I need an ambulance, and Quick.

One month Later, It was Christmas Eve. And everyone where invited to spend Xmas Eve together at Nieve Household.

It was very warm and welcoming. Her parents were preparing everything, our families had gathered and were happily talking to each other. White smiled looking around, and yelp quietly as Liam hugged her from behind.

"Call down, its only me" he laugh and she join. She smiled happily and he look at her lovingly. "God, i so wish to be 18 years old and marry you already" he Say in her ears. She blushes and Turn her head to look at him. "its just two years" she Say. He smiles and kisses her nose. "i love you much more than you know" Liam says, hugging her tighter.

"i know, i love you as much as you do" she replied. "let's join the family" she propose before Liam took her hand and joined the others. They talk to some of the oldest people in the family. "Hello grandpa " Liam Say, bowing to him. White bowed as well. "This White, my fiance" He explained. She bowed her head again and they shook hands. "A pleasure to meet you Sir"

"oh.. please call me Grandpa too" he said with a deep and broken voice, one of an elder Man. His eyes was slightly open, as if he couldn't see properly. "Liam, where's my glasses" he ask.

Liam look around and pick some black and small glasses as he carefully placed them over the old man's nose. He blink once... twice... and a third time... He look up at White, analysing her face.

"You look really pretty, young girl. I'm glad my son accepted Liam to marry you. "

White giggle silently, with a polite and bright smile on her face.

"Its a shame my wife couldn't see you, she would of been really content to know you. You look similar in some ways." The old Man spoke once more. White listened, but was a little Taken a back by what he said as she remembered what her father had told her. He didn't Know if he was actually my father.

The old Man squinted his eyes, analysis the girl's face once more. "You both have the same smile and cheerfull appearance. " He smiled.

White relaxed a little and smiled again " i would be glad to meet her, if only she was here. I Can see that Grandma must of been an important person to you." She spoke understanding. "But, Grandpa, May i ask why grandma isn't here?" she ask innocently.

The old Man sigh lightly and took White's hands. "She has passes away, last summer. She's in a better World. And soon, i will join my wife, and i'll look After you and my grandson. I'd hope to have a lot of great- grandchildren. " He smiled dotingly. White giggled and blush slightly. She then look at Liam next to her and smile. "ahh, young love. So beautiful" A female voice echoed behind.

"Hello Mum" Liam spoke.

"Hello Aunty" White continued.

"White, call me Mum too" She patted her head. "how have you been?" she ask.

"well, i have been a little better, i Haven't relapsed, or fainted lately. Is that a good thing?" White ask. The old Man look at White questionly then at Yulia. "Yulia, what's wrong with White?" he ask.

"Oh, dad, she has a disorder. Called Vasovagal syncope or neurocardiogenic. It is a fainting disorder which is causes by emotional distress" Yulia explained.

The old Man place his gaze at White, worrily. And smiled. White smiled back. "Don't worry Grandpa, i will be alright." She smiled. He patted her head and smirk happily.


After talking around with other family members, The Rimon and Nieve family all sat at the table for the christmas dinner. They shared a lovely and hot dinner. Everybody enjoyed the meal. When midnight hit, the elders, Aunts and uncles, as well as the parents and siblings went outside to admire the fireworks. It was finally Christmas day. After 5 minutes of a beautiful scenery, The family walk back in and gathered around the tall and Green tree which was covered in lots of warm decoration. And underneath, presents layed beautifully. The smaller children who were tired previously glared at the wrapped box happily and excitedly as they yelled "Santa Claus camed! and we didn't even see him!! He's so cool!!!"

White laughed. And sat near them "Young ones, should we give the presents then?" she ask with an adorable smile. And the young boy and girl look at White with wide eyes as they jump "yes! yes ! yes!"

White giggled "alright then..." She look under the tree and manage to take 8 Big wrapped box, 4 of them were bright red with Green train garnishing the paper as a name tag was places on them. The other 4 were purple and ponytails were placed on them.

They opened their present rapidly and happily squealed at their surprises.

The entire family smiled happily. Yulia, her, even thought she was happy, was actually cautiously looking at White for any change in behaviour or for any sudden émotion outburst. She had learned to read her soon-to-be daughter-in-law's emotion, so she knew when to be careful. And right now, was one of them.

Liam look around and noticed his mother looking at White cautiously, she turned her head and gazed at him and nodded her head. Liam understood her warning.

White continued to give the présent to everyone, seeing everybody's happiness made her happy. She run to her father and gaved her a present and then to her newly-mum and gave her a small box.

She then received her Present from Liam and they look at each other lovingly. She opened her paper wrapper carefully and open, what seemed like a necklace box. Once she opened she glared at the sparkly silver and diamond necklace in awe. "Its pretty." She spoke and look at Liam "thank you" she added.

