
Rex walked back to orphanage from the academy. He had bruises all over his limbs as he slowly walked back.

'Down goes my plan to ask Vivian for help. I can ask village chief but I don't think he will agree for such a huge amount. Now I need to earn money, at least half the amount so I can ask for a loan for the rest amount.' thought Rex.

He walked with a bit limp as his body ached with a dull pain as he slowly climbed the stairs of church. He made his way towards the personal chamber of Father.

Father Wilfred was busy reading a book over there as heard footsteps of Rex walking over. "How was your awakening ceremony Rex?"

"I failed Father Wilfred. I failed to awaken my spirit beast Father. I got a Maroon Red Core" Rex responded with a deep sorrowful voice. Father Wilfred took his arm in his hand checking his pulse. A faint light emerged from his fingers as it moved into Rex's pulse.

A bit intrigued look spread on his face as he examined Rex's core and body. After a bit he let his arm go, "Hmm... Off you go." as he returned back to reading his book.

Rex just stood staring at him, 'No consoling words no hope giving words just sent off as he meant nothing.'

Seeing no further no reaction, Rex left, thinking as he walked back to his room. 'So natural awakening opportunity is gone. Now I need to get an awakening stone anyhow.

First I have to find out who sells awakening stones. Next how much they cost and their price, their quality, attributes, etc. Next is earning amount of money to get the stone.

Vivian turned out to be a snake, he is not even looking at me forget talking. Down goes the chance to ask his family for money. I must earn money on my own.'

Turning around the corner he reached his room. This room was earned by Keiran and Leo when they fought Martin. Martin was one of the previous gang leaders of the orphanage. He used to bully other orphanage kids.

But the scene changed when Keiran and Leo awakened after they each reached 10 year olds. Not only did they broke Martin's gang but also broke his legs.

This room was the room of Martin's gang and Keiran and Leo changed it to their room. Only Rex other than them had the right to enter this room among the other children in orphanage.

They formed a troop of all three together in the orphanage called the 'RKL Brothers' in the orphanage. With one group having two awakened together which other gang would fight them.

Together both of them fought all the gangs and took revenge on the ones who had once bullied them. Once the six gangs which were present at that time decided to act together against both of them.

Not only both the brothers fought all but won the brawl too. All gangs were disbanded and their belongings taken. Next the gang leaders became punching bags for Keiran and Leo, they use to beat them for fun from now.

Some complained to the Father Wilfred about the ongoing brawl. But he didn't pay any attention to it.

Father Wilfred always neglected these matters. He never interfered the matters between the orphanage children. He was quite emotionless and didn't care what was going on unless there was a death.

Once a boy had died in the orphanage because of the fights. Father Wilfred had the boy buried in the city graveyard. Then he called a someone from the central church.

It was an adjudicator who came from the bigger church based in cities. He took the assailant away with him. Few days he came back with the body of the assailant which was badly mangled and buried him too.

So this made killing a taboo in the orphanage while physical hits and injuries were considered ok. Even breaking of bones was left with some consequences. The person had to do some duty or task for the church which was considered very hard to do.

But these duties were easy were for Keiran and Leo as they had awakened. This made their body strong enough to do these tasks easily. This made breaking few bones a common thing for them to oppress the opponent.

This made them dominate the whole orphanage and also the fear spread through all the minds of children in orphanage. Everyone knew not to cross their way. Rex being with them also was considered fearful.

Once fear gets inserted in the mind, people start making rumors, false facts, etc to satisfy their fear. Rex being one of RKL had a set of rumors going on in the orphanage about him, these made him a fake oppressor in the orphanage.

But now that he had failed to awaken and Keiran being dead, the things were going to change.

Rex reached his room and opened the door and stepped in. But before he could do something a bedsheet was thrown over his head. The bedsheet was then wrapped over him as they blocked his sight which made him confused.

"Hey!!! Who is this?? You dare t.." Rex shouted as he tried to remove the bedsheet out and regain his sight. But then a punch came and hit him in chest. Next came a slap on face, fist on the back, kick on legs, punch, kick, slap....

All attacks started landing on his body. Few guy surrounded him and started beating him mercilessly. It was a fucking AMBUSH!!