Movie Filler: Dimensional Shifting

General POV

It was a clean and sunny day in Konohagakure. Birds were chirping in the trees and insects were mating in the grass.

A certain Enderman crashed into one of the trees, making the birds fly away and some of the insects landed on him.

"Stupid teleportation. Always bringing me to places in times I don't want to be. See ya!" And he was gone again.

Meanwhile, Ino and Naruto had convinced Ishizu to leave his hole and the experiments with Fuinjutsu and enjoy a day with them.

Ishiraku's and some ice cream were just some of the things both students wanted to do. Ino was quicker with confessing her true feelings to Naruto, and he accepted her. They both agreed to marry after Akatsuki were done for.

Ishizu, although very powerful, looked paranoid in every direction.

"Sensei, what is wrong? Are you again afraid of something that is not there?" asked Ino, worried. She has been around her sensei for enough time to realize his facial expressions.

Ishizu frowned, ignoring his student for the moment. There was this feeling in his gut. It has saved him many times. Something was about to happen.

"This Paranoia had helped me survive since I was a child."

"But it still won't help you this time," a deep voice spoke from above.

'Damit, I knew something was up, but it had to be him.'

"What are you doing here, Madara!" Naruto glared at him.

"Oh, I just want to see if my new Jutsu will work and you will be my test subjects."

Ishizu's eyes widen at what he saw.

"Oh, hell no! Movie time? At this moment? Anywhere but that one." But it was too late as Obito held the orb and all 3 of them lost consciousness.

Location: New world.

Ishizu POV

Waking up like that was not good. I wasn't a drinker, but hangovers weren't new to me.

"Man, what the hell did this bastard do to us?"

I could only groan at Naruto's loud voice as I mentally debated if I should stand up and look around or just lie here on the ground until this shit was over. Being in a filler movie was not something I wanted.

"I don't know Naruto, but we have to see for ourselves."

After my mental debate won to do something, I looked around for any clues and look there. In front of us were the gates of Konoha, with a pleasant view of the Hokage faces... only for there to be no changes. The faces looked just like in the real world. That was odd. I expected it to be like in the movie with Sakura's father to be Hokage or something. My memories of that part were hazy.

What took my attention was the Uzumaki woman waving at us. She was an exact copy of Kushina Uzumaki as I knew her.

"Menma, where have you been? You can't just leave home without telling us where you are going?"

My eyes widen as I saw Kushina rushing toward Naruto and hitting him over his head.


Through the pain, Naruto just looked stupefied at his alive mother.

I could guess why Kushina used another name, but Ino just stared at the woman. And I should have seen the next thing coming as the angry fire god's fist met my stomach. Thank god I didn't eat or else I'd have puked.

Dammit! Why even here?!

"And you! I told you not to influence him with that bad habit. The poor girl has to live with you all the time. She should discipline you better."

Having no metaknowledge to rely on, I could just wince in pain before it quickly subsided, thanks to my healing factor. Still, one thing was crystal clear about this whole thing. This world made no sense.

"Kushina… -san?" Ino, having heard of her name, spoke up, trying to deescalate the situation. "Can we please go back to your house so we can explain?"

Meanwhile, I needed to think about what the fuck was going on. Was this place even really just a good genjutsu? The latter was impossible since Genjutsus didn't work on me.

Fortunately, Kushina agreed to Ino's persuasion, and we went to the Namikaze mention.

"Ino, go to your home and try to act as normal as possible while finding out more about this place. This is not the world we know. Madara did something," I whispered to Ino. She nodded, and when Kushina wasn't looking, we separated.

I walked towards my house, and instead of my familiar small home, a villa greeted my eyes. This was by no mistake the place where I lived, and I could see the countless seals placed around it. Seals I placed there.

Gulping down the stone in my throat, I reached for the door handle and slowly opened the door. No seals lit up to incarnate me, so this was a plus. The door hit a small bell, notifying whoever was inside of my presence.

"Honey, is that you?" a gentle voice called out. That voice...

The shinobi years thought me enough to stay calm in situations like this, but my hands were trembling in excitement.

