Awakening Ceremony - III

The whole auditorium of the academy was reserved for today's awakening ceremony. This was a major attraction for all the students of the academy.

Then viewing stands were filled with students both senior and juniors waiting to see today's ceremony. All the teaching and non-teaching staff of the academy were also pretty excited about the ceremony.

The doors opened and in entered the performers of today's show, the 10 yr olds who walked and sat at their predesignated spot. There were total 2 classes of 10 year old students which summed upto almost 60 students.

Next came the presently awakened students who were presently studying in the academy. Only 8 students entered the auditorium. Of 300 students older than 10 yrs only 8 students were able to awaken their spirit beasts.

As they entered, the whole auditorium fell into silence as they looked at these superior beings entered. These awakened students had a high sense of being among them and walked in a proud manner.

Their attitudes were lofty and their belongings were stylish, as they sat down on their specially constructed spot. They were given special treatment as these students were the future of academy.

Next the 4 teachers who taught awakened entered, they all were on the panel for judging the students in the ceremony. Along their sides, their spirit beasts followed them. They were a Gazelle, a Bison, a Kite and a Seal.

Next came the director of academy, who was followed with a white transparent crystal. This was the awakening crystal which was placed on a podium constructed at the centre of auditorium for the ceremony.

The director then addressed the audience, "Good afternoon everyone, today we have assembled here together for the awakening ceremony of students of the academy.

This at the centre is the top grade awakening crystal we use to awaken the beasts in students' bodies. This crystal on contact sends a soothing pulse in our body which triggers our mana core.

This triggering of Mana core is just triggering the motion of Mana's movement in your core. The faster the Mana's movement the better is the purity of Mana.

This Mana is then absorbed by the beast which awakens it. The beast when awakens comes out of body in its spirit form showing off its natural full-flexed form. But if it is in presence of stronger beasts, they become afraid and don't show their dominance.

In avoiding this awakening crystal plays a major part, it allows the beasts' spirit form enter it where the beast can show off unrestrained in the crystal.

I wish you all well for the ceremony." saying this the director stepped down and took his place in the judging panel.

The host took his place on the podium, "So are you guys ready for today's ceremony?"

"Yes!!" a loud cheer ran through the audience. The awakening of beasts was most awaited moment by everyone.

The host continued, "First we will be conducting the verification of older students who have awakened their beasts with help of elemental stones. First we call upon stage Marcus Roy."

Panel opened the file on the tablet of Marcus Roy as a 13 yr old boy stood on the stage awaiting their approval.

Name: Marcus Roy

Age: 13

Parent/Guardian: Son of Salt Merchant of Kronor.

Mana Core: Maroon Red Core

Spirit Beast: Not awakened.

Marcus then proceeded further as he placed his hand on the awakening crystal. First the crystal turned maroon red showing Maroon Mana core, then it reverted back to white.

Then a cyan coloured smoke filled the crystal. The smoke slowly settled in a form of a water buffalo and slowly materialized in to its 3-D image.

The panel checked the beast as they matched it with the beast's encyclopedia, matching it with the one in crystal. After the verification was done the required changes were done in the file.

Name: Marcus Roy

Age: 13

Parent/Guardian: Son of Salt Merchant of Kronor.

Mana Core: Maroon Red Core

Spirit Beast: Cyan hooved Water Buffalo

Mutations: Stronger water affinity because of awakening with water elemental stone.