He look around and as nobody were looking at them, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him placing a kiss on her lips. She was a little Taken a back, holding the box closed to her chest, she look at the Man before her. And responded by kissing him back. She felt envelop by his wamrth as it sooth her slowly. He stop slowly, and rested his head on her forehead, she smiled and his smiled back. He took out the necklace and places around her bare neck.

The Bell, caughing everyone's attention. White walk to the door, thinking it was a late attender. But to her surprised, it wasn't. She gasp a little and nearly fell but she caught herself next to the cupboards.

"w-what are you doing here?" White ask

"I came to join the party, what do you think?" she responded, inviting herself. White look behind her and next to her. But there was no sign of Hunter. She sigh softly and hesitantly invited Sarah in. Liam walk to see who it was and Sarah walks away. She grabbed onto Liam's arm and begun to breath fast. "l-liam... i-i-i don't feel well. My chest.... i-its hurts.." She hissed as she placed her hands on her chest.

"White calm down, i'm going to get m'y mother. Just breath slowly in and out, control your breath. " he Say, and hurried to his mother. "Mum, White." he say, and she quickly followed him. Ginny Saw their hurried pace and followed them. Yulia quickly kneeled in front of White who was trying to control her breathing. "that's it. Focus on your breathing. You need to calm down, no need to panick.."

"what's happenning ?" Ginny ask.

"She had just a panick attack." Yulia said, telling a White lie.. Once White was better, Liam held her tightly next to him and she held on tightly onto his arm. They walk to the living room and the mother's eyes widens seeing Sarah.

Sarah turned around and look at Yulia

"Yulia!" she smiled happily and walk to her but the woman walk back and ignored her.

Ginny walk to White and check her face and temperature for any fever. "Mum, i'm fine.' White Say and Ginny smile "alright darling."

Those were the only voices. Hearing this, Sarah quickly turned her gaze to White and Ginny. "Who did you called Mother?" she ask.

White look at Sarah and shrugged. "Why are you here? And where's hunter?" White ask

Sarah grinned, but they didn't like that grin. White's eyes suddenly widen a little "w-what did you do to Hunter?!" she ask in a choke voice.

"Oh don't worry 'Darling', mummy is taking good Care of him. And i've Come to ask for some money to your father." She responded.

"Have you got no shame?" White ask "asking for money... D-Do you only Care about money... dad had provided you with money before you sent me here. He then gaved you another sum, yet you ask for more. What did you do with this money? how did it disappeared so quickly? " White ask again.

Everybody was looking at them silently, they thought that Sarah died. She actually wasn't.

"I used the money on hunter obviously" she responded

"liar" White quickly responded"When hunter first camed here for a couple of days. He's only 11 yet i feel like he Works like and adult and doesn't even eat. With that much of Money, he shouldn't do this." White carried on. She clenched her fist and grinted her teeth.

"Call down White. you don't want another relapse..." Liam Say quietly and worriedly. Sarah eyes went to Liam "oh, who's that young boy?" she ask.

"My fiancé" White replied proudly and lovingly. "and my son" Yulia added. Standing behind them, Xavier and Frederick joined their wives and Children. Liam was supporting White.

"M- i mean Sarah. What have you... where's hunter..." White ask.

"Why don't you call me Mum?" she ask mockingly.

"Because you left me for money. I rather have a Mum like Ginny and Yulia who actually cares and look After me, now, tell me. where's hunter." she ask one last Time

"Hunter? he's dead" She replied.

White's eyes widen shocked, scared, frightned, confused, mad. Those emotions.

"White, calm down" Liam Say again, with a tone of worriness. White was trembling. "H-h-he's dead..... m-my brother's dead" her eyes begun to fill up with tears. She look at her mother "And you dont feel sad at all. " She pulled away from Liam's grip and smile lightly at him. "how did hunter died, what did you do?!" She ask, shaky.

She chuckled evily and leaned into White's ear and Whispered something. White stared into emptyness as she cried. Her hands were held to her chest as she fell on her knees. She look at the tree with a box under it. Her eyes Blur and the next thing she felt was the cold yet warm wooden floor.

Gasp were Heard around the room as Liam rushed to White, Yulia followed checking her pulse. Her eyes widen a little. "take her to her room, now!" she quickly go to Frederick and Ginny "Call an ambulance and get everyone out or to a guest rooms urgently. But i need an ambulance, and quick" she Say, she then went up the stairs and glared at Sarah one last Time. Xavier coldly look at Sarah and then at Frederick who help around the guest to allocated guest rooms. He went to help, as Ginny called an ambulance.

Sarah look around and quietly and comfortably sat down on the sofa she somehow had Gone crazy. Whatever she had Said clearly Shock White. She not only had a 'panick attack' earlier, her Heart had stopped completly.

Yulia tried to take back White. And once a pulse camed back, the paramedics arrived. They took White away to the hospital.