Assistant Chang

The next morning in a room a figure could be seen sleeping peacefully on the bed. Her beautiful figure could not be hidden by the blanket she was using to cover her body.

On the bed long and curly eyelashes shifted as her eyelids slowly crunched before moving as her beautiful hazel brown eyes came into view. She slowly got up on the bed as she tried to recount where she was and what was happening around her before the memories of last night flowed in her mind suddenly as if a dam had broken.

She remembered that she was married yesterday and was currently at her husband's house, no she was not at his house she was at his villa.

Then she remembered last night.

At how her husband led her to her new room after telling her about their house and left after telling her goodnight at the door before leaving.

Now that Shi was awake, she decided to first take a bath and then think about the matters concerning Yang.


While downstairs, on the dining room of the villa. Assistant Chang who had been working with Yang for the last five years was lost in thought as he saw his boss who usually never had breakfast before was sitting on the table for the last half an hour while continuously looking towards the stairs that led upstairs to the bedrooms.

He felt as if the oxygen has left his lungs when he saw a woman dressed in a light peach top with blue denim shorts paired with ankle length black boots. Her magnificent platinum hair tied up in a pony walking down the stairs.

To simply call the woman beautiful, would be understatement and huge injustice to the woman too. She was ethereal. The confidence with which she came down the stairs made her look like an empress of ancient times. On remembering the empress, Chang also sneaked a look at the emperor only to find him watching the woman with his jaw hanging.

Chang again looked at Shi and then suddenly a flash passed in his eyes as he neared towards Yang so the next words spoken by him could be only heard by him.

"Master, I am sure that if we are able to prove that the woman drugged you then we do not have to take responsibility for her. I am sure that she is just a gold digger who has decided to latch herself onto your thighs."

Just as Chang finished speaking he noticed that his boss was not only responding to him but his face was also getting darker as the moments passed before he spit two words.


Chang was momentarily shocked as he heard his boss shouting as him and before his boss could continue to yell at him the female goddess spoke.

"Good morning Yang."

After which she gracefully sat down at the table opposite to his boss who now had a smile on his face which scared the poor assistant. So far he had only seen his boss laughing when he was about to sign a big deal or acquire a company. No, even at that time the smile was not as half genuine as the smile his boss was now giving to the lady.

What surprised him further was when his boss wished the lady back and asked her about her sleep.

"Good morning to you too Shi, how was your sleep? What is alright?"

'Oh so her name is Shi, I got to run a background check on her and then prove to boss that she is just like all the ladies before who tried to seduce him for money and fame.'

Thought Chang in his mind as he messaged the assistant working under him to run a check a woman named Shi.

The assistant who was just getting ready to leave for the office when noticed this message, cursed Chang in her heart.

'Just how the hell am I supposed to run a check in woman with just her first name? What the hell is wrong with senior Chang? Doesn't he know that there might be around a thousand hits for the name Shi? '

But she still did her task with full focus as she knew that her job was pretty important to her and was currently paying all her bills.