Chapter 36 : Aamaya Banerjee

It's been more than fourteen hours since dad has made any attempt to talk to me. He was still avoiding me. I know he has tried everything he could, probably more than any man would do for his best friend. I really want him to talk to me, I don't blame him for anything.

It was around 10:30 AM. We had a scrumptious breakfast. Actually yesterday evening Joshi uncle who is also the assigned in-charge of the Officers Mess came up to me and enquired if there was anything special I wished to have for breakfast. I was very much partial to the Indian Chola-Bhature dish, but mom would never allow me to eat it because of the rich and heavy usage of oils in the dish. So I informed him I was craving some Chola Bhatura and that's what he cooked today. It was very tasty and I could not help but eat 4 bhaturas today and now I am feeling so full that I don't feel like climbing out of the bed.

As I was lazing around in the bed, J.P. Uncle entered our tent and informed me, "Bacha, your mom is in the room talking to Aamaya. She wants you there. There is something about that girl's life which your mom wants you to hear."

As he left, I followed him behind towards the room. Aamaya di was locked up inside a concrete room. We were able to see what was happening through a television screen placed in the adjacent room.

There was Brigadier Shahi, Sagar Sir, J.P. Uncle, and Dad. Nishi Jethu has also come.

All of them looked very serious and formidable in their aggressive stance.

As I entered the room, Sagar sir asked: "Why don't you go and sit on the chair, next to your dad."

I went to sit next to him, dad pulled his chair closer to me and puts his arm around me. He pointed his finger towards the monitor which was placed in front of us.

As I focussed on the monitor, I saw mom sitting on a chair adjacent to where Aamaya di was sitting and was discussing something with her. I couldn't hear what they were discussing inside the room.

Sagar Sir started fiddling with the speakers, trying to set up the audio for us to be able to listen to the conversation.

A lady officer entered the room. Nishi Jethu, Brigadier Sir, Sagar sir, and dad immediately stood up to welcome her. The lady officer stood on attention and gave a salute on entry and the 4 of them reciprocated too. Dad suddenly introduced the lady officer to Nishi Jethu.

"Sir, meet Major Annie of the Military Police. She was the office assigned the task to investigate the murder of Lt. Col. Banerjee and his 8 men..."

Nishi Jethu stretched his hand forward to shake hands and greeted her, "Hello Major. It is nice meeting you."

"It is nice meeting you sir. I have heard a lot about you." replied the Major.

Nishi Jethu smiled at her and commented: "I hope you have heard all the good things only."

"He-he... Of course sir... you have a reputation of being a no-nonsense cop... and if you are right, you don't care who the person at the other end is you always prefer to give them a piece of your mind...and the justice you think they deserve according to the law."

She stopped a little and continued "As a matter of fact your ability to strategize anti-insurgency operations is being used as case studies in Anti Insurgency and Jungle warfare School Vairengte."

"Everyone in the Military Police knows about the incident at Bhubaneshwar railway station when you were posted as the DCP Anti Terrorist Squad Orissa and your team hunted and killed 5 militants in the crowded railway in a record time of 4 hours."

"Your reputation precedes you, sir..."

I saw Nishi Jethu blush and retort with a smile "Ma'am you are embarrassing me... We were just doing our duty..."

As I was soaking in the information, I was shocked by this revelation about Jethu. Is he really that good? My curious train of thought was broken by the sound of Aamaya di and Mom's voice coming from the speaker.

I heard Mom kind voice asking Aamaya di "Why do you hate Abhinu so much... All he wanted from you was a little bit of love... and you reciprocated by hurting him."

Aamaya di had her head lying face down on the table and replied: "I hate him and everyone in this stupid world."

"I beg your pardon..." Mom asked again...

Aamaya di raised her head and shouted "I SAID... I HATE EVERYONE IN THIS STUPID WORLD... EVERYONE ONLY CARES ABOUT THEMSELVES... NO ONE CARES ABOUT HOW I FEEL..." and she started to weep...

"I don't understand..." saying this mom stood up and placed her chair next to Aamaya di's picked up her left hands and placed it on hers and started to caress them and continued "Why don't you try to explain it to me… You never know, there might be someone who might actually understand your feelings... Being the mother of a very young daughter, I might be able to help you if you open up to me."

She looked at my mom and replied "Are you sure you have the courage to listen to my side of the story..."

"Try me..."

Aamaya di started... "Aunty... can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead..."

