I'll leave you two love birds alone

Frederick sat on the sofa, coldly glaring at Sarah. "What is the meaning of your presence here? Have you not cause enough trouble already ?" He ask.

"Why did White went to hospital ?" Sarah ask.

"She has a disorder. Fainting disorder. Its called Vasovagal syncope or neurocardiogenic. You triggered her with to many emotion, causing her extreme emotional distress. This cause her to faint. She could die if its fatal" He explained.

Sarah hid a discreet smile, and nodded along.

"Sarah you need to leave. You are no longer Blanca's mother. You cannot ask for more money." Fred says.

"Oh, and who's her mother then?" She scoffed.

"Ginny is." He replied "White ask her to adopt her as her legal mother"

She clenched her fist and gritted her teeth.


Meanwhile at the hospital, Nurses took Care of White in the VIP room. Liam was sat near her bed, and the mothers were outside talking to the doctor about her situation. Xavier walks inside and gave a drink to Liam.

"You're okay son?" He ask

"Yes, i Am, dad. You don't have to worry." Liam replied.

He faintly smiled at his son and look at White. "She's alright, don't worry. The doctors says she Can leave Tomorrow. She's supposed to wake up soon too. " He explained and Liam nodded along.

He had only eyes for her, and look at her worryingly. Her eyes tighten a little as her head Twitch to a side. She slowly open her eyes and look to her side. Adjusting her eyesight to the light as it sored her black pupils. The first person she Saw, was the person whom she loved dearly.

"You're okay?" Liam ask seeing her little tired eyes open.

"yeah, i feel.. okay" she replied. And with a smile, she sat up carefully and gently. The female scanned the room, beige coloured-like walls, with White yet sophisticated curtains. She was covered by a soft and heavy White blancket. It kept her really warm. She had two puffy pillows with White covers matching the blanket. Really comfortable.

Scanning again, she noticed a plant in a corner, a table with a comfortable chair. A sofa for two person under the window, a White armchair which Liam was sat on as Xavier, Liam's father, was sat on the second chair of the table.

A warm feeling engulfed her hand as she directed her lazy gaze on it. A faint grin appear on her pale face as she wrapped her fingers around his fingers, holding hands tightly. She look up at him to his beautiful eyes, as if they were a mirror, White could see herself throught them. The male stood up and sat on her bed next to her. She layed her heavy head on his broad shoulder, and soft as well. And also comforting.

"i'll leave you two love birds alone" Xavier spoke as he left.

A pinkish colors appear on the surroundings of her pale cheeks. Liam chuckled and kissed her forehead lovingly, and held her tightly afterwards. Scared to let her go, scared to lose her... once more. When she stop breathing earlier, Liam felt like his World came crushing down. It was scary, and frightnening... He didn't want to lose her, she was his everything. Without her, he becamed nothing.

"L-liam, you're going to crush my Bones" she cried quietly, breaking him out of his daze.

"Sorry love" he replied, releasing his hold. She smiled a little and closed her eyes. Breathing in his scent. She had ruined christmas day, no her mother ruined it.

She remembers the last présent, a blue paper wrapped with clouds on them. A gift she had bought for her little brother.... but he was now Gone. Forever.

"Hunter..." She Say quietly yet high pitch. Liam's shoulder's sleeve begun to get soak, as tears fell uncontrolably out of her emerald eyes. She was hurt, she felt her heart giving sharp knife Stab into her chest as if she was being slowly murdered, the same pain as hunter felt. She grip onto Liam and sobbed, out of control.. "Hunter.... he's dead...." she cried out again. It was the undeniable truth, it pained her, it hurt her so much. Liam also felt hurt, seeing his future wife crying like this. He hope to get rid of all her insecurities, but he didn't protect her enough, her brother died, and she nearly died as well.... the ugly truth.

