Drinking (6)

Giving Yang a long look, Shi once again confirmed from him.

"Are you sure?"

Nodding his head, Yang tried to explain to her the reason behind his laughter.

"I am sure Shi, I was not laughing at you but your question whether wine collectors are supposed to drink their wine or store it for future sale.''

"That was a serious question! I recently heard from Yifeng that a bottle of 73-year-old French Burgundy was sold at an auction, fetching $558,000. Even Yanchen has a warehouse full of wine bottles which he regards as a future investment.''

Yang nodded his head in agreement as he too had a friend in the name of Ruan who likes to collects wines and then sell them in the future when they get old.

"That is right Shi, but I do not collect wine so that I can resell them, I like to drink wines, so the answer to your question is that yes I am a collector but for personal use.''

Shi nodded her head as she told him,

"Alright, I can see that you were not laughing at me, but still that was not nice of you to laugh at me like that."

Yang gave a soft smile as he looked her right dead in the eyes and told her in a soft silk-like voice,

"I am sorry, Shi that you felt like that.''

After a minute of silence,

Yang once again took hold of her hands as he started to guide her.

Shi followed him quietly and was soon surprised when she came face to face with a large spiral staircase.

Amazed at the spectacle in front of her, she slowly murmured to herself.

"Why haven't I seen it before?"

Yang, who was walking in front of her was able to hear her due to his excellent hearing abilities, let out a chuckle as he told her.

"You have no idea about this because you are not much interested in my house."

'Or my riches.'

Yang said the first part out loud while the last part was meant for him as a reminder that his newly wedded wife held no interest in his bank balance.

For once in his lifetime Yang wanted to laugh at destiny for it was destiny only, who had made him meet his soulmate, a unique individual who had no interest in money or other expensive things he could surely afford,

For the one thing which Yang had in abundance was money.

Sometimes Yang truly hoped and wished for Shi to turn into one of those vile women who could be tempted by money, for then he could have the confidence that she would not leave him for other guys who could provide her more,

But if she really did change, then she would not remain Zhang Shi, the person with whom he Bao Yang fell in love.

At times like this, Yang was really conflicted.