Their Home

It would be an understatement to call the place where Yang lived as simply a house. It was not. Situated in the ideal locating available in the entire country, the Spring Estate.

It houses all the important and influential people of the country, ranging from business men to politicians, all of them had a property here.

Yang had one of the largest villa that the space could provide. Standing at three floors high it had its own indoor swimming pool and home theatre. As Yang led Shi on a tour of the house he also told Shi about all of the rooms.

"Shi this is the library and that is the study room, you can also use it if you wish."

Yang looked at Shi's reaction hoping to surprise her with his outstanding house for there was no one before her who did not had their mind blower by the awesomeness of his villa. But Shi's nonchalant expression dampened his mood.

Shi looked everywhere as she had already seen stuff like this and was not at all excited. Seeing her expression Yang suddenly realized that to whom he was talking.

To the princess of the Li clan. The granddaughter of the legendary Li who had single-handedly uplifted the Li status and to the sister of the current Li heir who was also the leader of the underworld.

And that is when Yang realized that his plan to surprise Shi is always going to fail miserably because she was also rich and had access to things like him which could be considered as a boon for the rest of the people.

When Yang was taking Shi towards the garage where he stored all his cares was where he was expecting her to give him her most blank look.

But she would not be Shi if she does not surprise him, right!

And so when Yang was expecting her to yawn at the cars she surprised him by gasping in surprise. Yang looked at her with amazement, with her small mouth hanging by her jaw as her eyes grew larger if it was possible with her large doe eyes.

She walked around the garage as if it was her own wonderland and looked around his cars while Yang just followed behind her like puppy.

Yang was more amazed when she saw his prized car, a Pagani and whistled, she looked at him and said.

"Now this is the best part of your house Yang. I never knew that you had so many cars and to vintage."

Yang looked at her and asked

"Do you also like cars?"

Shi looked her head like a bobble head doll and told him,

"Uh huh I love cars. I even had my own collection of my favourite sport cars back home. Me and Yifeng are crazy about cars."

Yang looked at her and was happy to see that at least they had a common topic to talk about and also had a shared hobby. He suddenly felt a light bulb go on inside his head as a brilliant idea came to him as he suggested to Shi.

"How about we get your cars to be sent here and then you could also put them here in the garage with mine."

Shi looked at him for a moment before asking.

"Is it okay for me put my cars here? I mean that this is your home and all."

Yang nodded furiously as he again told her,

"You are once again wrong Shi. This is not my home anymore, this is our home from the moment you signed your name besides mine on the marriage license. It was from that moment onwards that both of us started to share everything thing that we own, equally no one more no one less."

Shi looked at him before commenting,

"This is neither first time but I noticed that you are pretty good with your words aren't you."

Yang just smile at her accusation and replied,

"My pleasure mi amor. Now it is getting late and I think it is time for us to get to bed right. Now come on let me take you to your new room."

Yang said before walking away leaving behind a shocked Shi who stated following him after Yang again called for her.