"Do you have any memory of that fateful day when you fell in love for the first time and did you have to experience the pain of losing that very special someone?" Aamaya di asked.

Mom suddenly looked towards the camera and smiled "Well dear... I do remember my first love... we were together for 14 years and finally decided to get married... he is none other than your uncle."

I turned to look at dad and saw that everyone in the room was looking at him with a smile. I saw the embarrassed look on his face as he was trying to cope up being put in the center throne of attention by my mom.

Mom continued "When you mentioned about the pain of losing someone special, I have lost a lot of people I truly cared for. During my first posting in Assam, Tinsukia district, I was sent as a mediator to get in touch with the leaders from United Liberation Front of Assam and try convincing them for a ceasefire agreement and if possible, convince them to surrender."

"It took me 3 years and a lot of effort. I was actually successful in convincing 3 of the top most leaders to surrender. Samarjit Saikia, Dipul Chaliha and Jayanta Handique."

"During their surrender they were being taken away to a high security prison. Me and my team of Rastriya Rifles commandoes were assigned to initiate the transfer."

"On the way our convoy was attacked. We lost 7 of my best soldiers that day. Do you know as a lieutenant my squad consisted of 9 soldiers and I lost 7 of them that unfortunate day. I still blame myself for not being a good leader that day."

Aamaya di had a sad look on her face and continued "I am sorry to hear that Aunty…" she paused for a while and continued "But truth be spoken… not everyone is lucky like you in matter of love. Not everyone is destined to experience a great love life like you did..."

Looking at Amaya di, I could sense she was in agony and her tears confirmed so... I saw mom caressing her arms, trying to comfort her.

Aamaya di continued in a somber voice, "12 years ago... dad had been struggling a lot with his business. We were nearly broke. To make matters worse, he had to raise 3 children. Me, my twin brother Aahron and Darika who was only a few months old."

"One day we came to know that one of dad's old friends had helped him financially to get his business back on track and wanted him to relocate to Mumbai. Back then it was known as Bombay."

"We were happy with our new life there and dad's business also started to recover and flourish. He was doing really good when one day we heard the news that his friend and his wife had met with an accident and were no more. They had left behind a son Allen."

"As his friend didn't have any next of kin, his son was being sent to an orphanage, however dad decided to be his legal guardian and brought him home to stay with us. He was very happy to be with us."

She gave a beautiful smile when she said the next sentence. "He was a couple of years older to me. I was a mere child when I first met him."

"At first, I could not help but resent this newest member of our family who seemed to have occupied a special place in my parents' hearts. Both my parents were very elated to have him as part of our family. But as I started spending more time with him and playing our little childhood games with each other, I grew close to him."

"My jealousy was replaced by a fondness for him. I felt he was the one friend I could confide and rely on. With time, our companionship and solidarity only grew stronger. He was the most easy-going child of the 4 of us. Being the eldest, my parents also seemed to rely on and love him with all their hearts. He also trusted and loved my parents with unwavering loyalty."

**** Wow, I have never seen this side of Aamaya di in the past 9 years I knew her. It feels like she was in love with Allen. But what happened to him. ****

"As time went on, I sensed a change in my dad's demeanour. He now exhibited a worrying thirst for power and wealth. His obsession for wealth and prosperity drove him to seek advice from some very shady people. With passing time, my relationship with Allen also took a different turn. Our feelings for each other grew stronger and it had now changed from simple friendship to something deeper and more powerful. I was more drawn to him ever. It took us time but soon we recognized our feelings. I had fallen in love with Allen."

**** Oh My God… I guessed it right… She was in love with Allen. I never expected this stone-cold girl could also fall in love with someone. Even though she kept pretending that she was in love with Joe which I very well know was a lie. ****

"It was very confusing for us as we were children who grew up together in the same house. I was very conflicted with myself and wanted to deny what I felt for him. During this period, my dad's behavior towards Allen changed drastically."

"For some absurd reason, he got it into his head that Allen and I could not be together. I think he suspected the feelings we had for each other. But his hostility and hatred towards Allen terrified me. I was scared by his reaction. He started torturing Allen by starving him for days, ordered him to refer to us as Didi and Dada. It seemed like an attempt to keep me and Allen separated in the guise, by giving the false name of siblinghood to our relationship."

"His cruelty towards my sweet Allen was breaking my heart but I did not have the courage to stand up to him. Soon, his physical and mental torture on Allen took a toll on his mental health. His spirit broke down. The smile and jovial energy that defined my Allen was no longer there. Mom was also a silent spectator to these acts of my dad."

