
I walked to the stage where Daphne was standing with her eager smile.

"Griffin, you displayed excellence in conduct and responsibility. We decided to bump up your job slightly to a middle-class job.".

I thought, "Huh? I did that all the time, following the rules, never make trouble, and don't annoy anyone too much.".

"Griffin, you're gonna be an engineer, one of the rarest of our career choices. There's gonna be a lot of stress and rigorous work onward. Thank you for your childhood.". I heard a clank and the room suddenly went dark and I screamed.

I didn't realize that this event is televised across our community, and my scream is gonna be teased for a while by everyone.

I heard footsteps coming closer and closer to me. I heard, "Spectral!". I turned around behind me and I replied, "Who's there?!". I felt a cold hand on my back and fell down.

"Uh, who are you?" I asked.

The lights turned on afterwards. I saw a man who looked around in his 20's or 30's. He walks up to me with his friendly approach.

"Hey Spectral! Got picked to be like me?". My mind flared with enthusiasm.

"Yeah, don't know what to do, getting picked with a rare job.".

We discussed about ourselves a little bit such as our hobbies, dreams, all sorts of stuff, including our secrets. The both of us acted like best friends, even though we met 15 minutes ago.

We arrived to his private home on the edge. The house was filled with books. Lots of them. We went downstairs as the man I met lay down on the bed. Sparked with curiosity, I took books from his library and read portions of it. As I read more of it, I noticed an open Morphling bottle, pills on the floor along with a syringe on a table. The man I met woke up. I approached him and tried to snap him out of it. He didn't react at first, but then became angry at me for "disturbing" him. He ranted about why you shouldn't wake him up and ranted about useless stuff in his slurred voice.

"WHY... DOD YUO WAOKE MAH UP?!". I backed off just in case he goes too far and chokes and apprehended me.

"Are you okay now?" I anxiously asked him.

"Well then, I forgot to introduce myself!" he eagerly said. I was confused, a mood swing.

"Ok, what's your name anyway?" I asked with a puzzled look.

"Wolfmark, but you can call me Wolf for short.".

"And, your my mentor somehow?", because all of the older kids are required to have a mentor with their assigned position.

"Yeah, I am your mentor.".