
He gave me the broken phone again and gave me hints of advice to fix it.

"Connect it by not taping it. Wrap the tube around one wire, next, splice the two with solder." he explained the thorough steps necessary to not risk an explosion or something.

After 20 minutes of doing it, one step trips me up a bit. The last step, covering the solder covered wire burned my finger. I didn't think much of it, just a little burn. I picked up the blow dryer and heated the area. Well, a partial part of the wire. When I started to blow dry the tube covering the solder stuff, heated the wire and burned my fingers even worse. My hands were tingling in the worst possible moment. The phone I have to fix has to be given today! So, Wolf has to get gloves and pick up the fragile device and throw it out the window.

He grabbed my arm and turned on cold water, and I washed vigorously quickly. The burn was minor, but it felt like 2nd or 3rd degree burns. I ran to my room and stared at my horrible self. I felt worse today than the last few days. Never been burned before, so that's a first for me. I stared at my own, misery of my tingling arm and hand. Just one arm, nothing else. My eyes teased up and I curled up and bawled out loudly in my room. Injuries or any kind of disability automatically makes them assume you're weak. I heard a boom outside with windows shattered. Wolf walked in.

He stomped in and with his slurred voice, he said, "WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!". That led to me climbing on the shelves and curl up to protect me from harm.