All the dominoes fall down

Rex was lying on the floor as he pulled his body in a ball to reduce the body surface getting hit. He was getting kicked by the people standing surrounding him. Kicks landed on his body as he kept getting beaten up by the people.

"Ow... Ah How dare you... Ow.." Rex kept murmuring while kicks landed on his body. "Stop." a sound came from the people. He must be the leader of this group, he continued "Throw him out."

The people hold him by his limbs and throw him out of the door. Landing with a thud, Rex's body fell on the floor "Ahh shit!"

Slowly he removed the bedsheet covering him as he looked out. A small crowd had gathered as they talked about him with pointing their fingers at him.

Looking at the door of his room he saw few kids standing there, massaging their knuckles and hands as they looked back at him. These must be those guys which had ambushed him

He was about to curse when he saw Sheena standing among them. With a bit clear observation he saw that all were the members of Peter's gang with Peter standing in the middle snickering.

"Haha... Rex... the third member of the legendary RKL brothers is nothing but trash."

"How dare you enter this room Peter. You know no one can enter this room. This room has rules that no one except the RKL brothers can enter it. How dare you and your members break this rule Peter." Rex shouted back

Peter snickered," Yea.. Yea. Room no. 21, the private room of RKL brothers, where no else can put a foot in except them. The room won by Keiran and Leo from Martin's gang.

You see this room here... This room no 21 is always held by the strong people. First by Martin then by Keiran and Leo. Then they left the room in your hands.

But who thought the third member was nothing but trash. You see I am just following the routine of the strongest occupying this room. You won't understand it.. trash."

Rex wanted to refute back but before he could say, Peter cut him, "Now listen you dipshit, this room belongs to us, the things in the room belong to us. Now Fuck Off!!"

Saying this Peter closed the door behind his back with a bang. Rex kept looking at the door for a moment unable to process as suddenly his life had reversed.

Slowly the crowd dispersed as they went away spreading the news and gossiping about what had happened. Rex slowly got up as he dusted his clothes of the dirt and also rubbed the places he was hit.

Slowly he got up and walked to the washroom and washed his face. There were bruises on his arms, legs, chest, back everywhere. His left cheek was swollen and had turned reddish black.


"Did you hear what happened in afternoon?"

"Are you talking about the fight between Rex and Peter's gang?"

"Of course duh!! It's the hottest news. I am glad someone brought him down."

"Why are you so happy? I didn't knew you had problems with that guy."

"Well I couldn't stand that guy behaving like he is someone better than us. Why? Just because Keiran and Leo considered him as their brother."

"Dude so you are saying you despise him for just being to stand next to Keiran and Leo?"

"Well not literally... but one must stand according to their social standing. He behaved like he was better than us when he was nothing but a fake card."


"Down goes Rex and the name of RKL Brothers in two instances."

"Yea.. all it went with Keiran's death and Rex's failure. Leo is there but far from this place."

"Again this downfall has shown that you need to be in a gang to survive out here."

"Yea with the fall of Rex, down goes all my hope for being able to stand without joining the gangs. Now it will be necessary to join or create gangs to live well over here."


Similar discussions were happening out in the dinning area. People were discussing about today's happenings but the main topic was definitely Rex. His failure and the fighting which continued later were the hot topics of the evening.

Rex made his way towards the dining hall. As he entered the hall, a huge silence suddenly spread in the hall for a moment as suddenly the murmurs filled in hall.

People were talking about him, his bruises and swelling while literally pointing fingers at him. Rex just gave up and stood in line for dinner.

Taking a plate he sat on a empty table as he ate his food without giving any fucks to nearby discussions. But not even two morsels had gone down his throat when suddenly someone kicked the chair he was sitting on.

Down he went again on the floor again. Looking back he saw it was none other than Bracken standing out there. "WTF..."

But before he could continue Bracken threw Rex's plate with a loud clank. "How dare you sit on my personal table you trash. Fuck the hell out of here."

He then stood on the table and declared, "Any one who dares to help this fucker will become the enemy of my gang forever."