"My brother!! he's dead!!!" she screamed. " he's dead... he's dead...." she kept repeating, she was under shock from earlier. She had to remember that terrible memory of her mother whispering to her the way he died.....The way she killed him and How he screamed in pain, and plead for it to stop. How his tears turned to blood. This image stayed stuck inside her head. Her brother crawling on the floor in a puddle of warm blood, how it mixed with his salted tears falling down his red yet pale cheeks. How he's Brown eyes no longer glittered ; They look blank, empty, numb. His Brown hair were stained of his own red liquid, and his chest was wide open with many and many wounds. She could hear her birth mother laughing like a psycho as she glared savagely at her nearly dead son on the floor. A lifeless body. Rigid. Cold, yet warm. Pinkish yet White. His chest went up...Down...up...down... and then... stop. This image playing on repeat in her mind, as she start to Scream, closing her eyes and battling her own fear... yes, she was scared of her mother. Her birth mother. She feared her.... She feared she was next in the list.

Liam who panick tried to calm her down but she Screamed and screamed... Her hands on her head as she shake it and shake it.

The mothers and the doctor felt alarmed as they walk inside in a rush, a nurse followed. "Get me a trankiliser" The doctor ask and the nurse quickly filled up a seringue.

She gripped tightly onto Liam and layed her head on his chest as she cried... "He's dead.....why..." she ask before she fell asleep from the instant injection, several tears escaping ber closed eyes as Liam layed her down. He was worried.

"what happenned ?" Ginny ask.

"Your daughter must be still in shock from previous events." The doctor responded.

Yulia comforted Ginny.

"Don't worry, White will be okay"

"Mum" Liam Say "i think Sarah killed Hunter... if she didn't, why would White be in this state."


Back at the house, Frederick was codly glaring at Sarah as she look back at him, mysteriously yet dangerously.

Henry was looking behind a wall up the stairs, he felt alarmed by this crazy mother's presence.

"How did Hunter died" frederick ask.

"He becamed sick, and i didn't have the money to pay medical bills"

"Liar" The old Man spoke. "If he was sick you would of came to me. What did you do to him? If he was sick then Can you explain why White had this reaction. I am not dumb. You did indeed Fake yours and the children's death once."

"Dad, she killed him" Henry Say, half way in the stairs. "If she didn't, White wouldn't be in hospital right now... and She whispered to White just before that."

Sarah look at Henry "will you shut up, child. Have we said you could talk?" she ask, threatening him with her eyes.

Frederick look at Sarah " and who said you could order my son, He's allowed to express his emotion. " He look at Henry "Come here son"

Henry nodded and sat next to his father. "I know why really well, and she only faints when her emotion gets to stirred up. She'll go into shock and then faint. But today, she had a panick attack ; well, that's what Yulia Say.. but i'm afraid she didn't. And After, This woman whispered something to White. She went into this shock reaction, and she stared at the last present under the tree. And like before she held her chest and fainted.... but she didn't faint?" he ask His father

"No she didn't faint, this Time. Her Heart stop beating for a few moment." His father explained.

"So she died " Sarah Say. "Killing two birds with one stone" She laughs.

"d-dad, i have to go somewhere" henry Say hurrily as he left. He held his phone close to him.

"Hey, you! stay here" she Say, glaring at him. "Did you record the conversation ?"

"no" Henry replied, confusely.

"mmhhh" She look at him leave.

Once Henry arrived upstair he called the police. And at that same moment, Liam was also phoning the cops.


"changed of plans, She will leave in 2 days. They need to observe her closely After what have just happenned. They Say she's a little unstable." Yulia explained.


Red and blue light continuously glimered throught the windows, police at the door, woman with handcuffs, and Henry replaying a video.

Another car was sent to the woman's house, and a police Man went to the hospital.

As Liam and Yulia step out, a police Man ask them if this room is of White. They nodded.

"yes, but she's alseep for now. Please be respectful and let her rest for a couple of days. She's in great shock. " Yulia spoke.

"i'm sorry Madam, of course we will. We will Come back when she'll be out of hospital, if this is better choice" The Man ask.

"yes thank you good sir" Yulia answerd and they left. The police Man shortly After, left as well.