Drinking (5)

After a few minutes, Yang was finally able to calm himself, taking in a deep breath he looked at the prisoner locked in his arms who was trying her best to not look at him.

Feeling slightly remorseful,(yup Yang was feeling slightly regretful only as he was thinking that Shi really did look like a hamster and he was not sorry for this thing) Yang, wiped the tears from the edge of his eyes with the tip of his slender and long fingers,

He slowly called out to her,


While Shi, who was busy looking at his fingers from the corner of her eyes, flinched as she mentally rebuked herself.

"What is wrong with you Shi! You are angry and are not supposed to be bewitched by his fingers! Well, he does have quite slender fingers...GOD, what is wrong with me?''

When Yang saw that Shi was not responding to him, he thought that he had finally pissed her. Now slightly panicking, he took her hands into his and held them tightly as he again asked her.

"Come on Shi! Talk to me."

Shi who had finally seized her inner finger maniac looked at Yang and asked him while slanting her eyes.

"What? Are you talking to me, Yang? I thought that you were busy laughing at me! Huh... pray do tell me what funny thing have I done for you to laugh at me like that?''

Yang looked at her as he debated whether he should tell her that she resembled a little hamster, no an angry little hamster,

'Well... let's not tell her, let it be my own secret observation.'

Quickly coming to a decision, Yang smiled like a fool as he started swaying her hands sideways like a small child and tried to coax her.

"What Shi! Who laughed at you?''

To this question, Yang was met with an expression from his kitten which could be simply translated to, 'Who else than you'.

"Well you got it all wrong Shi, I was not laughing at you, I was laughing at the question you asked.''

When Shi heard him put it this way she too started to doubt herself,


Shi asked him, with a trace of self-doubt in her voice.

'Got her.'

Yang thought as he hurriedly nodded his head.