"Yes, it is me. I was training with my students."

My eyes fixed on the kitchen, and that's where a figure appeared. My heart rate went haywire as the figure standing in front of me was the woman of my life.

The woman I chased was wearing an apron. Ishizu exe. has stopped working.

"I have made delicious food. If you would have come later, I would drag you back by force, but you are here."

The smile Kaguya was giving me was that of a devil. I could only stay silent.

'Just like Kushina. Not to myself. If you ever get the real Kaguya, never let her meet Kushina.'

General POV

"Is something wrong?"

Kaguya looked at her husband sitting across from her while she put lunch on the table. Her husband was awkwardly sitting in the seat, not speaking up. Something was bothering him and she wanted to know why. She smiled as she saw him taking the courage to speak. It reminded him of the time when he first met her.

"If you'd excuse me for a second,… honey?"

Scene change


A tree shook its leaves off as a person dropped through its twigs before falling on his head. The person didn't seem bothered by what was happening.

As his face turned in a direction, his eyes widened before he shook his head. A small pocket watch appeared in his hand.

It was a small silver watch with golden clock hands. Unlike a normal watch, this one had 3 clock hands.

"I may not be a narcissist but I have to praise myself this time. Thank god I took this little gadget with me. The hands did move from the usual direction," said the person while staring at the Hokage faces.

"Is this the actual canon-verse? Going by the Tsunade face, it's either at the end of Naruto or already in Shippuden."

He pointed his watch towards the Hokage faces and a blue light came out scanning them. The man sighed as he walked to the right and back to the left, waiting for the information to come out.

Finally, after a few minutes, his watch rang out, causing the man to look at it with a cheerful expression, only for it to collapse.

"Ah, unlucky. It's just an alternative world with another me in it. Should have guessed. Anyway, this shouldn't have happened. I wasn't the one to force the change. Guess I'll have to find the person who did this and teach him the hard lesson of Space-Time Continuum 101."

The watch began to glow as the hands rotated at an incredible speed. A bright light enveloped the person, and he disappeared as fast as he appeared.

Back in the Filler Dimension.

General POV

Madara smiled at the unconscious body of this world's Naruto. With his Genjutsu, he would manipulate the boy into helping him capture the Kyuubi Jinchūriki and take the Kyuubi for himself.

Not only him, but at the time of capturing another person, the Hyuga girl was with him, so instead of one minion, he gained two. She was worthless to him, but at least she could be another body to distract Sasaki.

"Awake minions and do your mission."

Scene change

Naruto had the best day of his life. Both of his parents were alive and, for the first time, he could actually enjoy having a complete family. His mother was similar to the one he saw for a moment in the Edo Tensei.

An Uzumaki through and through, as Ishizu-sensei would say.

His father was a gentle person who loved his mother, no matter how aggressive she became.

However, this peaceful life didn't last long when an explosion drew his attention to come out and see what was going on.

Outside was his sensei. He had a few bruises but was overall fine. A fight? But with whom?

A woman with pale skin coming out of the smoke answered the question. Her face showed fury and her eyes were glaring at Ishizu.

"You dare to impersonate my husband?! Such a foolish method will result in your death, imposter!"

Ishizu panicked as the woman rushed at him and dodged her palm strike that was aimed at his heart.

Ishizu POV

Fuck, fuck, fuck. This was why I didn't want to be stuck in movies. My presence alone could change the entire plot and it did. I should have known that this would happen and stayed far away from this place. Just look at what happened.

Now, why am I in this situation? Well… it started the moment I called Kaguya 'honey'. This, however, wasn't the word this world Ishizu used to call his Kaguya and she wouldn't be Kaguya if she didn't figure something was out of ordinary.

To her I was an imposter. Somebody who dared to impersonate her husband for whatever reason she didn't want to say. Rather, she was out on a murder spree and I was her target.

Man, it wasn't like I didn't try to tell her what was going on but when a woman is in rage because…. reasons I believe? then there is nothing you can do but take it head-on.