**** What the hell was that? Why did he have to do this? Did he consider falling in love with someone that bad that he needs to be treated badly? ****

"There were days when my dad would engage his torture on Allen someplace we were not aware of. The Allen who returned after these sessions, was losing a part of himself day by day. I could only be a mute spectator to this gradual deterioration of my love."

"But soon, dad surprised us with another terrifying act. He forced my dear Allen to be dressed as a girl at home. If that was not all, he re-baptised him and officially named him Alena."

"I still wonder how uncomfortable, withdrawn and humiliated he must have felt back then. One day dad did something which everyone in the family was ashamed off. He took Allen forcibly to a hospital and deluded him into believing that he was disfigured and needed surgery for correction. My trusting Allen beguiled by the devil's promise of not being subjected to torture anymore consented and welcomed his conversion unaware of the consequences."

**** I don't believe this. That mad man did the same thing to Allen what he did to Abhinu. Damn this man… I hope he rot in hell… ****

"My mom and I were also unaware of my dad's true intentions and could only look with shock and disgust at the consequences of his evil plan. The day Allen returned from his surgery all changed and he became a stranger to us, I lost any semblance of love I had for my father. I was only horrified and disgusted by the man who disfigured my love without any remorse."

"But the worst was yet to come. As I was still reeling from these turn of events, I could not find the courage to confront and comfort my Allen during his difficult times. As it turns out, I would soon come to regret my lack of courage and inability to help him during and after my dad's heinous acts."

"Allen saw what my dad turned him into and lost his will to live. He committed suicide by jumping from the topmost floor of our flat. He was finally released from his agony."

"Losing Allen made me realize what a coward and pathetic person I was. If only I could have saved my Allen from my dad. Pretty soon remorse and regret were replaced by guilt and despair. I did not have any inclination to belong to this world and wanted to follow my dear Allen unto death."

"Within a few days of Allen's demise, I gathered up what courage I had left and stood on the very edge where Allen stood before plunging to his death. As I was stepping onto the emptiness below me, I felt the familiar voice of my brother calling me and his hands reaching out to me from behind."

"He caught hold of my hand and tried pulling me from the edge. But I was determined not to be deterred by this sudden derailing of my plan and fought to free myself from his clutches to continue my mission to free myself."

"As we struggled, he managed to push me away from the edge but in doing so, he himself got very close to it. Between all the pushing and shoving he lost his footing and before I could hold on to him, my brother lost his balance and fell over to the edge to the ground below. I could only be witness to the same gruesome fate befalling my brother."

**** Holy Smokes, I never knew Aamaya di had such a shady past. I feel pity for her and I really don't know what to say or what to think about uncle. He is really a sick psychopath. I saw Aamaya di was crying profusely when she continued her story. ****

"The death of my brother managed to bring genuine grief and semblance of agony in my dad which was very absent during Allen's death. He only showed a sense of loss because the tool i.e. my dear Allen, he moulded and shaped to forward his own destiny was wasted and with that all his efforts and time was wasted. There was no genuine remorse for the loss of Allen."

"My mom blamed me for my brother's death. My dad too. But I didn't or couldn't care how they felt or what they thought of me. I was too engulfed by guilt and agony over the death of the two innocent souls closest and dearest to me. My desire to end my life also left me."

"I felt I deserved to be alone and suffer for what happened to my brother and my love. I felt like a curse who could only consume the lives of the people she loved."

"They say, guilt and remorse can be very exhausting if you let yourself consumed by it. I was ready to drown myself in this never-ending sea of guilt and despair. I dreamt of the handsome face of my Allen calling my name in my dreams and asking me to forgive myself and my family."

"But the only thing these dreams made me realize was that no matter what destiny had in store for me, I could never forgive my dad and his role in Allen's death."

"I developed a general mistrust and disgust towards the species of men. I realized I could never let my dad get away with his twisted actions. I also knew there was no one who could help me take him down."

**** I can feel what you are going through Aamaya di. I do hope you gather enough courage to be a better person and maybe pull up the strength to trust men. Not all men are bad people. ****

Aamaya di continued "I knew my dad's intention for wealth would again claim the life of another innocent being like Allen. I knew what I had to do to refute my dad's plans. After all, I am my evil dad's daughter."

"I knew I could thwart his plans if I put my mind to it. The only way to do so was to torment and haze his would-be victims to such an extent that they would have no other option but to leave and elope from our home."

