Drinking (11)

After hearing Shi, a confused Yang couldn't help himself but ask her,

"But why did he try to impress and date you?"

Upon listening to Yang, Shi led out a loud chuckle as she once again refilled her glass and answered him,

"Well I am not bragging, but I was the school beauty in my year, and that is why, many male students wanted to date me, to prove that they were the best as they got me to be their girlfriend, he was like that too.''

'Well, that makes sense.'

Yang thought to himself as he somewhat vaguely remembered all the boys in his years having a competition about dating their school belle too.

After that Yang continued asking Shi other standard questions, regarding her likes and dislikes and other regular stuff,

All this continued as Shi kept on drinking one glass after another and Yang kept on bringing one bottle after another.

But while all this was happening, Yang made sure that never exceeded his limit of alcohol tolerance.

Don't get him wrong,

For, Yang is seriously not planning to do some naughty stuff with Shi and then blame it all on the alcohol.

Well, he does want to do the adult stuff too...

But not right now, not when he remembered the tears she shed just a few hours ago, not when she was feeling no personal security.

He knows that day will come in the future when he and his beloved can fully express their love and their fears and their insecurities to each other.

But now is not the time,

That is why Yang is taking the help of alcohol, to bring down the walls which she had built so high so that he could see her soul.

Her soul in her most vulnerable state, the soul which he is sure of to find covered in bruises,

Bruises from the pain she felt in her younger years, the years in which she needed love and care the most.

Bruises from the time she saw her own mother dying in front of her eyes as she tried to protect her from the accident planned by the man who took half of the credit in her creating her.

Her very own father.

All this while, Shi kept on having one drink after another and only when Yang felt that at the rate she is making the clear liquid disappear,

She will soon pass out did he stop her by taking away the glass and keeping it at a safe distance from the tipsy Shi.

"Shi, can I ask you something?''

He asked her gently as he hastened to sit next to her in an effort to help her if she ended up falling down the sofa on which she was sitting.

"Give me back my glass first."

An intoxicated Shi slurred the words as she tried to reach her hand out towards the direction in which she had last seen her glass disappearing off to.