She didn't even give me a chance to speak! The problem with taking it head-on is that getting attacked by the woman you love makes it kind of hard to retaliate. Plus, she isn't some civilian, so her attacks do hurt and she could technically kill me if I wasn't careful enough.


This was Naruto's voice. I turned to see him. Oh no. This wasn't good. Naruto shouldn't be here or else he could get injured. I couldn't protect him while being on the defensive against Kaguya.

"Naruto, get away from he…"

A lesson in fighting. Don't turn your head away from your opponent, who wants to kill you. A very bad idea. My right arm was numb, tenketsus closed, and my stomach was making noises I knew shouldn't be heard.

The chaos went up one step when two familiar chakra signatures appeared. From my periphery, I could see a person with a mask on his face. Oh, he could hide his face, but the chakra was almost identical to Naruto.

Menma Uzumaki, the counterpart to Naruto, was here, and from what I remember from the movie, Obito manipulated him. To my annoyance that his world didn't follow the canon timeline, there was a second person who didn't wear a mask, but from the glare she was giving Naruto I knew she was with Menma.

Hinata's counterpart was somehow involved in this mess. Truly a weird mess.

I could have easily prevented the upcoming fight if not for the angry Otsutsuki trying to gut me.

"Please, somebody, come and help me," I muttered under my breath, as I once again dodged an attack aiming for my nuts. My nurse of all the areas she could have attacked! The woman really didn't hold back.

General POV

Menma spoke little besides proclaiming his utter hate for Naruto and ridding the world of the fake, before he rushed at Naruto with a kunai in hand to kill the imposter.

"Who are you?!" asked Naruto as he took out his own kunai and deflected the attack before they fought.

"Your very existence makes me want to puke in disgust. I will kill you for taking back what you stole from me!" Menma shouted before puppets with different masks appeared from some portals.

Naruto swiftly dodged the puppets before a fist slammed into his face, throwing him onto the water.

It was the second masked person, Hinata.

From the corner of his eyes, Ishizu saw that Naruto wasn't doing well, and he cursed that he couldn't leave. He just needed a moment to get away from the angry Otsutsuki and it would be easy to knock out this world's troublemakers but Kaguya was pressing him hard.

His Rinnegan wouldn't work on her, so he had to use Sage Mode.

"Who dares to attack the Hokage's son? I haven't had a dance in some time, so I hope you can be my partner."

A very familiar, though female voice, spoke up. The arrogance from the voice could literally be tasted. The fighting perspective changed for Ishizu, so when his eyes fell on the person who proclaimed such words, his jaw comically dropped to the ground.

There, on the field, with a red ballerina outfit including the shoes and everything else one needs, stood Madara freaking Uchiha. Ishizu had to blink several times because he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

'Is that a female Madara wearing a dance outfit??!!'

Madara Uchiha's hair was a long ponytail and her Sharingan came alive matching her red dress perfectly. She didn't stay still before she disappeared, grabbing Hinata by her face and throwing her into the air.

Madara's questionable appearance stunned Ishizu enough for Kaguya to slam him to the ground, causing him to spit blood. His hearing was impaired so he couldn't quite catch the following conversation.

"…. please don't kill my counterpart."


"Yes, it took some time to get here, princess. This place was dimensionally displaced, so I had to navigate a bit. I am back, so please let me handle this."

Ishizu groaned and with his hand wiped away the saliva that was hanging from his mouth. He didn't resist as somebody grabbed him from under his arm and helped him up. Whoever it was could handle the Otsutsuki hurricane, and there was only one person he could think of.

"Easy there, my friend. Few can walk after a fight with her."

Ishizu couldn't help but smirk as his eyes met the smiling, familiar face. If he didn't have knowledge of this place, he would have thought this was his twin.

Besides the white hair that spiked to the back, everything about him was identical to Ishizu.

"I have a healing factor. Give me a moment to catch my breath and I am at my peak again. Fighting an Otsutsuki is not something I do every day, and especially not somebody who looks like the person I love"

"Ha, she was going easy on you pal, or else she would destroy more than a couple of trees," Ishizu's counterpart grinned at him.

