coldly "Then, its Henry's fault that she Fainted"

"what makes you Say that?" Gray ask, as he arrived.

"I know that Henry is in love with White, he doesn't really treat her like a sister. He treats her more like a girlfriend. You'd think they are."

"i see, so why do you think its him?" Gray responded with a question.

"well, i know that she's sensitive, and when she has some emotion distress then she faints"

"and how do you know that?" Gray ask again

"i was there when Henry found out they were siblings, she also faint because she found out the truth about her mother and her father."

"oh" they all Say in Sync.

Liam sigh, and following this conversation. Liam notices Henry and goes to him. "Hey!!" he said friendly. "wanna join us to lunch"

"No, i'm okay thanks" he replied coldly yet with a upset tone. Liam watches as his rival left. He kinda felt sympathy for him. It as if, Henry was heartbroken.


After school, Liam decided to buy a get well soon card and Drove to White's house. The housekeeper showed him the way to the living room.

"Good evening Headmaster"

"oh, Hello Liam, have a sit"

Liam nodded and sat opposite the older Man.

"I came here to see if White was okay" he said straight-forwardly

"She's okay, she's resting. The doctor camed and diagnosed her with Vasovagal syncope or also called neurocardiogenic syncope."

"May i ask what it is?" Liam ask

"of course, its a disorder in which your body overreacts to some triggers or like in her case, Emotional distress. Her blood pressure and Heart rate will suddenly drop causing her to lose consciousness"

"Is there anything to help her?" Liam ask, out of concerned.

"There's no need for treatment. But Liam, could you look After her please. I trust you"

Liam was a little surprised but he quickly agreed "yes of course sir."

"also Liam, tell your father hello for me if you see him soon. I would like to talk to him as well"

Liam look at the Man "You know my father?"

"of course, Xavier Ramon." Fred responded.

"i will sir, you have no need to worry. Oh also here." he took a card out "This is for White. I hope she will be alright soon"


Since it was Friday, that same night Liam decided he will go and visit his father. As he passes throught the door he made his way to the main room.

"Hello Father, Mother and Rachel."

His father look up "Son you're back! How is school, any Girls you are interested in?"

Liam laugh at his father's question nervously. "school is fine dad, and there is a girl, but you might not approve. "

"Come to the study" he standing up.

He followed his father

X: "Sit down and tell me about this girl"

Liam sat down "Well she called White. White Nieve"

Xavier start to cough "you mean the girl Frederick found After 11 years ?"

"i Guess so? do you know the headmaster ?" Liam ask.

"Yes we were but, things turned otherwise. But you love her?"

"i Do, she's really kind. Dad... i know you may be agaisn't it, but Headmaster would like to see you. But could you talk to him about.. maybe.. arranging a marriage with me and her?"

Xavier look at him and sigh "i'll think about it son, go to your room now"

Liam nodded and walk to his room, Yulia then step inside the office. " What did you both talk about?"

"Liam has fallen in love with my enemie's daughter"

"Xavier darling, you should let that go. Don't ruin the next generation. You should let them love who they went. Did Liam ask you anything?"

"yeh, he wants me to ask Frederick for my son to marry his daughter."

"oh, i see. I Heard that White has a disorder." she Say. Yulia was a doctor and their Family's doctor was also Nieve's family doctor, and Yulia's friend.

"what kind of disorder ?" Xavier ask

"Fainting disorder. Its called Vasovagal syncope, or also knowns as neurocardiogenic syncope. In her case its because she has extreme emotional distress. There's no treatment, but there's way to prevent it." she explained.

"i see, so she has a fragile Heart?"

"yes, if she loses consciousness to many Times, this could result to brain damage or Heart failure."

Xavier chuckled "and my son wants to marry her, does he know all that?"

"i suspects his does, he had visited their house earlier.

"So why are you telling me all that?"

"i'm saying all that because you should let that Grudge go, focus on your children's happiness and let me have a daughter-in-law, plus it wouldn't hurt me to take Care of her disorder"

"So you are approving him?"

"in other words yes, you should do the same love" Yulia Say, sitting on a sofa.

"i'll think about it, anyway. How's Rachel?"

"oh she's doing okay, she had some trouble at school today but, a hero saved her" she giggled.

"a hero? tch, i'd like to see who it is. I'm her only héro!"

Yulia giggled again as she responded " its just a boy, i don't know his name either and so does she."

The woman and Man nodded as they carry on to talk till late in the evening.

"Yulia, Love, Should i really forget the past and accept the present for our children's happiness?"

"what's more important ? a Grudge or children?" and with that, The wife left her Husband Lost in thoughts.