Drinking (12)

Yang let out a smile and heaved a sigh of relief after hearing Shi's reply.

He would never admit that, that day he, was so happy that he could cry because he learnt that he was her first relationship.

Not that it matters much, for he would be her last for sure, but..there was just something about being first.

After that he made Shi drink a bit more as he patiently waited, for the alcohol to take its effect so that he could ask her one more question, one that she would never tell him unless she had slaughtered her walls.

After a few moments, Yang noticed that Shi was quite drunk and so he asked her the question which was bugging him from the start,

"Shi, today why di you ask me how I would act if my younger sibling got diagnosed with a mental illness?''

At that time, Shi who was originally grinning like an idiot suddenly changed.

Her eyes which were filled with the stars just a moment ago, got filled with black holes,

Her vibrant smile disappeared as a rueful expression took its place.

Yang had no time to react to her sudden transformation when he saw tears were also starting to roll out of them.

Hurriedly taking some tissues, he passed them to her, but Shi was in no mode to take them so without being left with another option,

Yang went and sat beside her as he took the tissues and wiped her tear-stricken face gently as a collector handling his piece of priceless antique.

Yang sat there beside her patiently as he wiped the tears and Shi kept on sprouting them.

But not once did he ask her to stop.

For he knew that these were not new tears,

No these were the old teras which a young Shi had obstinately held back when she was facing life-altering situations,

And that is why Yang wanted them to flow even more so that they could leave her heart and perhaps even heal some of her scars.

These tears were the debt that the current Shi owed to her younger self.

And Yang hoped that with this maybe Shi would be able to let the things of the past be the things of the past and not let them affect her future,

Their future.

After what felt like ages, the sniffling sound beside Yang stopped, and the silence was broken when her raspy voice was heard in the once silent room.



"Do you really wanna know why I asked you that?"

The question took Yang by surprise,

Does he want to know?

At one point, Yang's entire scheme to get Shi drunk was to ask her this particular question.

But now?

When he heard her break down from just a simple question,

Does he still want to know?