Both Ishizu's now stood across each other and each one examined the other one.

(From this moment onward, I will refer to the MC as Ishizu O for the original with Ishizu's counterpart being Ishizu M for the movie. O and M for simplicity.)

"Nice hair," Ishizu O commented and Ishizu M shrugged.

"Eh, comes with being an Otsutsuki. You remind me of an older version when I was a child."

Ishizu O raised an eyebrow.

"What happened to you?"

O smiled, knowing the look his counterpart was giving him. The look of when he didn't know something and would seek the truth.

"What do you know about my world?"

"Well, it was Obito playing cosplay Madara who used some kind of orb to put us here."

O smirked and couldn't help but chuckle.

"You believe this to be a movie? Maybe even a filler episode. I have to tell you it is neither."

"It isn't?"

"The temporal displacement created by your Obito's Kamui teleported me to your world and I had enough time to analyze it. Ishizu, tell me, do you believe your world is canon?"

O opened his mouth, but closed it as soon as he opened it. The question was simple, yet difficult.

"Come on. You are a smart one. It is not that hard. First, let's answer the question of what the hell 'canon' even means," M spoke up and O listened closely.

"You and I know the multiverse exists or else we wouldn't be even here. The hesitation to the question gave me an understanding of what you believe. The answer to your question is an obvious No."

"And how so?"

M continued to smile as he watched the fight between the Uzumakis. They really had the best timing to have such a conversation during a battle.

"Because we exist. 'Canon' by its definition means 'true to the primary storyline.' Essentially it means what you watched on the tv or the internet. The journey of Naruto Uzumaki, how he went through his life."

Then M pointed at O and himself.

"The anime has never mentioned either of us. Your world, mine, and every single fanfiction out on the internet that some author wrote in his free time deviate from canon. Be it someone does something different or an entire human is just put into the occasion. The moment anything happens that Kishimoto did not do, it deviates. Ergo, it is not canon."

"Enough with the canon bullshit. My head hurt trying to understand what you are trying to say. Just tell me in simple sentences. What is it you want me to understand?" asked an annoyed O as he clutched his head in pain from the information.

Talking to someone like yourself sucked.

"Like I said before. You aren't in a filler or movie. This," M swung his arm around him, "this is an entirely different world. Obito didn't produce an entire fake world where everything is perfect for Naruto with his parents being alive.

No. He tore part of another world, mine respectively, away. It was placed in the void between worlds and then he put you inside. I was born here, lived, married, and saw Menma Uzumaki being born."

"This is an enter different world?"

M rolled his eyes before slapping his double over the head.

"Not this. If you go a few kilometers in each direction, you'll notice the void there. My world is similar to yours."

That's when somebody crashed into the ground, followed by another person slamming into the first. Both Ishizus turned to watch the scene unfold. One had a small smile on his face while the other one's eyes were wide open.

"You'll get detention for not following my lesson. What would your father say if he finds out you can't even last a few hits from me? All the money wasted. I'll have to train you even harder, or my worthless student will tarnish my reputation...also, I won't get more income."

That voice belonged to Madara, who pinned the brainwashed Hinata to the ground. Her mask was gone and an emotionless face was left. The last sentence, however, for some reason, sounder so horrible to the Hyuga's ears that her will/fear alone destroyed the brainwashing.

O could only watch in shock as Hinata kneeled down before Madara showing complete submissiveness. Her eyes were wet from tears as she apologized profusely for being too weak.

"What… the… fuck?" whispered O through his teeth.

"Ah, yes. It has been some time since I went over my notes, but this one is something nobody will forget. Your Madara was or is trying to revive himself for his eye plan, no? Well, heh, our Madara obtained the Rinnegan due to some… let's just say circumstances I don't want to go further into, and 'she' outlived Hashirama."

O's eye twitched as he pointed at Madra.

"And what does that have to do with a ballerina Madara?"

"Well, Madara, be it male or female, wanted to fight strong opponents. That was her entire goal in his world. No such things as the peace thing with the eye."

