At The Club (5)

Ruan, Zehan and Xin were shocked when they heard that their sister-in-law knew someone from the prestigious Li family. Ruan looked towards Yang sceptically as the thought that perhaps Yang had married Shi in order to expand his business but then he contradicted his own thought as he thought that since she carried the surname Zhang, she might not be close to the Li family but only knew Li Yanchen who was at most the third son of the Li family and as far as Ruan knew he was not involved in any of the business handled by the Li family, both legal and illegal.

Just as he was busy in his thoughts Kai's phone rang showing the contact name 'Manager'. Kai excused himself as he picked up the phone before cursing and almost throwing it across the room,

"Shit shit shit f**k it"

Everyone looks at him with a big question marks on their faces as Shi asked him.

"What happened brother?"

Kai looked at dejectedly and told her,

"Shi someone took a picture of the two of us and posted it online. Your face was not in it, only your back and my company already took it down but many still were able to take a screenshot and now it is trending"

Xin looked at them before asking the question which was also in Ruan's mind,

"So what? Yang is already here and would not misunderstand your relationship. Oh, could it be that your girlfriend would misunderstand?"

"No, I would be really happy if it was my girlfriend who misunderstood, but this is much more difficult."

And as if right on cue his phone once again rang, this time showing the contact name 'Oldest Devil'. Upon seeing the name Kai's face lost all colour and became deathly pale, Shi who was sitting beside him peeked to see the name and told Kai,

"I suggest that you pick up the phone brother, it is not nice to anger him further and test the limit of his patience."

Kai shook his head vehemently,

"No, even if I were to die I will not pick up this phone. You know what, I am going to book tickets for the remotest location I can find and then stay there until his anger cools off."

During their conversation, the phone had already stopped ringing and now was just silently laying on the table when suddenly the doors opened and another female fatale entered.

She was still dressed in the silver bodycon dress as earlier. She entered the room before respectfully bowing towards Shi, Kia and Yang before addressing Kai,

"Third young master I have to urge you to pick up the master's phone, he just had someone contact me to relay the message that if you do not pick up his call he will activate all his dormant forces to capture you and drag you back to the old house. He also said that if you were to hide, it would not be if, it will be when for he will surely find you and then he will punish him more for making him do the extra work."

Ruan was intently looking at the girl who was relaying such a grim warning with a small smile on her face as if she was enjoying to see him tormented.

The phone again rang after five minutes, showing the same contact name, 'Oldest Devil'

Kai, with his shaking hands, picked up the phone as the entire room enveloped in salience as from the other side came an old but powerful voice,

-You idiot, how dare you? How many times have I told you to stay away from my Xiao Shi so that you do not rub your bad habits onto her, BUT what did you do! You took her to a club, A CLUB where she had something to drink!!!!!-

As Kai tried to weekly protest against, he was once again shut down

-Do not true to argue with me you imbecile. Get your sorry a*s here. Your punishment is that you shall not receive any allowance this year and that all the money that you may earn this year should be given to me.-

Kai looked as if he had seen a ghost as he tried to negotiate with his grandfather,

"Please grandfather, do not do this. How am I supposed to survive if you take away all the money from me? Please be lenient, this idiotic one shall not do this again."

A sneer was heard on the other side,

-Survive? Ha just ask any one of the lady that you are seeing to sponsor you for one month each. I shall not reconsider matter at all as it concerns my Xiao Shi. And boy I expect to see all of your money in my account, you very well know the consequence of fooling me. Come over here as fast as you can so that I can deal with you.-

And with this the line was terminated from the other side as Kai sat with a face as if he was just about to cry. He looked towards Shi giving her the best puppy face he could manage as he started,


But before he could finish he was stopped as Shi also began speaking,

"Xinghe remind me to buy lilies tomorrow for third brother's funeral as by looking at his face I can tell that he is planning to run away in which case, grandpa will surely kill him."

Xinghe who was the beauty in the bodycon dress only nodded her head. When Kai heard this he was about to say something before his phone once again rang, this time showing the contact name as 'Older Devil'.

He again looked gloomily towards the phone as he debated whether he should pick up the phone or not, seeing his dilemma Xinghe quirked,

"Third young master, I suggest that you pick up the phone if you do not wish to die slowly, master could be considered as merciful as he will allow you instant death but on the other hand if you continue to ignore first master's call, I can promise you that you will die horribly."

Kai sighed loudly as he again picked up the phone, this time as soon as he picked up a cool and cold voice was heard from the other side,

-Yanchen I expect to see all your earnings in the family account. I already talked with grandfather and he has already informed me about the situation. Do not try to cheat me or else the punishment would turn more severe. Also this month's foundation account is going to be filled by you.-

And without giving a chance for Kai the line was again terminated. Kai looked sadly towards Shi as he stared to complain,

"Look Shi everyone is ganging up on me, you have to help me Shi please."

Kai looked towards Shi, making a face as if he was just about to cry his eyes out.