The cat of surprise.

"Ok, what the actual fuck." John facepalmed. The heavens were laughing at him. He was told about some heaven-defying luck, some magical innate talent bullshit, and just when he thought the heavens would take pity on him, give him some respite, his innate talent turns out to be a useless furball. Is there anything about this that could actually get worse?

Seeing his reaction, Shadow tried to explain. "It may not be that bad, she might have some special abilities, or at least I think so. From what I have heard, most pets or mounts have an ability to complement their summoner."

"Oh great. So now not only do I have a mysterious ability, my ability just so happens to have one too", John replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Maybe my cat might summon a dragon, I wouldn't be surprised even if she did." John was obviously not too happy, though Shadow could somewhat understand. She also was skeptical of this furball.

"Nevermind that, what are you going to name her," Shadow asked, trying to pull the unfortunate kid out of his bad mood. John had an epiphany, though to be honest, it was only for him, it's common sense for most people. John was quite possibly incurably idiotic.

"Well she's white and small, so I guess I'll call her Lulu." The cat, Lulu, smiled, apparently satisfied with her name.

"What does that name have to do with her appearance," questioned Shadow, To which John snorted at her. "Why does her name have to reflect what she looks like?"

Shadow frowned, displeased. "You said you named her that because she's small and white."

"Did I? I don't remember that at all."

"You piece of shit!" Shadow kicked him in the chest, sending him flying. "Oh shit, I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Shadow rushed to John's side.

He groaned. 'Damn that hurt, never thought she would pack such a punch, haha. I guess that's my fault.'

Then, something happened. A white glow surrounded John, and his chest healed at a miraculous rate, while simultaneously soothing him. The white glow was quite similar to the glow of when Lulu appeared, scaring the shit out of Shadow.

"Holy shit!" Shadow stared at Lulu, the source of the light. "Your cat can heal??! What the fuck?!"

"Apparently. Well, at least there's a plus to this little furball. Can't say it's not a bonus." Lulu purred, looking quite pleased. She then proceeded to jump into john's lap, curl up into a tiny ball, and close her eyes, before opening one eye when he didn't pet her. Such a demanding cat.

"Okay okay, Lulu. You did well," John soothed the cat while petting her. This satisfied her immensely.

Suddenly Lulu looked up, alert. "What's wrong Lulu?", said Shadow. The cat didn't respond, simply staring at a wall with all of her fur sticking out.

Obviously Lulu couldn't talk, yet that didn't really matter because a large explosion suddenly occurred in the direction she was staring, coincidentally quite frighteningly close to where the trio was staying.

The explosion gave way to the sounds of marching steadily approaching John's house. The marching might have been the most imminent threat, but the sound of tank tracks is what really got to John.

"Holy Shit! What the fuck is going on in this place?!", screamed John, damn near shitting himself from the unexpected occurrence. Why did someone have to have a tank here? Why were they heading towards them?

"It seems we're about to find out," murmured Shadow, as the many steps could be heard quite quickly approaching their street. The tanks were shaking the house. John damn near pissed himself.