A small smile appeared on M's face as he remembered the day vividly.

"When I was just a young boy, I saw her sitting in a bar, drunk and mumbling about how Hashirama left her. She looked like she had a divorce."


A 6-year-old Ishizu was calmly walking through a street of Konoha after getting lost in the giant village. He was sure he could handle himself against a drunk adult or someone who thought they could kidnap him.

Be it a ninja village, minor crimes such as theft were still happening by civilians and even other, more severe ones did occasionally appear but were dealt with by the ANBU.

A small light drew Ishizu's attention. A bar he didn't know and curious as he was and probably drawn to the light, Ishizu stepped in.

The bartender, a civilian, was shaking his head and crying as he filled up another glass of alcohol to his guest. It was his 3's bottle and, by his facial features; he wasn't keen on having the only person in his working place.

The receiver of the glass was a beautiful woman with famous spiky hair. Ishizu immediately recognized her as Madara. The matriarch of the Uchiha, although she didn't live in the Uchiha compound anymore and, after Hashirama's death, distanced herself from everyone else.

It was a rare sight for someone like Ishizu to meet a legendary character like her, even if she wasn't the badass villain from the anime. Here she was, a floor boss of Konoha, getting drunk.

The motto was hard as stone: Don't attack Konoha and I won't level your village to the ground with meteors.

"Uchiha-sama, please, this is your third bottle and I still haven't seen any money yet. I can't afford to lose money because you have some problems."

Madara lifted her face and Ishizu could see she was drunk. Then she slammed her left hand on the counter, breaking it a bit. That she could handle her strength in such a state just showed that she still could go for another round.

"What do you know about love? With that idiot dead, nobody will dance with me. 'I am sorry but you are too strong, Madara-sama', 'please don't kill me, Madara-sama.' I am sick of those pussies whimpering away from me. I just want to dance."

Seeing a crying Madara disturbed Ishizu and so he jumped up to the chair next to her and patted her back.

Feeling the small hand rubbing her back, Madara turned around to be greeted by a smiling kid.

"Huh? What do you want, child? Don't you see me drinking? This isn't a place for you."

"Miss is a strong Kunoichi right?" he innocently asked her, to which she nodded.

"Miss thinks she is too strong for everyone and everyone fears Miss for it."

Another nod.

"And Miss wants people to dance. So Miss should open a school and teach people to dance," Ishizu lifted his arms to appear more dramatic.

"Those that join will get to know Miss much better and won't fear her and Miss can train her students. My mommy said that students always want to surpass their teacher."

Ishizu could almost see the gears in Madara's brain slowly turning as she processed the information. Her eyes slowly widened and before he could see, Ishizu's cheek was pressing up against Madara's.

"That's it! Yes. I will train my own students. Hellish training, the one I did too when I was young. You are the best…"


"Ishizu-kun. And you know what?"

The grin that appeared on her face didn't make Ishizu safe at all in her clutches.

"You'll be my first student."

Ishizu's facial color drained at what she said.

'Oh, Sage. What have I done?'

With unmatched speed, Madara grabbed the boy by his hand and they disappeared, leaving a crying bartender behind. His eyes widened, however, when he saw the money inside the glass.

Flashback end

O listened closely before looking at his hand and slamming it into his face and shaking his head.

"Sure, you got trained by Madara. Wow, I envy you. Still, I don't know how that has anything to do with this," he pointed at the dogeza Hinata.

M chuckled.

"That's because you still think with the mindset of your world. Your Madara used the word dance as a synonym for fighting. Mine… well, she believes that dancing is literally a form of fighting."

O's eyes widened as he understood his meaning.

"She taught you how to dance!"

"It's battled orientated dancing. Your movements are easily executed with arms and legs moving so gracefully that a spectator would call it dancing."

While both Ishizus were speaking, Naruto and Menma still weren't finished with their battle.

Naruto went into Sage Mode after his Shadow Clones weren't effective against his opponent.

Certainty, Naruto was holding back since there was something in his mind that didn't want him to kill his counterpart. So giant Rasengan's we're out.

