Fake your death again or Fake a mental health report.

"Do you even have Logic?" a male echoed from behind.

White turn around and smiled. She walk to him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry for the trouble and thank you Henry" she spoke. He hugged her back and smiled

"It was nothing, now. How are you doing?" He ask. She pulled back from the hug and sat down.

"I Guess, i'm alright. I just feel empty...." She responded.

"Our father are already preparing his Funeral... It will be happen in two days.. Do you think you'll be ready then?"

"i Guess.. i have to.. i do want to see my brother one last Time..."

He sat next to her and White leaned her head on his shoulder "Thank you Lil bro" she Say. Before standing up and pulled her tongue out.

"I'm not your little brother!"

"You are younger than me!"

"But i'm still taller!" He Say, cornering her.

"uhh.... Can i leave. This is..umh uncomfortable."

He look around "oh, hahaha.. sorry" he laugh. He turned around and blushed faintly.

She walk back to her bed and layed down, Henry sat next to her.

"So... its been long since we last talk about you and me and other stuff. How's has Liam treated you lately?"

"He's been treating me fine. Althought he seems hopeless with my conditions, but i don't mind. Its not his fault.. I mean, you'll be hopeless around it, wouldn't you?" she ask

"No, i wouldn't. Because i know how to treat my sister well. " He replied.

She smile and sat up. "i Heard you called the police and my Mum got attested .. you have a vidéo too... c-can i see it?"

"sadly i can't. They took my phone for the proof."

"oh" she nodded. " i see. that's fine then."

She smiled.

The door slowly opens, and both heads look at the entrance. Liam walk in. "Liam!" She rushed to him but stumble as she loses her balance.

"Hey be careful. You stood up to quick" Liam held her arms. She nodded.

"sorry.. i just missed you."

"i missed you too" He hugged her. He look up "Hey Henry, how you doing?"

"I'm fine Liam, what about you?"

"i'm good, i'm good" He replied before placing a soft kiss on White's forehead.

They all sat on the sofas, White next to Liam and Henry on a seperated one. It was really silent. What was that tension going on. The mâles glared at each other for a very long time.

"Umh....boys.... you're making me feel uncomfortable."

"sorry love" Liam Say.

"I'll go" Henry Says.

"why?" White ask. "You don't have to leave you know." She smiles. She look at Liam "You should act like mens! and stop being quiet and awkward!' she ordered.

"So bossy" Henry Says.

" 'So bossy' " she repeated. And they all laughed.

White leaned on Liam and look at Henry. "I want to get out of this hospital..." she Say.

"Mum said you have to stay till Tomorrow", Liam spoke.

"oww" White whined.

"Don't worry BIG sis" he said nagging her

"i know. no need to Say i'm your BIG sister" she smiled.


A small room with 4 White walls, a door on one and a long mirror/window. A table in the Middle with four chairs. In one of them, sat Sarah and next to her was her lawyer. The door open and the woman's head lifts up.

The police Man walk in and sat on his chair comfortably. He opened a file.

"Is this your son?" he ask showing a photo of her son dead on the floor.

"yes" she replied with no emotions.

"Did you kill him?" The Man ask

"Next question" the lawyer cut in.

"Why didn't you call the ambulance"

lawyer: "next question"

police: "Why did you went to Frederick's house?"

Sarah: "I was visiting my daughter, and reclamed some money"

Police: "You aren't allowed to ask for money or child support, as from here you have faked your death 11 years ago, meaning, you aren't allowed to proclaimed for money as your marriage connection has been declined. You are under a New name, right?"

Sarah: "yes. It's Kate"

Police: "Alright, Sarah, Can you explain this vidéo?" he ask showing the video on Henry's phone.

Sarah : "..."

Police: "where you planning on killing White as well?"

Lawyer: "next question"

The police look at The lawyer and sigh annoyed at him.

"Alright, I'll talk to my superior. Court day will be in a week. Be ready." The police Say, before leaving.

The lawyer look at Sarah and sigh

"Why did you kill him?" he ask

"Because.. because he was annoying. Always asking when White will Come back and when he'll be able to see her. He only cared about her."

"what about all that money you have been Given by them?"

"hah, i Gamble them. And payed clothes and things for me."

"food?" he ask

"of course i did, but that fatty Always ate it all! couldn't he be like his sister, barely eating." She scoffed.

"Kate, I will try for you not go to jail. But, we'll have to either Fake your death again.. or.. Fake a report of you having an unstable mental health problem."

"Fake mental health problem. What about schizophrenia." she ask.

"I'm on it, don't worry Kate. I'll help you"

"I hope you do, if you win, i'll make sure to Repay you, in a good way" she Say. A mysterious smile appear on their faces. And then he left. A police came to get Sarah, and put her back in custody jail.

The police who just interogated Sarah sigh as he sat in his office. Why would someone killed their own children. They are precious thing to have.