"The only way I could do that was by resorting to my most cruel and gruesome emotionless self. It nearly succeeded in case of Geeta but no matter how hard I tried, he would not give up."

"I only hoped that my dad would never get the love and gratitude from his victims he so desperately sought after all the torture, me and my siblings put them through. Yes, I am aware how my actions has tormented Geeta."

"But Geeta never mentioned anything about you hurting Aarohi." Mom asked.

"Well, Aarohi's case was different..." she paused and suddenly gave a smile. It felt like thinking about Aarohi made her happy.

"When Aarohi came to our house, she was only 5 months old. She was such an innocent and sweet child that I couldn't gather up the courage to hurt her no matter how much I wished to. Her very presence and entry in our lives was healing my tattered soul. I could not help but feel a strong sense of love and protection towards her. That innocent soul remained oblivious to her true gender identity till the day she died. She always thought himself to be the beloved daughter of our parents."

**** No Aamaya di is wrong. Aarohi knew what she was and decided to keep it a secret from the rest of the world except from the 2 of us. I was in a state of shock. I couldn't react to what I have just heard. ****

Aamaya di continued: "He also never got to witness the true self of my dad or any of his monstrous self. Before my dad could even start his devious plans for him, mom and I made sure that Aarohi would not be subjected to the same torment as Allen and we decided to end his life."

"It was not easy to let go of this person who has filled the gap left by my brother but we could not risk tarnishing the innocent soul like my Allen's was by my father's cruel intentions."

"Pretty soon after Aarohi's demise, my dad turned his evil eyes towards Abhinu and turned him into Geeta and the only way to save him was to drive him away from home with our cruelty."

"We almost succeeded when he eloped from home and came here. Mom knew that there was someone called Jairus Christopher in Purulia who would come to his aid if only he could get in touch with him, but destiny failed us and my dad was able to catch hold of him again."

"I had given up hope and was resigned to losing Geeta to my dad again. But I am grateful that Monika always stood by him and finally involved you all to rescue him."

"I know she must hate me for what I did to Abhinu but without our actions, there would not have been any way for her to know that Abhinu was in real danger. I do not ask for forgiveness, I only want my father to pay for his crimes. I no longer care what happens to me."

"But please do protect the rest of my family."

"I fear my father's wrath in losing Abhinu could drive him to insane actions. I hope my family does not have to bear the brunt of it."

"I also hope Abhinu is found soon but please protect him from my father once you find him. By no means, my father should find him first. Please promise me you won't let that happen."

**** I was not sure what to react or how my mom is going to break the news to her about the death of her family. At least I know it's not going to be easy. I remember the day I came to know about the demise of Aarohi, I went into shock. Abhinu was also not there that day. Thanks to Surya who supported me during those bad times. ****

"Dear... I don't know how to say this but there is something you need to know."

Aamaya di suddenly lifted her head, looked at mom and replied "What..."

"There is a piece of bad news"

"You can tell me, aunty... I have received lots of bad news in my life... how much can another bad news hurt me..."

"You are really a brave girl... Your heart has been hurt by the misdeeds of your dad... but I want you to be very strong because what I am about to tell you will not be easy for you to hear." Replied mom.

"What is it Aunty... please tell me..."

By the looks on my mom's face if looked like she was struggling to find the right words. But suddenly Mom started "Five days ago we found the dead body of your Mom and your sisters at your residence."

Aamaya di suddenly raised her voice and replied "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT... THIS IS NOT FUNNY AUNTY..."

"Honey this is true... your Mom and your sisters are no more... and your dad is on the run... As per Rahat your gardener your dad is responsible for their death"

Aamaya di started crying uncontrollably. The feeling of loss can be a real pain sometimes. Mom suddenly leaned forward, stretched her hands and hugged Aamaya di softly.

Suddenly I saw mom lose her balance and as she struggled to control herself I came to know the real reason she lost her balance. Aamaya di fell down unconscious on the floor.

I saw Major Annie rushed towards the room where Aamaya di felt down unconscious with one of the medics trailing behind her.

"We need to take her to the M.I. room right now" shouted the Major.

As they were taking Aamaya di away, it dawned on me that Aamaya di was struggling with her own monsters for sixteen years and now she has lost every single person she ever loved. Uncle Banerjee is a twisted man and can hurt anyone for his twisted gains. I cannot let any harm come to dad. He has been fighting his own monsters for my sake.