Although, when he saw Menma using his own form of Rasengan, he doubted he could kill him at all.

The puppets disappeared and as Naruto stared at this world's Kyuubi, he felt a sense of dread.

Naruto POV

Fighting a Bijuu sounds as ridiculous as it is. I have seen the fox behind the bars, but seeing one outside, I could somehow understand why it was called the strongest bijuu. Even Shukaku wasn't as intimidating as he.

"Hn, at least you acknowledge my power, Naruto."

I rolled my eyes as I pushed through a small space with the Kyuubi behind me, crushing everything in its way. Having a clear area, I summoned dozens of Shadow clones.

Empowered with Sage Mode, I threw them at the fox, but only a few could connect with most of them being destroyed by the fox's roar.

"Admit it, Naruto. You'll need my help to defeat him. Thanks to the brainwashing by Madara, my other self is just a mindless beast, but still a powerful one."

My eyes met his as he lowered himself down to me.

"I can beat him by myself," I replied, at which he scoffed and lazily pointed at the seal.

"Don't overestimate yourself, Naruto! You are strong, for a human, that is, but you are fighting my counterpart in this world. Why not make a deal?"

A deal with the Kyuubi?

"What do you want?"

"Open the seal and I will lend you my power. In no way will I allow you to be defeated by this guy. Can't stand the thought of Madara winning at all."

"Fine, a limited offer. Let's do it!"

With the key, the seal gradually weakened before the doors opened.

"Let's show this guy who is the strongest!"


General POV

A piercing light engulfed the surroundings as everyone watched Naruto's body glowing.

"Oh ho, Kyuubi Chakra Mode 2? And I thought he'd transform into the Kyuubi and they'd have a battle of giant foxes. Would be epic to see," M shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, you said this isn't like the movie. Besides, I am not even sure if Kishimoto had the idea of making KCM or KCM 2 at this moment. Anyway, now that my Naruto is going to defeat your I want to ask you a couple of questions."

M shrugged but a small smile formed on his face, knowing fully what his opposite wanted to ask.

"Since you are already married, would you tell me…"


O frowned as he was rudely interrupted, but he didn't voice out his complaint.


This single word summed up everything. He knew there had to be a good reason for M to not disclose this information.

"There are a couple of reasons. First, you have to see it from a multiverse perspective. There are dozens of Ishizu's probably having the same goal as you and me. Some like me succeed, while others fail. Interfering will cause problems.

The second reason has to do with my wife. I used my own methods to have her as my wife. She believes that you have to earn to be her husband, no matter what universe."

O could only sigh in defeat at that. And here he hoped to get some tips from his parallel self that was already married.

He shuddered at the thought of what he had done back then to get some form of information.

A crack sound was heard, and both Ishizus looked towards the commotion to see Menma's body on the ground and Naruto standing over him.

Obito was cast out from his body but there was no light surrounding him, Naruto and Ino, who apparently came back.

"With you Obito fleeing, my world is whole again. It just takes some time before this universe registers you aren't from around here and will try to repulse you."

"How long will that take?" O asked and M shrugged.

"Depends? I ain't that experienced in dimensional problems. Like a few months maybe… but!" he grinned as he saw his counterpart opening his mouth to protest.

"I know a way to shorten the time," he stood up and started doing stretch exercises.

"Plus, this will be a good time to see who is better. I know that somewhere in your mind there was this question."

There was no use denying that statement. From the moment Ishizu saw his other self, there was one question floating in his mind.

Who was stronger?

O grinned as he stood across from his equally grinning sparring partner. This would be fun.

Scene change

Naruto sighed as he helped Menma around the shoulder as they emerged from the ground. His counterpart finally regained some common sense and apologized for the problems he had caused, though Naruto beat him up pretty rough so he couldn't walk by himself.

It was fine for Naruto. He was exhausted enough to just let it slide, since he wanted to go home and relax. He saw Ino running towards him with Menma's parents and oh boy, was it awkward to explain that he wasn't their son but rather the one who beat him up.

