Can i oppose it (1)

Soon the 18Th November camed, Like Always the young lady got ready for school, ate her breakfast with her family. She attended school and went to classes. Her Friends didn't Say happy birthday, so she thought they m'y have forgotten, she shrug it off and carry on with the day; she didn't usually celebrate her birthday, so she wans't sad nor happy; just in between.


She joined her Friends at the table, her Friends eating lunch. Rose then ask "we should go shopping today!"

"Yes! great Idea!!" Eve joined "what about you White?"

White look at them and thought for awhile. "Sure! i'd love to!"

The Girls smiles as the boys join them, a small blush appear on her cheeks as Liam sat next to her and gaved her a little box "happy birthday White"

She opens it and look at the gift in awe. "its beautiful".

Liam took it out and placed it around my neck "and even more beautiful with you wearing it" Liam added.

White blushed with a smiled accross her lips, she hugs Liam. "thank you!"

"no problem, princess" he smiled.

Henry then joins us and gets a little agitated as he was jealous.

"You okay Henry?" White ask

"yeh, i am. Happy birthday sis" he replied, but it somehow held a pained voice. White naive as she is, worries for him. "Do you want to talk about it?" she ask "we Can go to a classroom to talk?" she ask innocently.

"i'll be fine, i'm okay. Rest assured" he replied.

White nodded slowly and look at the necklace again. She look up at her girl Friends "Girls! we have to ask My f- i mean the headmaster if you are allowed to leave school grounds"

"don't worry, he allowed it" Eve responded. White raised an eyebrow questionly, and comfortably sat back down.


After school, the Three girls went to the shopping center where Eve and Rose dragged her to a shop. "Those clothes as expensive. Why are you bringing me here?"

Rose passed her a card with a note.

- To my lovely Blanca, Buy whatever you want, this bank card is for you. Have fun shopping!

Lots of love, dearly, your father-

She chuckled and followed her Friends. Clothes After clothes, they had finally all chosen one.

"White !!! Come this way!" Eve pulled her to a hairdresser.

"my hair? but i don't want to cut it!" White protest.

"That is totally fine miss, we Can Always do something else to your beautiful hair." The hairdresser smiled. White smiled and nodded as she sat down. 30 minutes or so later, it was finally finished. Her hair was in a bun but look like a wedding bun with all the strands of hair on the sides. Her pale skin made her freckles glowed more as her face was now clear from her face. The hairdresser start by putting some eyes-shadow and added some lip-gloss, leaving White with a natural look.

White look at her Friends helplessly, as she quickly pay the hair dresser and left, thanking her before.

"You guys are like emptying my bank account by going everywhere." White say to them " i don't even know how much there is in there !"

"Then let's go check it!" Rose Say pulling her to a machine, she puts the card in following her friends advice, check the note for the pin and press it on the numbers and waits. When her balance shows, she nearly fainted. "how could there be so much" she Whispered.

"You're dad is rich, i wouldn't be surprised" her Friends says and she chuckles. White retrieved the card and followed her Friends. "I'm hungry! let's go eat!" Eve complained.

"yeh let's go" Rose followed.

White stayed silent, holding her back with the newly bought clothes.


White layed on her bed carefully. She didn't want her hair to be destroyed again. She took her beige/White dress with a golden flower at the waist. It had long sleeves, and fell to her knees and had a discreet V Line, over the waist.

"It looks to fancy.." White complained to herself. Ginny walks in and close the door, she looks at White.

"You look beautiful my dear!" she smiled.

Seeing Ginny, White remembers the gift she too needs to give.

"I feel like i'm getting married" White joked "its to fancy now that i look at it, what if its to much for a birthday party..."

"White, don't worry. Tonight you will be the star. Anyway, Henry and your father are waiting for us at the table"

"Ginny.. where has hunter went... i haven't Seen him yet." White ask.

"We didn't want to tell you, but he has left a couple of days ago. Your mother camed again, begging for more money, and took your brother at thé same Time" Ginny explained.

White nodded sadly, she hugged her step-mum and she returned it. "Anyway, darling. let's go!" she smiled. A hidden smiled.

As White and Ginny walk down, everyone who got invited - which she didn't Know - jump and screamed "Surprised ! Happy birthday White!"

She look at the crowd and then at Ginny. She giggled with a smile. The ginger girl look back at the crowd as she caught her father getting teary eyes. Is there dust in the air? pollen? or is it because i'm 16?

Joining everyone feels much more like family. It has been since i am perhaps 5/6 years old that i never had a birthday. The door opens then closes as Liam followed by his family walk in. White, happy, goes to them and greet them.

Yulia look at the over-excited girl and cautiously and worryingly look at her. Is it good for her to be this happy?

"Yulia, relax. Its a Birthday" Xavier says to his wife seeing her trouble look. She look at Liam being pulled away, and giggled "fine love. Rachel you should go too, you might make some Friends"

Rachel nodded but stayed behind.

Frederick notices the newly arrived family and made his way to them. Keeping a cool and business look both the men look at each other. White camed back with Liam and look at the two older Men. She Tilt her head and smiled. "Relax! its my Birthday ! No drama!" she Say, with a little pout smile on her face, it look cute. She then grabbed Rachel "Liam called for you!"

