Drinking (10)

Shi swirled her glass in her hand slowly while watching the liquid crash in the glass, shaking her head after a while, she told him,

"Nothing specific comes to mind right now."

'Got her.'

Yang smirked to himself as he felt that his plan and his built-up was working excellently, reeled his smile back in before giving her an innocent look and acting as if he was thinking,

"Then would you mind if I asked you a few questions? I don't know much about at all and frankly speaking, I would like to know.''

Yang spoke, but only after noticing that in the time he took to act as if he too was thinking about a topic to talk about, Shi had already finished one glass of wine and was on her way to pour herself another one.

"Yeah, sure I don't mind at all."

Shi answered him freely as she felt a light buzz in her brain,

Yang's evil smirk once again made a small appearance before disappearing before it was noticed by Shi,

"Um.. well then why don't we start from the day I first met you, at your step-sister's engagement.

That day I heard that you were the ex-girlfriend of the to-be-groom, but you told me that you never had a boyfriend.''

Yang asked this question in the most casual way possible, ignoring the fact that this specific question was bugging him from the start,

He also wished Shi to be a bit drunk so that she could let the tiny detail of never telling him about her past pass by,

He had heard this thing from housekeeper Ying and was very happy on hearing it.

So happy that he smiled the entire day in the office which left most of his employees scarred for life

Till this day, most of them were suffering from nightmares of their never smiling boss appearing in their dreams and smiling at them or with them.

But the one group which were very happy with this were the therapists of the city, for it was in that specific month that they were able to earn at least three months of pay.


Shi let out a small voice before continuing,

"That idiot was never my boyfriend.... I met him in college.... where he pestered me to be his girlfriend.. but I said no to him.....but he still lied to his friends and said that I had agreed...''

Speaking this much Shi took a pause before taking a sip and once again continuing,

"When Yifeng heard about it....he took me with him to go and...and beat him up...but there we saw him having a secret rendezvous with my step-sister and him ensuring her that he had only hooked up with me for fun...at that time Yifeng wanted to go ahead and beat him to a pulp but I stopped him as I felt that I should be the one dealing with that matter.

But even so, I was never near him or alone in a room with him.''