Hinata's counterpart was standing to what looked like a female Uchiha in a ballerina outfit. She somehow reminded him about adult Sasuke if he could use the Sexu Jutsu. Something told him that this wasn't right, an outright perversion of the universe, but he couldn't wrap his head around why.

There was a grasp from the Kyuubi before he started laughing like a maniac and Naruto had to cut the connection as it was too much for him.

And when Naruto thought everything was done, dust began to appear as two individuals started to fight. One of them was his Sensei and the other one… too?

There was only a brief moment of confusion before Naruto figured it must be Ishizu from this world.

But why fight now, of all times? He saw those pricks sitting together, having genuine small talk while he was fighting Menma.

Those bastards! They could have helped him but noooo, better have some sake with cookies while he had to fight for his life. What brought this on? Also, what happened to that lady that attacked his sensei?

"Hehe, you are fast for a human," M commented as the two clashed with their fists.

"Was that an insult? Being called a human?"

M shrugged before his hair got longer and white and he flew up into the air.

"I am an Otsutsuki and no, not an insult. Rather, a compliment."

In response, O activated his Rinnegan, and M waved his hand.

"Oh, please. Just because you have the Rinnegan doesn't make you special. Not even you are fighting me. You should know that it doesn't really work on those that know its abilities."

Then M went to a stance O didn't know, so he carefully went into his own and attacked.

Ishizu O's fist was met by a hand, only for the hand to glide along his arm. A kick and another fist were countered by M's stepping gracefully in directions that countered O's attacks.

A tick mark formed on O's face as every attack he threw was rendered useless. His opponent dancing around him was hurting his pride.

He pulsed his chakra as he dispelled the pathetic attempt of a Genjutsu, his fighting buddy wanted to create.

"Don't wast your chakra on Genjutsu. I have undergone a ritual that makes me immune to this. I'd rather find a solution to your annoying fighting style. Dancing sure is a weird style."

MO just laughed as he charged at his enemy.

"Show me your power, Ishizu!"

"Right back at you, Ishizu!"

The two once again clashed, but this time M returned a fist against O's and to the latter's surprise, they were stronger, forcing O to stagger back.

"Your body is at a peak, but it is human. You lose in Taijutsu," smirked M, only to see O's eyes change.

"Panda Sage Mode: Combi Style."

To M's surprise, his human counterpart disappeared in front of his eyes. His head turned slightly and his eyes widened. Even as an Otsutsuki, he was too late and couldn't dodge the fist that slammed into his cheek like a brick, sending him crashing into the air.

"Human or Otsutsuki, you all fall before my Sage Mode," O cracked his knuckles as he felt the nature energy cursing through his body.

M emerged from the ground and with his tongue, he went over to his right corner where he tasted iron. Blood.

"You caught me off guard. It has been a long time since somebody made me bleed."

"Drop the clichès, man," O deadpanned.

"Hey, it's not like this world has many opponents to offer that do so," M said with a hint of smugness.

"Also, Sage Mode? Cool. Never bothered with it. Anyway, go all out so we can open the rift!"

M disappeared from everyone's eyes, but O could follow, and they exchanged blows and kicks.

Original Ishizu POV

When people fight, one can learn much from them and not only their fighting style but also their character.

Unlike I, who specialized in Fuinjutsu, my counterpart's specialty was Taijutsu in the form of dancing. His movements were as gracefully as water with such speed and precision that I had to use Sage Mode to the fullest to be able to compete.

Yet this wasn't all I could offer. I just needed a small gap of breath to show this guy what I could do. He was me, so he knew full well that I was hiding something under my sleeves and did his best to stop me from using it.

The opportunity came when I blocked a kick with one arm. Not the best idea, but it gave me the opening to take a seal and place it on my right backhand.

"Fuinjutsu? A rather dangerous art if you know it, but it's material reliant. Taijutsu and Genjutsu are more cost efficient," my counterpart snorted, and I was ready to show him just how dangerous it was.

I couldn't help but smirk when we clashed with our fists repeatedly. It took about 10 consecutive punches before the other party realized what was going on.

