Chapter 66

That is why right now what Yang felt was both sincere love and unquestioned respect for Shi because that is what she truly deserved.

While Yang was busy thinking about what he should answer to his trustworthy butler, a certain someone was spying on them while standing in the shadows.

Lan* was looking at them as she felt happiness in her heart at the thought that everyone in the villa was against that so-called girlfriend of their master and like her, they all also believed that she was after their master just for his money.

She has been working here for four years already and was still far away from her goal and wish of marrying rich and seriously who in their right mind will not have ideas after seeing their amazing master day in and day out.

For many unmarried heiresses, he was the epitome of perfection, be it his business position or his handsomeness. He was the dream guy for a whole generation of ladies.

And like them all, she too had the naive dream that her boss would someday notice her and take her into his strong and sturdy arms and pamper her with a lavish lifestyle with all the riches she could dream of.

Like all girls, she too grew up reading fairy tales and started believing in them much more after seeing her boss for the first time who looked very much like a handsome prince.

Only she knows that she got this job by bribing a hell lot of people to whom all she promised benefits after securing the place of the lady boss and she truly has been working towards her goal for the past couple of years,

Her plan had really been very simple.

Step one: Create a nice relationship with the rest of the maids so that when the need arises, all of them may support her and only her.

Step two: Slowly make her boss aware of her existence.

Step three: Capture him with her beauty.

Now, she knows that she is clearly not the exotic and enchanting type of beauty, but she is the wow and second look kind of beauty,

And she makes sure that she is her best every day for you never know which day might be the day when your boss from whom you have worked for four years may suddenly see you from far and get lost in your beauty.


So, to be certain of this, she wakes up one hour before her actual shift begins and does aerobatics for half an hour just to stay in shape and then spends her remaining time applying layers and layers of expensive makeup on her face. She has also customized her work clothes already to make sure that her pear-shaped body is clearly visible with special emphasis on her oh so womanly curves.

Now, moving onto her well-prepared plan,

Step five: After capturing his attention, DO NOT jump into his arms for the first time he asks, keep on denying him for a couple of times and then reluctantly say yes, this will ensure that he keeps being addicted to you until your marriage and in some lucky cases even after it,

She also has a copy of this plan of hers written on paper and safely stored in the bottom of her wardrobe.

And she is very much proud to say that she has been diligently following her plans for the last couple of years and has already mastered the first step and is a quarter into her second step.

But the arrival of that woman has completely derailed all her progress, seeing her boss being completely enamored with her drives her crazy.

So she plotted her revenge on that woman for stealing her loves attention.

She used her relationships with the other maids and started harassing her by messing with her food, her laundry and any other way by which she could mess with her.

But all her masterplans were thwarted by that housekeeper Ying who kept on hovering over that woman like a mother hen.

But housekeeper Ying should be thanked, probably, because by her actions she was able to gather the rest of the servants on her side by lying to that the lady who master brought with him was hell-bent on changing all the servants of the house and would end up replacing them by her own people,

For those servants, who did not believe this, she reminded them of the grace shown to them by their boss and how such a partner would drive him to his grave, this method was the one by which she was able to covert butler Yan and most of the older and more experienced servants to her side.