prove it

"You've got something there." He soothed, fingers brushing against her bottom lip with a gentleness that made the action almost sexual.

The brush of his thumb made her lips burn and tingle with a need for his lips to caress hers. She parted her lips, exhaling softly as his thumb continued to rub slow circles on the sensitive flesh. She wanted him. Her body sang under his touch, her core throbbing to the beat of her racing heart.

His features tightened at the sight of her and he quickly pulled his thumb back. He moved back, clamping up yet again as he sucked at the food on his thumb before turning to give her a grin.

This must be what it felt like to be cock blocked.

"Messy eater," he teased, laughing cutely and pulling back. And goofy Sieon was back. Seriously, what is this? A game of cat and mouse? God. She really didn't know whether he wanted to kiss her senseless or if he was just playing with her feelings.

"Stop teasing me," Amber groaned. shaking her head. She was yet again making a fool of herself in front of another soulmate. Oliver was bad enough. Now, Sieon?

"It's true," he shrugged, snorting a little. Ouch. "You've dribbled the sauce all over your fingers." He pointed towards her hands. Her fingers were drenched in ranch sauce from the remains of her burger.

"I just have small hands! The burger is too big for me to hold it properly. That's all," Amber replied.

She started to wipe off her fingers with a napkin. She watched cheeks turning pink as Sieon picked a tissue and began to help her out with that same gentleness that made her heart melt a little. Her mind was also angry because it really did not know whether he liked her or not.

If this were a TV drama and if she were the viewer it would be easy to tell. These were obvious signs of a male lead going after the female lead. However, this was real life and real-life wasn't so simple. It was much more confusing and unpredictable.

"Ah," he blinked as he looked at her deep in thought and she took it as a sign of his agreement.


"I should have brought some here."

Amber blinked. What? He finished cleaning her fingers, tossing the napkin into the brown paper bag.

"Wet wipes and plastic gloves," he nodded to himself.

Amber scoffed, hiding a burst of incredulous laughter.

"Excuse me!" She huffed playfully.

"B-but then you don't have to worry about the mess anymore," he stammered out. "I could wipe it for you."

Was she a kid? Sure, she made a mess but she cleaned up after herself. She didn't ask for him to clean with her. Just because they met in the cleaning storeroom, it didn't mean that their relationship should be based on cleaning.

He was clearly very domestic and a perfect candidate for House Husband of the Year but still, this was borderline, Daddy of the Year and not in a romantic way.

She didn't even know whether to laugh or die because he was actually genuinely concerned and wanted to help her. It did show how he cared for her. But at the same time, it made her confused over how he thought of her.

"Eon," she sighed, stifling a giggle. Fuck, why was she giggling so much in front of him? "You treat me like a kid."

"I-I don't!" He replied shocked, eyes wide in sudden panic. "How do I treat you like a kid? I treat you like a woman!"

"Please, you wanted to wipe my mess for me!"

"But, I—" He tried to explain. With a frown, he gave her a weird glance. "Why not? I'm just helping you out!"

"Sure, I appreciate it, it shows that you care about me and, yeah the act itself isn't the problem," she soothed. "But, all you've been doing is hugging me and babying me." She replied gesturing towards his fingers that were wrapped around her wrist. He pressed his lips into a thin line, refusing to let go.

She continued her rant.

"You don't even see me as a girl, do you? You think I'm a kid. A baby that you need to protect or something?"

She was pushing it because the flush in his cheeks and the panic in his eyes were too funny to ignore.

"I-I don't see you as a kid!" He retorted. "You're not a baby!"

No Daddy-kink huh?

"Oh yeah? Really? You hug me like my touch doesn't mean anything to you. You treat me like a good bro or something."

"No, I don't. And hugging you is just something I like to do to everyone," Sieon replied.

Bad answer.

"Exactly, everyone. You're not even remotely concerned that I'm a woman. You don't even feel any sexual attraction to me."

She decided to test the waters by pushing out the word. If he recoiled in disgust, then it meant he had no romantic intentions. That would mean he had been playing with her feelings all day long with no care in the world.

Amber was mentally prepared for that.

"W-what?" He was stammering and his cheeks were red from their argument. Did he not understand what she meant?

"You can touch me so blatantly with no regards and no fear. Meanwhile, I'm struggling to not think of you as something more than just…Friends."

Darn, let's just make it obvious as fuck that she wants him.

She was done waiting. And with one so close in her grasp, she didn't really care if it was only Day One. Hell, she didn't want him to think of her as easy. But the sexual tension between them was just so strong and so thick that she really didn't know what to do with it.

They could either skim at the surface, trying not to fall in. Or she could just dive, headfirst, into the sea of lust and love. Her soul was screaming in pain from all those drugs and she really needed her medicine. Consequences be damned.

"You—" He began to say and she was a little too heated to let him continue.

"You treat me as a kid," she sighed. Yup, that was it. Bye love life.

"No, I don't! I don't at all!" He continued denying. He sounded offended and desperate. He was staring at her, his brows knitted together. He was buzzing with the need to convince her as he shifted on his seat. His cheeks were red as he frowned, indignant at her accusations.

Nice answer. She hummed mentally. He was kind of agreeing that he liked her in a roundabout way. That was good, but not good enough.

"Prove it," she taunted. "Go on."