The Discussion

At one of the high end restaurant of the city, a handsome man could be seen waiting for someone in the private room, as the doors were not closed for now everyone was able to see inside He had very good looks which caused all the ladies walking past his room only to look at him. While many thought about who could make this king of a man wait.

Yang who was the one sitting inside the room was very nervous inside while he looked very confident outside. He had never expected that Yifeng would be able to make Shi agree for the marriage. So, it was natural to say that he was surprise to get a call from the girl about whom he was day dreaming. The call was very short in itself, she only called to tell him to meet her at the place and at what time.

Yang who was very much ecstatic to get her call, cancelled all his meetings for the day and rushed to meet her and now he was here half an hour early. But, now he was felling nervous and was thinking what he was supposed to do if she called the meeting to reject him. He was deep in his thoughts when suddenly there were many people talking around him, he too looked up to see what caught all their attention and felt like his breath was knocked out of him.

There was she walking, coming towards him with her confident posture not giving a damn to all the judgemental looks casted upon her. Her attire was also looking exceptionally good at her, she wore a simple black crop top with straps instead if the usual sleeves and below it faded denim shorts. She paired it with black heeled boots which reached her ankles and carried a matching purse, there was also a blue pendant around her neck and had her reflectors perches at the top of her small head.

She looked around the line of the private rooms as she tried to find the room booked by her. Yang who was looking at her felt anger at all the lust full gazes towards her. While the men looked at her with greed, the female populace looked at her with jealousy. She finally found the room and make her way towards it not giving all the people who were shamelessly staring at her any mind.

As she entered the room Yang got up from his seat to welcome her, and close the door in the in the process leaving all the other guests out there in a daze, now they knew, it was the goddess only who could make the king wait.

Yang could feel his cheeks burning up the longer he looked at Shi to him she was simply looking heavenly at the moment. He slowed down his beating heart as he guided her towards her seat and pulled the chair for her like the gentleman he was and started the conversation after taking his seat just opposite to her.

"Shi good to see you, I have already asked them to send us some appetizers so shall we wait for them to begin our talk?''

"No, it is alright, let us begin with the discussion if it is also alright with you.''

''Sure there is no problem.''

"Good, Mr Yang I have agreed to marry you but I have some conditions for you to fulfil.''

''Straight to the point aren't you Shi, also there is no need to call me Mr Yang, only Yang will suffice. Let's hear your demands then.''

"Well alright Yang, my first demand is that you shall not interfere in my private life, do not worry cause I will not cheat you for the time I am married to you.''

'Well we shall see about that my wife, I will not let you leave me once I am married to you'

Yang thought in his mind when he made a reminder for himself to come up with ways to seduce his wife.