After World War Three, the world was in shambles living in a post-apocalyptic state. Every country was destroyed except North America. Only Canada, United States, and Mexico survived the gruesome war. After 100 years of this some calling this "dystopian" in nature, civilization grew back and evolved to form one country called "The United Communities of North America", better known as the UCNA.
After the "Reconstruction Period" in North America, communities were built. Society flourished and rebuilt again. Everyone is restricted to their own world. When 15-year-old Griffin Spectral gets a rare job as an engineer, he feels excited of what's to come. But later on, he learns the harsh truth about his community. More clues pop out that broke his view that were meant to be hidden. His view on his community changes harshly and questions his "perfect" life and society.
Definitely read this if u love the giver and the hunger games. New readers always appreciated!