"Hey that's a lie!" Liam responded

"You said she was Alone and knew no one here! i'm sorry for being nice!"

Rachel look at them and chuckled. "You both would make a cute couple" she blurted out. White turned to look at Rachel and blush immediatly while Liam rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

"Let's go Somewhere ! I need to show you two around!" she smiled.

"its okay White, you don't need to worry about me. You should hang out with Liam. I'll make my Friends thank you thought." she says politely.

White nodded "okay then! i Can also be your friend if you want to in the future!" she smiled

Rachel nodded and gaved a small hug to White, she smiled and hugged the little girl back.

After a tour and hours of talking, White quickly walk away to the bathroom, Henry followed behind. As she step out he grabbed her and pulled her Into his room.

"Henry? what's wrong?" she ask seeing the upset look on his face

"You want to know what's wrong?" he ask

She nodded "Have a sit" he added, and sat and White followed. After sitting down, she faces him at an Angle. "what's wrong?" she ask

"White... i love you, you know that right ?"

"of course, why wouldn't you!" she smiled awkwardly, knowing what he meant. She just twisted his answer.

"No White, i love love you!"

"but you can't" White replied.

"but you love me too, right?"

"of course i love m'y brother, like i love hunter!" she twisted the answer again.

Henry grab her hand, and placed it on his chest. "It hurts, White"

She stop talking and look at him, not knowing what to Say. Henry leans forward and she pales. "Henry! no." White Say quickly. But his lips touches her, first gently then with pressure. She turned her head away. "you need to stop Henry. You have to!"

Those words stung him a million Time, as he look at her.

"Henry, one day or the other. You'll found someone prettier, braver and more stubborn than i" she cupped his cheek. And hugged him. "Goodbye" She walk to the door and left.

Henry run After her and grabbed her hand "But there's only one person like you"

"it will only break tour Heart so stop now." White say coldly.

Liam walk up the stairs worriedly as he hears voices, he goes to a side and eavesdrop them.

"White!" Henry Say sharply. White startled and look at the ground, her wrist still in her brother's hand. He slowly raised her head to look at him "Stop!" White said again.

"why White, why. Is it because you like somebody else or is it family?" he ask

"Both. I like Liam! and you are my brother." White refute, her eyesbrows furrows. Liam's eyes widen hearing this.

"And i don't Care" he added taking her other wirst and pinned against a wall as he violently kisses her. "stop!! you're hurting m'y wrist!" White struggled, as more tears fell down her eyes. Something sharp felt throught her Heart as everything went pitch black. A moment later her eyes open to see Liam punching Henry. And the next is him carrying her in his arms. "Are you okay, White?" Liam ask.

"mmhmm" she nodded, burying her face in his chest. Before he put her down. She check behind her at Henry who cries on the floor.

Back downstairs, she felt a little dizzy " oh wait! i need to get something in my room!" she Say, rushing upstairs to her room, she comes back and give a cold and wet flannel at Henry, before going back downstairs. She place what she took along with the other presents.

"Alright !! Present Time!" Ginny Say enthusiastic. I sat near her as gift were Given to me. One After the other, dresses, jewerly, make up, chocolatés and sweets and even some money. I felt like it was to much. The last pack was Given but i don't open it, i give it to Ginny and smile.

She look at me weirdly and si does everyone except Liam. "You sure you want me to open it?" she ask

"of course, and to also tell me what's inside" she smiled.

Ginny open the présent helplessly and open the box, she raised an eyebrow seeing the paper. White look at Liam and smiled and then at her Father and smiled brighter, somehow everyone is calm.

"I don't understand, what are those?" Ginny ask, surprised but also upset and happy at the same Time. White look back at Ginny " what does it Say?" she ask, playing the innocent.

She chuckled and says out loud with a choke voice as small tears fell down her eyes "Adoptions form... you want me to adopt you as your mother?" she ask. Everyone Awed them as Ginny suddenly hug attack White, she giggled. Ginny smiled too.

Xavier look at Liam who look back at him.

"Sorry to break this moment, but i also have a surprise" Liam Say.

Ginny and White look at each other then at Liam.

Henry was standing above the stairs.

Liam walk to White and start to Say. "I know its been quite a short Time. I've only known your for approximatly 2 months, but i knew i was already in love with you. I know that wr are still young, both of us, but what's more to wait?" he ask, going on one knee as he went to his pocket. "Will you be my Friends, best friend and girlfriend. As well as my fiance and my wife for eternity?"

White's eyes become slightly red as tears fell down "now i'm the one who's crying" she giggled and look at liam as she nodded a yes with her head "yes, i will"

And everybody again was in awe, some fumes could be Seen coming out her father's ears. Liam stood up and took her hand as he help her up as well, he place the ring on her finger. She look at it and then back at him. "no ring could make a difference on how much i love you back" she Whispered to him, so only him could hear. He smiled and hugged her, as she hugged back.

Henry felt unhappy and heartbroken. If his Mum accept the adoption, she will officially be his sister and she is now engaged.

"Can i oppose it?" he ask