Do you even have Logic?

The next morning, When White woke up. She felt empty; numb; nothing. She felt nothing. She look like a Ghost. She sat up and stared in front of her. Today, her room was empty. No one was waiting for her.

She broke into tears. Nobody Heard her as it was quiet cries. The warm and salty tears stroll down her pink cheeks, as they landed on the white covers. White look at the tears falling down making round circle on the white piece of clothing. Her eyes no longered glimmered. She look at her hands as the câble attached to her wrist. She followed the see-throught câble to a liquid medecine in a bag.

Her sad eyes were red from the crying of Yesterday and just now. She stood up, trying to keep her balance and took her medecine bag before going to the toilet. She look at Herself in the mirror. Her ginger hair were messy and her green eyes look Brown from the red, and tired eyes. Her face look pale as her freckles glowed more out. The Brown dots on her face.

She stared at herself in the mirror as her whole body start to tremble. She clenched her hand into a fist as her knuckles turned white. She breath in and out trying to calm down. She shouldn't let her emotions out, she should be careful. After freshing up, she step out and was surprised to see two officers in the sofa. She rolled her medecine bags to the bed as she sat on edge confused.

"What are you doing here?" she ask

"we're here to ask few question. Concerning your Birth Mother, Sarah Hanagaë." One of them said. It was a male and a female.

White nodded slowly.

"You can tell us whenever you feel uncomfortable." The female say with a smile.

I nodded again and grabbed a mug and the jar, my hands still shaking.

"Let me do it for you" the female police said, as she took the Glass and the jar. She filled the mug of water and gave it to me.

"Thank you" White replied, she look at the Man

"Umh... Can i know your names?" White ask

"Of course. I'm Sofia, and this is Chris." Sofia said.

"Ok, Can it be just me and Sofia in this room.... i would rather be with another female in the room... in case i broke down again..." she spoke quietly.

The male nodded, understanding. He walk to the door and step out.

"Can i sit next to you?" Sofia ask

"s-sure" she replied making some Space for the police.

"Alright, White. We attested your mother for the murder of your brother. Henry.. i think he's called, had phoned us the police. He showed us proof of your mother admitting to her crimes carelessly. We also wanted to ask you some question. Do you remember what happened before you got admitted to hospital?" Sofia ask.

"i.... My Mum..." she say. It pained her to Say those words. She should of been the kind if person Always there for your children, to Care, protect and love them. "My mother never really loved me. She abandonned me to m'y dad.. but she had ask for money. So i was exchange for money. She never really cared about me.... She told me... she told me she killed Hunter... She said that it.. bring her happiness seeing him suffer and crying. Is it true? did she really killed my bother..." she ask, tears in her eyes threatening to escape again.

The female look down "Unfortunatly, we send a patrol Yesterday to your mother's house. And we found your brother killed." She Say quietly.

White let out a sob, But she quickly quiet down and wipe the tears away.

"I'm in danger too...." White added. "She wants me dead.... She'll found out about my conditions.. and try to do anything to get it triggers... i nearly died once. She'll try to do it again... "

"You don't need to worry. Your mother will be going to court for her sins and will go to prison. Your mother has commutés several crimes. Murder, Scam, Stealing, and abuse. She abused you, didn't she?" the female ask

"I don't know what you mean by that. She never hurt me or anything. But she never took care of me; it was Always Hunter... i wish i never left.. i wish i was the one who died!" She yelled. She could no longer keep the tears as they fell uncontrolably in her hands.

Sofia smiled sadly for her and hugged her. A little comfort was all White needed before she calmed Down. "Don't worry.. your Mum will pay for what she did. You should thank your other brother Henry.. He's the one who called the police for your protection, oh and Your fiancé as well called us." She Say.

White nodded softly and sat straight again, pulling away from the small hug. She wipe the tears away and smiled faintly.

"Thank you" White Say.

"no, i should Say thank you to you" Sofia responded And they giggled lightly.

Her first small laugh from today, her eyes sparkled again.

"I should go now, My partner is waiting for me. You should relax now, i'll get the nurse to bring your breakfast in"

"Thank you" White Say.

"You are welcome White" She responded And she left.

White walk to the windows and stared at the white view as snowflake make their way down. Slowly, and beautifully. She look at the snow. "Blanca Nieve. White Snow." She smiles " i must of be born during a snowy day" She chuckled.

She opened the windows letting the cold air coming in as it blew her hair. Snowflakes fly in her room. She picked up some White and cold fluffy stuff from the windows side and look at it. She mises balance as she thought about hunter. She look at the snow who look red.

She yelled quietly as she let go of it.

She frowned slightly.

Blanca Nieve meant White Snow. But it looks like Snow White. In Snow White there was a hunter who was supposed to kill her. Hunter is the hunter. But.. it did not killed her. Instead the mother punished the hunter. So she killed hunter and Snow White was next. But, she survived. So... What did it mean?

White laughed at her own suggestion. "I'm so stupid sometimes, my Logic makes no sensé" she spoke to Herself.

"Do you even have Logic?" a male voice