At The Club (2)

It seemed as only a few moments had passed after the appearance of the two beautiful ladies, when the entire club once again erupted into chaos as the other two princes of the country made their arrival.

Yang followed by Mohan caused many women present there to squeal while hoping for the handsome Adonis to notice them. Mohan who gave them a smile started another round of excitement as the ladies hoped for their Prince Charming to even give them a small glance were knee again left disappointed as he continued walking.

Walking the room, they were greeted by the faces of their other friends. When Mohan noticed that Ruan was looking a bit dejected he asked him,

"What happened to our playboy today? Why the long face? "

When Xin heard him, he erupted into laughter as he replied,

"Well that is because our buddy today noticed two very pretty girls who would have satisfied him for sure but the problem is that after even asking his assistant to gain information about them, he got nothing."

After finishing this all of them laughed together except for Ruan at whose expense they were laughing and Yang who looked at him before asking the one question which was bugging him.

"Did you not send someone to the room in which they are and asked for them to join you?"

Ruan looked at him a little annoyed before answering him,

"What am I an idiot? Of course, I had a waiter do down there and pass them message."

It was Mohan who asked him further,

"And them What"

"And then, the waiter brought back a tissue paper with message."

"What's the message? "

Zehan who was sitting till now, jumped up from his seat as he presented them with a tissue paper

"Here it is, I am saving it so that I could go home and have it framed so that future sister in law could also see it."

On the tissue paper, a single sentence was written,

'Stop wasting your time and go find another girl to spend the night with and stop bothering me or else I will get you thrown out of here.

PS: you do not have what it takes to be with me.'

And the letter was signed off by a lipstick mark.

After reading the message all of them again stared laughing. Even Yang who rarely smiled when not in the presence of his dear wife also showed a small smile.

Ruan gritted his teeth in an her when his friends started to laugh at his expense and tried to change the topic,

"So, we're we all called here so that all of you can laugh at me or is there anything you want to share with us Yang"

Yang noticed his childhood friend's attempt to change the topic and decided that it was enough laughter for one day and hoped that they would take the matter of his marriage with Shi nicely as he wanted his wife to get along with the people with whom he shared his childhood days with and also he has noticed that ever since Shi came back, she has showed no wish to meet up with herself friends and so he wanted that Shi to be able to befriend his friends so that she would not be lonely.

"The reason why the whole group was called here was because big boy Yang had some awesome news to share with all of us"

Mohan answers Ruan as he waited for Yang to tell them about his lovely sister in law.

"I am married"

Just this single sentence or should one say that just these three words from Yang sent the whole room into pin drop silence as everyone present there except Yang and Mohan got the biggest shock of their lives.


Xin was the first one to shout after hearing such an earth-shattering news, his friend who was never close to any female aside from his mother and other female relatives was married!!

Ruan also sceptically looked at his friend before asking,


But before Yang could answer, Zehan beat him to it as he said out loud,

"Yang please don't tell me that you got really drunk and had your way with a girl and now you are being forced to take responsibility, because if that is the case then I am disappointed in you Yang, you should have first closely investigated the case before giving yourself as a compensation to that girl"

Yang looked at him coldly before telling them about his wife,

"No, I did not get drunk and certainly did not had my way with her. Her name is Zhang Shi, the only granddaughter of Zhang Yimou and the heir to the house of Zhang. You all know that Zhang Yimou and I know each other personally and so he suggested this marriage and I agreed, that is all so get rid of ant other weird fantasy you have in that brain of yours Zehan."

Ruan looked at Yang with his eyes narrowed as he asked him,

"So, you got married to a rich heiress huh Yang. If you just wanted to get married to a pretty girl then why did you reject all those girls who earlier proposed to you Yang? Tsk, are you the same guy who earlier claimed that you would never get married to a wife who was like a decorative vase?"

Yang heard his friend calmly before telling him,

"Ruan I would really like it if you would meet her before passing your judgement on the type of person she is."

Xin looked confused before asking Yang,

"Wait Yang do you mean that your wife is the daughter of the Zhang family who was thought to be dead but recently back as it turned out that she was not dead but was just recovering from the crash which she was in."

Yang looked a bit confused when hearing Xin when he suddenly remembered that it was the cover up prepared up by Yifeng so that the people will not question her and so that her relationship with the Li family will also be hidden as per Shi's wishes and so he nodded his head towards Xin, agreeing with his words.