Chapter 67

While Lan was busy spying on her love and butler Yan, she failed to notice that there were another pair of eyes on her.

Housekeeper Ying was just on her way to her mistress's room when she spotted the annoying maid a.k.a Lan acting weird as she tried, yes 'tried' to hide behind a pillar which was frankly way too thin to hide her body,

And that is when she heard the butler speak his worries as she scoffed,

'Tsk... idiots, do they really believe that my young miss is so free? Even if she did not work and just laze around and do nothing, then to none of these people would be able to match up to her worth, the young masters have already urged the miss not to work but she is the who insists to do it.'

Housekeeper Ying thought to herself as she eyed the idiotic maid who was hell-bent on making the life of her young mistress difficult as she did all childish stuff such as sloppily cleaning her room, adding extra spices to the food and messing up the reds and whites in the laundry which resulted in most of the clothes being dyed pink.

'Luckily I stopped her every time not that it matters though, for the young miss never eats anything prepared by someone else except than her Li family and me.'

And then she left without even hearing Yang's answer as by observing him for a couple of days, she could unquestionably say that he had strong feelings for the miss.

Turning back once again she looked at Lan as she thought,

'Your life would not be easy when you are fired from here.'

While Lan who was still busy spying felt a chill down her spine, as she turned back she saw nothing, but little did she knew that she was on the hit list of four very fierce and ruthless sister protecting devils, all due to the courtesy of a certain housekeeper and her reports.


Reaching in front of the door, housekeeper knocked twice and after hearing no reply she entered her miss's room only to find her sitting in one of the chairs which she dragged into the balcony,

Dressed in a baby pink A-line dress which reached her knees, with her platinum hairy flowing freely in the wind, she silently sat there with her eyes closed as she rested her chin on her knees, as her feet were on the chair.

She looked enchanting as she sat under the warm lights in the balcony, like a goddess who was responsible for the fall of many great empires and would be for many more to come,

And then at the final moment, she opened her eyes which made one feel like they were drowning in them, her eyes had the power to capture a person and then keep them captivated there as long as she wishes.

Coming out of her stupor, housekeeper Ying bowed slightly as she wished her,

"Sorry, miss did I disturb you?"

When Shi heard her, she quickly shook her head, and upon seeing that housekeeper Ying continued,

"That is good then, but miss it is quite cold at night these days and that is why you should not be sitting out there especially while wearing so little, what would I do if you catch a cold huh."

She continued speaking while she walked to her wardrobe and took a white cashmere wrap before draping it over Shi's shoulders.

After making sure that the shawl was properly covering her, she took out a palm-sized box from her pockets and handed it over to Shi as she spoke,

"This arrived today."

Upon seeing the box, Shi's eyes quickly brightened as she hurriedly opened it only to see it full of tablets.

"Did brother send them? Oh thank god, I was nearly out of them.''

Shi spoke as she took out the tablets and kept them in her bedside table drawer.

"Yes, miss. The food is going to be ready and master too has returned, I will call for you later when the master comes down after washing himself."

Housekeeper Ying told Shi as she began to head back before she stopped at the door and nervously asked,

"Miss do you still need the medicines?"

Shi, who was back on her way to the chair stopped as she hesitated and said,

"Yes aunty Ying, I still cannot sleep without them, it is not that I haven't tried, but each time I would be back in the same dream covered with blood.... me covered with my mother's blood as she lies beside me.... motionless...."

Shi said as she tried to disperse those gruesome pictures from her mind when she heard housekeeper Ying continue.

"Miss, I know that you probably have heard it many times but it still is the undeniable truth that you need to move on from that event.... what happened was not your fault..... no one in their right mind could ever blame you for all that."

"But how can I move on when the reason..... the reason for mama's death is me. If not for me she would have been alive right?.... She died while trying to shield me!"

As soon as housekeeper Ying heard Shi and the pain in her voice she anxiously tried to counter her statement,

"Miss that is not the truth! Your mother loved you so much that she was willing to sacrifice herself in order to save you!"

Saying this, an emotional Housekeeper Ying exited the room as she walked to a corner and stabilised her emotions. After calming herself down, she dialled a number and informed the other line,

"Package was delivered without any suspicion."