"Stealing my chakra? Is that all you can d…"

M fell to his knees, and I tilted my head as I looked at him kneeling before me. His fists were blistering and my seals were glowing red.

"Huh? Why are you on the ground all of a sudden? Did you perhaps drop a coin?"

Not leaving any openings, I continued with a kick to the stomach, causing him to gasp, followed by another fist to his head. Each fist with the seals left a burning mark on M's body.

Uneducated people would call my seal a basic chakra-stealing one. While 'unique', I wouldn't even speak to those baboons who couldn't understand the magnificence of such a seal.

Think for a second. My counterpart was an Otsutsuki with ridiculous chakra reserves. A 'unique' chakra stealing seal would be saturated by one solid hit and be useless.

The seal I used on the chakra monster was different in the aspect that it exchanged chakra. Each punch would absorb the chakra from the one it touched while refilling the chakra of its user.

That sounds awesome, but what if you continue doing so, your body will absorb too much chakra and that's not good. So, instead, my seals change their function if I am at 100%.

All the excessive chakra will be transformed into heat. This is why the seals glowed and touching something hot gives burns.

I was about to attack again when an earthquake appeared and drew my attention to the massive tear in space.

"Ah, it open. This is your way home."

I turned my head to see my counterpart… unharmed. There were no bruises on him. He just gave me a grin.

"Dude, my healing factor is over the roof. Unless you have something that stops healing, I ain't going down."

I could only sigh in resignation. Here I thought I had the upper hand against him, but instead it did nothing. Still, it was a good fight where I learned a bit about dancing.

"Is that your counterpart, Ishizu?" a voice called out.

General POV

Even when taking down her student and reprimanding her for how weak she was to get brainwashed, Madara Uchiha had one eye on the boy that fought her first and best student.

She wouldn't be an Uchiha if she couldn't decipher who he was. He looked similar to her student when he was younger. Madara remembered the mistake she had made in the past. She waited too long and when she got her emotions together to propose, her rival, Kaguya, snatched him away.

If anyone says he was like 50 years older than her, she would strangle this person since Ishizu's wife is over a thousand years old.

Age was but a number when one reached adulthood.

That didn't matter now, since she saw fresh, free meat in front of her. A shiver ran down Ishizu O's back when he saw Madara's predator grin as he quickly grabbed his students' hands.

"We are leaving now, Ino, Naruto!"

Her soon-to-be husband grabbed his students and jumped through the portal.

"Nooooo!" Madara screamed as her opportunity to marry left through the space tear that closed soon after.

Ishizu POV

'Thank god we escaped. I don't want to know what crazy female Madara wanted from me, but my body reacted so I knew it was something bad.'

"Are we back?" Ino asked, and I looked towards Konoha.

The heads were the right ones. Let's hope this is it. I just want to go home and sleep this out.

"Ishizu-sensei, where are you going?" asked Naruto.

"Home. You should do the same. We need to sleep this one out. Can report tomorrow."

General POV

Naruto watched his sensei leave with a big yawn and a hand wave and he couldn't help but yawn too. The day was really something else. Traveling to another dimension, fighting a possessed counterpart, and many more things.

Going home and having a good sleep over this was probably a good idea. He said his goodbyes to Ino and left.

Ino blinked as Naruto, and her sensei just left him standing in the middle of the road.

'Is it weird to feel like I was completely irrelevant in all of this?" wondered Ino before a wind blew a couple of leaves in front of her feet spelling 'Sorry'.

The confusion grew even more.

Somewhere else

"Oh, no. No, no, no and no. This is not going to end like this. Nobody escapes me. I will find you even if you are in another dimension."

Different papers with seal were lying on a table as the Uchiha matriarch looked over them and began to write things down. She wouldn't stop until she got him and, knowing her student, his counterpart, was also chasing Kaguya.

If she managed to find him before their meeting, she would show him that an Uchiha like her was much better than an Otsutsuki.

"I am coming, Ishizu-kun."

Back in the other world, Ishizu shivered in his sleep but didn't wake up.