The Debt

Yifeng walked into Shi's room only to be attacked by a pillow as soon as he opened the door which he caught easily. Walking inside the room he put the pillow on the sofa set in the middle of the room and turned towards Shi who was facing away from him with a small pout on her face looking as if she was wronged.

Yifeng sighed as he tried to pacify the fire spitting dragon he called sister.

''Shi, listen to me okay I made this decision thinking about you only. Alright, so stop being a child and listen to me.''

Yifeng already knew that she had heard the discussion which took place just now as he had noticed her presence and caught her shadow. So he decided not to drag the matter.

''What do you mean by that brother! How could you do this? How could you force me into marrying someone I don't love him, heck I don't even know him.''

''Shi listen to me...''

''No brother you listen to me. How could you do this to me? I will not marry someone I do not love. You know it as well brother, just look at the state of my family. My father married my mother not out of love but as a business deal and look where it lead them. One of them is six feet under the ground while the other is simply despicable. Now you tell me, how can I marry someone I do not love after seeing the way my parent's relationship turned out.''

''Shi listen to me. You are simply overreacting. Do you think that I would let something like that happen to you, huh, answer me.''

''No brother, it is not that I do not trust you, it's just that I do not want to end up like my parents.''

''That will never happen and that is my promise to you. Now, listen to me alright. The reason I want you to marry Boa Yang is to repay him the debt we owe him. I have looked at his files and noticed that there are many hits placed on him on a regular basis, so I want you to marry him and help him alright.''

''What debt are you talking about brother?''

''Do you still remember grandma?''

''What type if silly question is this? Of course I remember grandma but what does this have to do with her though?''

''So you must also remember that many years ago a young boy saved grandma from drowning in the river and that is why we owe him because he saved the life of the Li family's matriarch.''

"So what?''

"Yesterday when I say Yang was the first time I was successfully able to identify him and after the whole ordeal was over I got someone to look into his files and I was right. He indeed is the same boy.''

''So what?''

''So you are going to have to marry him whether you like it or not. Get ready we are due to meet them at the registration office in next two hours. And Shi before I forget to inform you this arrangement will not change.''