Invitation To A Funeral

As Yang watched his beloved smile happily he also subconsciously gave a small smile which rendered all his staff speechless. At first when he smiled many of them thought that they were perhaps dreaming or hallucinating, there boss who was known to be heartless and cold actually smiled and that too at a woman! Preposterous.

But as they saw him smile for the second time and that too the same woman, they were sure of one thing, with how fussy there master was, this woman was here to stay and this fact greatly distressed the people who had previously labelled Shi as a gold digger.

They were happy for their master but they also hoped that he could find a partner who genuinely loved him and not his money, heck that would not even care if their boss brought back a man as a potential partner or lover. As long as the person had good character and truly cared for their master and not for his money or his properties or his social standing in the society.

All of them were brought back to the world when they heard their new mistress asking their master about the housekeeper,

"Yang when did Aunty Ying arrive? I am so happy to see her. I missed her too much."

Their master also gave a small laugh at seeing her behave so happily and replied to her in a doting manner,

"What did I tell you Shi, that you would love the guest who specially came to visit you right? Now I believe that we should have our supper which have become our dinner due to the time you slept and call it an early night alright."

Shi nodded furiously at the suggestion as she was also very hungry and tired from all the psychological decision that she made today. Starting from the morning when she suddenly heard that she was getting married to a complete stranger, at that moment she thought that her brother would save her but she never thought that he would be the one to directly deliver to the lion's den. And then to actually meeting the person to whom she was to marry and them to arriving at his house to live with him from now.

The only thing that she was sure of was that her new husband was a nice man and would not harm her seeing the fact that her brother was okay with the marriage and she was not invited to his funeral till now. Regarding all the rest of the matters she decided to sleep on them and then to discuss them with Yang in the morning when she finally gets a grasp on the changes around her.

With these thoughts she followed Yang to the dining hall and was surprisingly to be presented with amazing and mouth-watering dishes which greatly increased her already nice diet and as a result she ate more than she normally does and felt bloated. Housekeeper Ying who saw this tries to reprimand her,

"Young miss, how many times I have told you not to eat too much at night as it interferes with your sleep ugh. You and the young masters are all the same, none of you ever listen to me."

Yang watched in amusement as Shi just nodded her head while looking down like a child who got caught for stealing candy. After five minutes when housekeeping Ying showed no signs of stopping he finally decided to help his beloved out of her problem by suggesting to give her a tour of their new house,

"Shi how about I give you a tour of the house now instead of tomorrow morning. You can treat it like a walk also."

Ying finished speaking and stood up from the table and nearly laughed out loud when he saw Shi nodding furiously and almost running away from the table and from perhaps all the nagging.

When they were a bit of distance away Shi turned towards Yang and thanked him for saving her,

"Thank you so much Yang for saving me from Aunty Ying's nagging. You do not know her, once she starts it is impossible to make her stop and that is why I am giving you a golden suggestion. Next time you hear her start talking you run away. Mark my words Bao Yang YOU WALK AWAY and if you fail to do so then I could only pray and light a candle for you. "

Yang heard her talking as they walked away from the dining room from which they could still faintly hear Aunty Ying complaining you the cook or perhaps to the Butler.