Wicked Girl

Yang led Shi downwards the staircase as both of them continued talking. When Shi turned her head to look at the staff she gave a surprise yelp and ran towards the woman she considered a grandmother figure in her life. Jumping into her embrace she hugged her tightly as she started jumping up and down like a bunny while exclaiming loudly.

"Aunty Ying I cannot believe that you are here, oh God I missed you so much aunty Ying."

Housekeeper Ying patted her head like a child and tried to soothe out her tangled hair which she got while running towards her as she answered her,

"I also missed the young miss very much and I think that is the reason why both young master and old master urged me to come and stay here do that you will be at ease."

"Eh, does that mean that brother sent you here aunty Ying?"

"Yes why is something wrong?''

"No nothing is wrong. I was just hoping that grandpa would not let brother off this time but I guess I was wrong.''

When housekeeper Ying heard Shi complaining she gave a small smile and continued telling Shi,

"Young miss while it is true that young master is still alive, it is also true that the old master was very angry this time and so he had punished the young master to kneel in the ancestral home for a week."

"Really aunty Ying?"

"Yes young miss, even the rest of your brothers were also very angry this time. That is why I think that you should take pity on young master and please do not try to make things difficult for him."

"Fine aunty Ying, I will listen to you"

While Shi and house keeper Ying were talking the rest of the people present there were observing them and were trying to figure them out.

As Yang looked at the way both of them were conversing he confirmed one thing they while it may look like Shi was open to him the truth was far from him. Just by looking at the way that she talked with housekeeper Ying in a carefree and devil may care attitude, she was a bit more reserved when talking to him and he also noticed that sometimes she would try to conceal her emotions from him. While it did make him quite angry, he also understood that he still had a long way to go before she got casual around him, but even if the path ahead looked quite long Yang firmly believed that she was worth all the time and all the troubles that the journey may give him.

While yang was busy analysing and comparing his relationship with Shi with the relationship between Shi and housekeeper Ying, the staff were all so looking at them carefully as they saw the lady who could be their future mistress and the servant she brought with her. When they heard their conversation they thought that the lady was one of the spoiled girls from a family who was sticking to their master for money and branded her as a gold digger in their hearts and only prayed to the Lord to be graceful and to wake up their master from which ever dream he is having and the chase the wicked girl out.