
He was arguably the least bitter about soulmates in the group, or at least the only one who still had the guts to goof around about it. However, that didn't deny his longing for his girl. Before meeting Amber, he told himself that his abstinence from sex was just his choice to respect his grandparent's teachings. They were traditional and very conservative people and they had taught Sieon that sex was only allowed after marriage.

To be honest, he was saving himself for her because some part of him believed that having sex with a stranger was his form of saying 'I give up. I don't have a soulmate.' He really didn't mind not having a soulmate. Sure, it sucked, but his best friends were the best people. He loved them and truly wouldn't mind a lifetime with them.

He'd even had it all planned out. They would live in a nice villa in the countryside, with a pool that overlooked the horizon.

Then she came along and everything changed.

Now he wanted the villa, but with her holding his hand and the sound of happy children and MinJae's giggles. And maybe, if he were lucky, the other men would visit every week, bringing with them food and presents.

He was a little afraid that she might end up disappointing him. Maybe a personality that clashed with his? But now that he had met her, he was liking her much more than he thought he should and it freaked the hell out of him.

She was someone fit to be his other half. He'd never felt as comfortable with anyone else, never felt as safe. He wasn't anxious or concerned about being judged and critiqued by her gaze. She didn't see him as Kim Sieon, the famous idol. She took him as he was and he didn't seem to have to care about what she might think if he goofed around a little.

It was a peace and comfort he never found in any other person. Even his best friends had taken years to reach this stage with him.

It was just a gut feeling, an intuition that she was his missing piece. As cheesy as it sounded, there was no need for an obvious soul mark. Hell, after talking to her for an hour. He was ready to get down on his knees and propose.

He needed to STOP IT.

"What are you thinking of Eon?"

He jerked out of his internal monologue and felt his neck heating up with embarrassment. Her words were exactly like the ones in that prophetic dream and he was reminded yet again of their near kiss.

The kiss he never got.

She laughed, eyes sparkling with her mirth.

"Your head is in the clouds again. I can see it in your eyes," she said. Her own eyes were a soft hazel hue. The prettiest of colours.

He wanted to taste her on his lips.

"Just thinking about how pretty you are (and how much I want to kiss you)." His mouth opened and everything he wanted to keep inside tumbled out instantly.

He should have composed himself first.

"W-What?" Her eyes widened as she stared at him. She blushed prettily. "Thank you?" She mumbled and the action was so cute that Sieon's heart soared.

"Ketchup for your fries?" He laughed, the sound came out naturally albeit a little forced. He was a bit concerned over his sudden inability to restrain his outbursts of overly romantic comments that should not be appearing on Day One of their relationship.

She nodded, watching him carefully before turning back to munch on her burger. He squeezed the packet on a piece of tissue paper, eyes flickering up to look at her.

She was pretty in that white sweater. The soft thing stood out against the soft pink peach of her flushed skin. Her long lashes were fanning across her cheeks as she brushed her short locks of raven hair aside. The action revealed the cute tips of her ears and she took a soft delicate bite with moist crimson lips.

Sieon found himself gravitating towards her, like the Moon to its Earth.

He could stare at her all day, every day.

No wonder their children were so beautiful. Her eyes darted upwards and he panicked, squeezing the packet a little too forcefully.

The red gunk missed his crotch narrowly to land on his knee and he quickly swiped the droplets off with his fingers, bringing them quickly to his lips. Not funny. Abort mission. Potential bloodstained cock look narrowly missed.

Damn it get your head together! There was no restart button in the game of love. He needed to seduce her carefully. Yes, carefully. He didn't know how fast he could go.


Sieon was difficult to read. And way too touchy.

She swallowed, trying to maintain composure. He wasn't touching her inappropriately per se. In fact, his touches had been pretty docile and he made sure to do so slowly and only with her consent. He gave her enough room to reject him, which she didn't of course. She would be crazy to shake off her own soulmate who seemed adamant in making them bosom buddies.

That didn't deny the fact that his touch sent a shiver —the erotic kind—down her spine.

He had suggested that they should have a picnic. He'd gotten food delivered and brought her to the rooftop of the building, ushering her to a bench hidden in the shadows. The spot was beautiful, giving them the perfect view of the city.

While they chewed on burgers and sweet potato fries, he had opened his heart and soul to her, talking to her as if they were the closest of friends. However, there was something about the look in his eyes that implied that he wanted something more. Or maybe Amber was just seeing things.

The guy was, after all, Kim Sieon.

"You're being flirty again," Amber glanced at him, feeling amused.

The guy just didn't seem to know what he wanted. They would be talking about their favourite toilet paper at one moment; discussing something profound like the reason for life at the next, and then he would snap into what she liked to call his flirting mode. He would say something out of the blue. Like complimenting her looks for one.

"Why can't I?" He retorted back glancing up at her. He didn't even bother denying it. "You have a boyfriend?" His voice was sharp and steady.

"Does it matter to you?" She hummed. She knew that she was teasing him but she wanted to see how far she could go before he would admit his true intentions.

"Hmm, what if I told you it does?" He replied, his expression simmering into a smouldering look. His features were sobering into one that held no hints of his amusement or the previous goofiness that he had given her.

Amber's mouth went dry as he leaned in closer, tilting his head as he watched her. His cheeks dusted with a pretty shade of red.

"What if I told you I liked you?" He smiled and Amber was wide-eyed at the sudden confession. Even so, she decided to hold on to her horses, because Sieon was unpredictable like wildfire.

"Then maybe, I'll tell you that I don't have a boyfriend." She replied, her voice going soft.

Please, God. Please give her some action. Please.

"Is that so?" He hummed, sipping on his drink. He placed the cup down and then he reached towards her. He drew closer to her again, their eyes met creating a dizzying tension that weighed heavily in the air. His thumb rubbed at the corners of her lips. The sudden proximity sent her heart thundering in her chest and her breath hitched at the sight of him.

Was he crazy?