Awakening Ceremony - V

The Grey boned Devil's Hound were stronger than the normal Devil Hounds. Not only were they stronger but were quick and agile also.Their grey bones were stronger and sturdy than the normal counterparts.

A huge round of applause ran among the observers and the followers of Vivian whistled too in his support. Natural awakening and that too of a such a strong beast was definitely worth applauding.

Gradually the applause resided as Vivian got down from the podium and walked towards the awakened students stands joining them. Suddenly a loud noise came from the entrance of the auditorium as the doors were banged open as they hit on the walls.

In walked an old man with his hands clasped behind his back. Despite his age, he had a straight posture and walked with a profound confidence. He wore a grey tunic with black pants and had a long white beard which came upto his chest.

He came from the city side and wanted to spend his retirement with children. So he took up the librarian job in the academy and stayed in the back room itself.

This old man was the Librarian of the academy and was called Mr. Brooks. He came in and stood by the side leaning on the wall as he looked at judging panel and nodded with a smile. Mr. Brooks was the librarian at the academy from past 7 years.

The host resumed the ceremony quickly bringing the attention back to the podium. The names were being called out as they tested themselves on the awakening crystal. But the results were the same no change in crystal.

The names were being called in alphabetical order and progressed with no notable mentions. Then came letter R family names. The host called the name Jessica Roy as a small 10 year old girl stood up on the podium.

Jessica was the younger sister of Marcus Roy. She was a bit nervous as she stood up on the podium. With a bit of nervousness she slowly put her hand on the awakening stone.

The crystal sent a pulse in her, as slowly her mana started moving in the core. With a small delay the crystal slowly turned into maroon red colour showing the Maroon Red Core.

A maroon red core meant that the person had to use elemental stone for awakening. A bit of applause sounded as getting a maroon core was also praise worthy out here.

Jessica was dejected and Marcus had a similar bad look on his face. They knew how much their father had to spend to get a elemental stone for Marcus. And now for her awakening too they had too spend another round of money.

Dejected she got down from the podium as she returned to the normal students side. Her friends sensed her bad mood and consoled her.

The ceremony was continued as the students were being called. The students with family names ended. Then came the turn of the ones with no family names well you couldn't directly call them orphans so this name.

Well nobody had hopes from this category before as most of them were abandoned children, ones whose parents couldn't nurture them or some unspeakable cause.

But the surprising incident from 6 years back had them well shaken. One of those orphan boy had a Bright Red Core and was later accepted into institute based in capital.

This had caused an uproar and next year another of those unfortunate children had a natural awakening. This had made the whole group gain importance in academies' eyes and hence the were also given a similar treatment from the academy.

The host started calling children from the orphanage in alphabetical order as per their names. All had a similar blank transparent colour. One of them had a small hue of maroon in his testing but not worth mentioning.

Next host called out Rex as he walked to the podium with a bit of nervousness. He had a huge burden on his mind and was thinking about the outcome.

'I need to get Crimson Red Core for awakening. Both my brothers had awakening. I need to prove others I am no weaker than them and I am similar as of my brothers.'

Slowly he put his hands on the crystal concentrating solely on it with his mind. A smooth pulse entered his hands as held it straight, the pulse triggered his mana core and started making mana rotate.

The crystal slowly turned into a red with shades of black merging in it and kept filling the crystal. The colours then started mixing together forming a maroon red colour.

The crystal showed that the applicant had maroon red core which was not suitable for natural awakening.

Rex was not able to awaken his spiritual beast naturally.