At The Club

Two weeks have passed and the relationship between Yang and Shi has been steadily improving after the talk they had at night.

Shi is now much more open with him and two of them are able to converse normally like friends, one can even say that it was a blessing in disguise for Yang and that is why Yang finally decided to tell his friends about his marriage with Shi.

As from where he sees it, now it seems like that the two of them trust each other even if it's just a little bit, and that is great for Yang.


At night outside a club many people can be seen queueing up just to get inside, for someone had leaked the news that three of the five most eligible bachelor's of the country are sitting inside, this caused all the females from rich families to come here to simply get noticed by them.

Inside the club, in a private room three people can be seen siting at the table presumably waiting for someone.

Just to say that they are handsome would be a shame and an understatement because that are deadly handsome, with their face only they are capable of cause massive uproar within female populace.

Each of them are different yet, they are same and that is the most awesome thing about them. In spite of their different characteristics all three of them seem to blend in with each other just like a well prepared mocktail. Them being famous in there own profession was also the reason that all five of them got along great.

Sitting at the left side of the circular table is Zehan, with his simple boy like manners is the most wanted boyfriend in the entire elite circle. He was getting bored out of waiting for their other two friends and decided to annoy the ones who were present.

"Hey guys, why do you think that Yang suddenly asked all of us out?"

He asked in his usual cherry voice, which according to some tabloids was supposedly able to make women pregnant, while eyeing the person who wants sitting beside him.

"That's because he said that he wanted to tell us something you dumb*ss."

Replied Xin who was the unfortunate one to site beside this chatter box.

He looked at Ruan who was sitting opposite to him and asked when he saw that he was busy in thinking something,

"Well well what happened to the playboy today? Why's the long face for? Just because you cannot pick up girls today? Hahaa."

It was no secret that Chen Ruan was the ultimate playboy to be born, he changed women faster than he changed shirts but never did he force any women to be with him. While the women were the ones who threw themselves at him just by looking at his deviously handsome face, plus with his elite background he never had a shortage of women who were eyeing the place of Mrs Chen to be theirs.

When Xin heard his friend he started laughing while deciding to join the fun as he also teased Ruan,

"Hey it's okay buddy, do not worry when I am here. Come on let's go near the window and look below to find you some beauties. This is the elite club, there must be some women present here who could interest you come on."

And without waiting for his reply he pulled Ruan with himself towards the window while Zehan watched the two idiots before getting himself a glass of wine and joining them.

While the three of them were watching downstairs from above with disinterest. There was a big commotion outside the club as two women descended from the latest edition of phantom Rolls Royce car. Seeing them the bodyguards present cleared up the door to let her in first.

When the others present there were woken up from their stupor when they realized that the females who had just come skipped the entire line and started to create a ruckus.

While inside the club, the three of them Xin, Ruan and Zehan were talking among themselves when the entire club hushed into silence as if everyone had left.

When Zehan once again looked outside to see the reason for such an action he saw the beauties.

One of them was wearing a black mesh dress, ending at her knees and the sleeves ending at her wrists, paired with silver heels and her long platinum hair tied up in a ponytail. There were no traces of makeup at her face with the exemption of her blood red lips which seemed to glow against her fair skin.

While the other woman with blond hair, who was accompanying her was wearing a silver bodycon dress which ended halfway at her knees.

After seeing the two of them getting into another private room Zehan was awaken from his shock and when he turned around to tell both of his friends, he saw that the two of them were also beside him while eyeing the room into which the two of them entered.

Ruan who was eyeing the room with much intensity, called his assistant who was waiting outside the bar, on standby to take his boss home if the former drank more than he could hold and ordered him to,

"Just now two women entered the private room meant for influential individuals inside the club I am at. I want all the information about them in the next ten minutes. Fail me and get ready to be fired."

When Xin and Zehan heard their cold hearted friend asking information about lady for the first time, they both were almost tempted to asl more but the murderous look on his face made them rethink whether the question was as important as their life.