Not Dating

Assistant Chang suddenly became aware of the danger he was in when he noticed that he was left alone in the room with a dragon who paid his salary.

Yang again looked at Chang and repeated his earlier question,

"I am asking you for the last time. What type of person do you think she is?"

His suppressed anger was clearly heard in his voice.

Chang at that moment knew that he had crossed a line and was in for punishment but that did not hinder him from notifying his boss about the possible threat that a certain lady could pose in the future.

Puffing up his chest with courage Chang just decided to get over with it and then receive his punishment which was sure to come, because he knew that if he stopped once he began talking then he would not be able to continue what he wanted to say especially if it was against his boss's opinions.

"Boss that seductress is harmful for your future and the future madam. She is with you just for the money and fame and that is why I believe that a man of your calibre should not be dating a gold digger like her."

Just as Chang finished speaking Yang replied to him

"She and I are not dating."

To which very confused Change just started at his boss as if he had grown a third head.

"I am already married to her on the paper. She is the madam and my wife, that is why I guess that you should think before you speak the next time you utter such disgraceful words towards your lady boss"

As Yang finished speaking, Chang had long turned to a stone when he hears the words WIFE coming with such tenderness from the mouth of his notorious boss who was also known as the devil of the business world.

'Shit, I was too late. Damn that woman, she was able to capture boss in her little role play and now has snatched the title of his wife'

Thought Change as the hatred in his heart that he felt for Shi increased a hundred fold. The already tarnished image of Shi which he had drawn in his mind became worse.

Being by Yang's side for such long period of time he knew that he had overstepped his boundaries hugely and that is why he decided to keep calm for now as he silently devised a plan as to how get rid of Shi without giving her an inch from the inheritance and the properties owned by his boss, heck he even hoped that they would be able to not pay her the divorce settlement.

This was the scene to which Shi walked back right in after finishing her call.

Yang sitting at the same exact position with his face marked with anger as his secretary stood quite a few steps behind him with a sinister look in his eyes as if he was planning someone's demise

She saw Yang was in a bad mood and decided that it would be perhaps the most appropriate time to make her exit.

"Hey Yang, I just got a call from big brother and he had asked me to check out some of his business in this country so I am going to get going and be perhaps back for dinner."

As Yang was going to reply to her Chang's phone suddenly rang showing the caller ID of his assistant.

Not wanting his boss to know that he had previously ordered a mass search for all the females named Shi, Chang excused himself as he left the room to take the call and get his assistant to keep on searching for the female who was currently residing in his boss's turf. He believed that he could still prove that she was with him just for money and get his boss to divorce her without paying her even a single penny.

As Chang left Yang turned towards Shi and said,

"It's alright you can leave now but be sure to be back by dinner alright. By the way, are you going out to help Yifeng with his stuff?"

She shook her head as she told him,

"No, not Yifeng I am going out the help my eldest brother."

"Eldest brother? How many brothers do you have Shi?"

Enquired Yang,

Shi smiled softly as she told him,

"I have four brothers in total. Me and Yifeng are the youngest among them."

Yang felt his heart dropping as he heard that he had other three possibly possessive men with whom he had to talk before finally making Shi his as he knew that his sweet wife treated them just like family and it would only be appropriate if he talked to them regarding his feelings for Shi and only God knows how difficult it was for him to face Yifeng and now he was informed that there were three other people like that.

Yang at that moment was felling very cheated.