The Title Of His Wife

Inside the dining room the atmosphere was tense as Chang kept staring at Shi as he wanted to find out about her family so that he can prove it to his boss that she was just another rich spoilt heiress who was after him just to get the title of Bao Yang's wife.

While Yang kept staring at Chang and glaring at him. If looks could kill then Chang would have been dead by now just from the anger in the eyes of his boss. Yang found it very annoying that his assistant was staring at his Shi with the gaze of a hungry wolf and as such he decided to cut his salary for the next two months as a punishment.

Satisfied with his plan he turned to look at his newly wedded wife just to find out that like always she was paying zero attention to the people who kept staring at her.

Soon after Aunty Ying entered the room following butler Yan and bowed to wish the two of them.

"Good morning young master and miss."

While Yang merely nodded his head as his answer to return her greetings, Shi gave a full blown smile and wished her good morning in return.

"Young miss I am extremely sorry to interrupt your breakfast but first young master has repeatedly called for you since the morning wishing to talk to you."

As Shi heard Aunty Ying mention her first elder brother she gave a confused look as she asked herself out loud,

"Eh first brother is looking for me? Why?"

Aunty Ying slowly inched towards Shi so that the rest of the conversation could be only be heard by Shi, Yang, Chang and herself.

"First young master wishes that since you are staying here from now you take a look at his business situated in this country and help him out a bit."

Just as she finished speaking her phone once again rang showing the caller id as First Young Master. She looked at the screen before passing it towards Shi who took it with a slight hesitation before flashing a small apologetic smile towards Yang before picking up the phone.

"I am sorry but I have to take this call. You may continue with your breakfast without waiting for me."

Just as she left Chang once again turned towards Yang and asked him once again in a low voice that could be only heard by the two of them.

"Sorry to bother you boss, I know that you may not need my help in this case but I believe that it is my duty to inform you that this lady is harmful and you should not associate yourself with the likes of her."

Yang felt himself boiling in anger as he heard Chang. He did not believe the uttered words to be true as he knew or hoped to know what kind of person Shi truly is.

She did not care about his fame or wealth. The title of Bao Yang's wife meant nothing to her, a fact that truly hurt him.

She was the treasured sister of Li Yifeng, the favoured granddaughter of the head of the hundred year old Li clan, Li Han. A family whose legacy will not be lost easily.

The last thing that she needed was him. All the wealth that he could provide her would make only a small difference as compared to her lifestyle when she was with the Li family.

He gritted his teeth in anger as he asked his secretary,

"What type of person do you think Shi is?"

As the staff heard the question they also heard the anger hidden in it and all of them came to the unanimous decision of running away from the active volcano that they called their boss or their employer.

Assistant Chang who thought that his talks were finally making sense to his boss was far too involved with his emotions that he failed to notice the looming threat.

The butler was the last person to exit before making sure that the rest of the innocent and young staff who were not familiar with their boss's anger were safely evacuated. Taking housekeeper Ying with him who was still new, he turned back one last time to look at the poor man whose funeral he may have to attend tomorrow as he whispered slowly to himself.

"Good bye assistant Chang, it was nice knowing you while you were alive. Do not worry for I will personally bring flowers to your grave every year and remind you that you foolishly died for insulting master's partner in front of him"

Assistant Chang failed to notice this as he did to notice the shades of his boss's eyes were getting darker and darker with suppressed anger.