Medics of Konoha

General POV

Sakura never expected for the Akatsuki to invade them so directly, but she had no time to think about it.

She and the other medics had a job to do. Every life was precious, and she had a mission to do.

The earth shook, and the giant centipede slithered over a couple of houses, destroying everything underneath it.

"Haruno, go out and deal with that! We can handle it here but if it comes here, we'll have a problem," one of the doctors shouted at Sakura and the Kunoichi nodded before putting on her clothes and leaving.

"Ahhh!" an elderly woman screamed as a rock fell on her body and broke her legs.

Sakura saw the centipede coming towards the woman and jumped towards the civilian.


Sakura's fist crashes into the underside, the summon pushing it away.

The pink-haired Kunoichi looked back, and that's when she saw the true horrors of war. The lady fell unconscious, but she wasn't the only one needing help.

Just a bit further away laid a corpse of a young boy no older than 12 years.

'He is at the age of a normal genin,' thought Sakura with grief, knowing she couldn't do anything to save him anymore.

A painful sensation made her look away from the boy and into the eyes of Shinko-sama, the current head nurse in the clinic.

"Snap out of it, Haruno. Seeing death is never easy, but you should never think of the 'what if' situation. With every second you could think about saving a life, you could actually save a life. Now, let's go back."

Shinko knew the eyes Sakura has when she saw the boy under the rubble. She has lived through 2 wars, so death wasn't uncommon. Like Sakura, Shinko once was a first-timer and therefore had knowledge about how to deal with death.

They were medics. For every dead person, they would save two. That's what their job was.

Back in the clinic, Sakura had trouble getting the boy out of her mind. She wanted to go out and stop the attackers so no more people could come here, but she knew she couldn't leave Shinko-sama alone.

Sakura almost gave up this idea when she saw Ino entering the clinic with a wounded Chunin in her arms. A memory from before passed by her brain.


"Why is it so hard to learn Senjutsu, Ishizu-sensei?" Ino asked as she runner her neck after an hour of motionless meditation.

"You are trying to let another energy flow into you from outside. Anything new is going to be hard. You don't learn to walk in one day. The process of learning takes time."

Sakura sighed as she and Ino went to take a shower to wash away the mucus that stuck to their body.

Learning Senjutsu from Katsuya was by being covered in her mucus to get a better feeling of nature energy.

After that, both girls would produce their own mucus on their skin if they drew in the nature energy. That's why they went to take a shower.

"Hey, Sakura."

Sakura turned to look at Ino, who looked as if she was thinking about something.

"We are pretty good with chakra control. What if we try to stabilize our nature chakra by joining hands and see if we could feel each other's chakra?"

The hot water slide down Sakura's skin as she thought about it. Chakra exchange wasn't something new and was often done by medics to treat extreme chakra exhaustion.

Consciously trading chakra between two conscious people was never attempted since people didn't see a reason to do it.

Ishizu was sitting on a stone. A finger over his lips as he thought about the idea both girls proposed.

The practice of Ninshu was currently only to known to him. It was truly amazing that both girls wanted to attempt something like this. An exchange of nature between two humans. Though they first had to do it with their own chakra.

"Hmm, you two really do think outside of the box. Well, not that there are many Sage users to begin with, but I suggest you first get a room and speak about everything that is on your mind before trying to do it with your own chakra first."

Both girls looked confused as to why Ishizu suggested something like this. He gave them a few instructions on how to connect before with their chakra leaving them on their own.

Yamanaka residence

Sakura wondered when was the last time she has visited Ino in her home. They both just kind of lived their life and even when both got selected to learn under Katsuyu, they never got to sit together and talk.

That's why Sakura was feeling a bit awkward when she stepped into Ino's bedroom. Ino's parents were out, and both had the home, with nobody interrupting them.

"What are we going to talk about?" Ino asked in a voice Sakura knew she wasn't the only that found this awkward.

Ishizu-sensei said to talk about things that they wouldn't normally.

Minutes passed as both tried to speak. Oh, they had countless things on their mind to speak, but neither wanted to start.

"Why don't we just try to do it first and talk about what we feel," Ino suggested and Sakura agreed.

They sat across each-other, before they closed their eyes and felt their chakra. Moving their chakra towards their shoulders and further up into arms until reaching their arms and fingers.

They interlocked their fingers and began to push their chakra against each other. Now, with Ishizu's help, both began to combine their chakra.

Immediately Sakura withdrew her hands. She didn't expect the channel to be so open.

Ino glanced at Sakura but didn't speak. The Yamanaka didn't expect for Sakura to be jealous of her relation with Hinata and, more specifically, Naruto.

While Ino had both, Sakura's love for Sasuke was not returned. Worse, he left the village and joined Orochimaru.

"I can keep going. Fine, I am jealous of your love with Naruto but we will get Sasuke back to Konoha and I will show him that I changed," Sakura spoke before Ino could.

Sakura held up her hands, waiting for Ino to do the same. Ino nodded and interlocked their hands.

Flashback end

"Ino, I need you help. There are too many wounded outside. Tsunade-sama has to preserve her chakra, so let's do it."

Ino stopped for a second, leaving the Chunin to the other medics before she realized what Sakura had in mind.

"Yeah, let's do it."

Both girls were about to leave when the Shinko stopped them.

"Where do you think you are going? We need you both to help us."

"We know how to help," Sakura shouted before they entered a room in the hospital where nobody would interrupt them.

They couldn't have anyone interrupting them.

Sitting down, both girls gathered the nature energy. When both felt the control leaving them, they interlocked their hands just like they practiced.

The link between both of them was established. Light blue markings spread around their eye.

'Let's do it!' both mentally spoke the same Jutsu.

"Slug Sage Art: Summoning Jutsu!"

Just outside the hospital, a giant Katsuyu appeared. She was even larger that what Tsunade managed to summon.

"You both really did it," Katsuyu praised both before she began to glow.

Ishizu watched from outside of Konoha the nature of energy being released from Katsuya, spreading all over Konohagakure.

If he didn't know what was happening, Ishizu would fear the fossilization of everyone. That fear never came as he witnessed an amazing spectacle.

The nature energy fog that spread everywhere, transformed into iryō ninjutsu aka. the green healing chakra.

With this, no matter where you were, the chakra would find you and heal any damage done.

It was so effective that one could say that every single person would have Tsunade healing them. Ishizu was certain that as long as the soul didn't leave the body, the healing would stop the body from shutting down.

"I am truly impressed by how you developed. I didn't expect you two to do it. Congratulations!"