Awakening Ceremony - IV

Marcus had used a water elemental stone for awakening his spiritual beast, but his beast already was affiliated to water element so it didn't cause any mutation but on other hand had increased its affiliation with water increasing its power.

An applause filled in the auditorium as Marcus waved his hands looking smug. The unawakened students gave a good response while the response from awakened side was weak.

After all they knew Marcus was the grandson of Salt Merchant of Kronor. His grandfather had spent a huge sum of money for an elemental stone for him so nothing was special.

After Marcus stepped down, came another repeater named Naomi Bright. She was the daughter of a captain of fishing ships Eric Bright. Eric was owner of Bright Fisheries had 3 fishing ships and he was one of the major fishing business out in Kronor.

Naomi had exquisite white hair and it swayed pleasantly in the breeze as she stood confidently on the podium. She similarly placed her hand on the awakening crystal as it started turning maroon red.

Then a deep blue colour smoke filled in showing as it slowly condensed into a Albatross. This albatross had grey back and white belly like normal albatrosses but its head was covered in a deep blue colour head.

Seeing the unusual beast two of the examiners approached the crystal and inspected the beast from all sides while discussing among themselves. Soon they made the report.

Name: Naomi Bright

Age: 14

Parent/Guardian: Leader of Bright Fisheries

Mana Core: Maroon Red Core

Spirit Beast: Blue Headed Albatross

Mutations: Due to usage of water elemental stone Albatross has a blue head and affiliated to water element.

This time applause was better because of a presence of mutation and with a possibility of awakening the original wind element making it a dual element beast.

Proud with the reaction of the crowd, Naomi stepped down from the podium as she joined the awakened side greeting other fellow awakened students.

As the commotion settled, the host announced, "Now that the repeaters are done, its time for the main event of the day. Its time for the freshers to undergo awakening ceremony.

Its going to natural awakening so the beasts will be displaying their natural full form in the crystal. To showcase their dominance they will roar and move around in the crystal with full vigor. So don't miss the spectacle.

We will be calling the students as per the family name in alphabetical order. Those without family names will be called according to their names in the similar manner after these students."

Slow murmurs filled in, as students tried figuring who was going to be when and determining their positions. Rex too sought at first but later realized that he was going to be among the last ones to undergo the test.

Gradually names were starting to be called. All those with family names starting with 'A' were being called. The process was same, you have to put your hand on awakening crystal.

A colourless pulse will pass through your body and trigger the mana core. The triggered mana core will have the mana stored in it to start moving in the core. As per the purity of the colour will be displayed out in crystal.

The moving mana will then enter the blood to provide mana to the beast for awakening. The beast will then come out of its body in spiritual for showcasing its dominance in crystal.

But here all the people were getting transparent colourless mana cores, which means the purity of mana in their body was of lowest quality not able to awaken at all.

After the 'A' family names came the those starting with 'B', then 'C' but the result was same blank transparent colour.

The nervousness of children, first turned into sadness after failure but seeing others failing too they calmed their emotions. This was very normal in Zone 1 areas such as New Zealand.

Next started 'D' family names and soon Vivian Dixit was called up on podium. Everyone was paying attention to him as he was the son of strongest man in the village - The Village Chief.

A 10 yr old boy with red fiery hot hair stood on the podium as people paid attention to his actions. Vivian then placed his hands on the crystal as similarly the process started taking place.

Slowly a crimson red colour filled the crystal indicating the Crimson Red core. This core was similar as that of Leo which meant that Vivian was going to have a natural awakening.

Jealousy and envy spread through the crowd as they stared at him. Natural awakening meant better chance to get higher education also no expense of resources for awakening.

When it resided the beast was ready to be awakened. A red smoke slowly filled the crystal as everyone heard a big howl. Slowly the smoke condensed to form a hound like dog.

Vivian's beast was similar like his father, 'Devil's Hound'. It had black fur with wine red skin at its paws and belly and curved horns on its head. But the horns were of grey colour and a similar grey coloured bones on its back.

The hound howled loudly in crystal showing that it was his area of dominance. The panel inspected the beast and gave their judgement.

Name: Vivian Dixit

Age: 10

Parent/Guardian: Village Chief of Kronor

Mana Core: Crimson Red Core

Spirit Beast: Grey Boned Devil's Hound

Mutation: None (Naturally Awakened)