
Amber's brows furrowed as her soulmate held her flushed against his frame.

Her breasts were pressed tightly against MinJae's chest, smushed against the flat planes of his muscular body. Her nipples on his skin did unimaginable things to her brain, sending a zing of lust through her body. He didn't seem to notice, maybe he didn't care because he was just holding her, burrowing his face into the nape of her neck to take deep whiffs of her scent.

His body was shaking as he held her, trembling against hers in a way that made her heart ached for him.

She was more than just confused by that fact, maybe a little weirded out even at how tightly he clung to her. He was holding her as if she would disappear if he let go, holding her as if she were the Earth to his Moon, holding her as if he...As if he loved her.

The thought flickered through her mind, so sudden and so utterly powerful that it clamped up her body, holding her in place. So they stayed like that for more than just a while. Him taking deep breaths and her stiff with shock from his burst of affection.

Her mind blanked when he tightened his grip on her, the fingers of his unchained hand threading through her short hair to cup the back of her neck. She didn't know why but her remaining exposed hand automatically dropped to his waist as he held her close. Her palm was gently placed over the dip of muscles where the sharp abdominal V lines began, fingers rubbing slow gentle circles into his quivering skin.

The hug felt really nice, she begrudgingly admitted in her mind. His body against hers brought her a certain mental and physical comfort. His touch was easing away the phantom memories of the pain she had just experienced.

She felt just a little drugged by his scent, her head melting into a blurry mess from his touch. The steady trickle of gold was still flowing through them like the trickle of sand from a crack in an hourglass, and it felt good.

That does not, however, discount the fact that she was partially naked and pressed to his chest. She bit her lips at the thought, her cheeks burning a little with her embarrassment. Her nipples had hardened into thick sensitive nubs that would send a jolt of electricity through her system and straight to her core whenever he shifted under her touch. She squirmed, letting the shiver of pleasure take hold of her body and spread over her skin, hoping he would get the memo to move away.

MinJae froze, his body transforming from the trembling heat to a wall of thick muscle. Another blink and he was pulling back so quickly that the rush of cold air took her breath away. She immediately slapped her remaining, independent and unchained arm over her breasts, desperately shielding her nudity.

But her actions were definitely not quite quick enough to escape his wandering eyes because she watched with a rapt sense of satisfaction as they instinctively dropped to ghost over her nipples.

His eyes were flickering over the swell of her breasts, somehow zeroing in particularly on her nipples before travelling up her skin to meet her eyes. She stared back at him, narrowing her eyes in disapproval even though her body responded fervently to his gaze, his eyes lighting up a trail of fire on her skin.

Her beautiful soulmate blushed, his cheeks turning a deep pink shade that spreads to the tips of his cute ears. The colour of the morning sun on the horizon, the colour of cherry blossoms, the colour of love.


It was weird how poetic Amber was being because she didn't want to be amicable to MinJae. At least...Not yet, not until the sour tang in her throat disappeared and the memories of his words didn't send a burn of pain through her soul. Not until looking at him does not remind her yet again of all her mistakes and his stubbornness.

In truth, she didn't blame him. No, it wasn't completely his fault for reacting this way. He had reacted just as how some part of her had expected all of her soulmates to react. He had reacted like this because of their circumstances, because of the sasaeng fans, because she had no proof.

But now that she had proof...Her eyes wandered to the flowers in his hair. He was right by her side. Still, it hurt to know that without the soulbond, he would be willing to throw her away. In a world without those bonds...Her expression dropped at the thought, bitterness filling her. He would never stay by her side.

For she was just another face in the sea of fans.

"Ah-ah." He gasped, a soft sound escaping his lips. It was so vastly different from the loud strangled yells that he had sent her way just seconds ago, so very different from the hysterical screams that had emitted from his throat the last time she had seen him.

Something within her laughed. That Amber, the sarcastic, moody one, was amused that someone whom she had feared, someone who had practically ripped down at her confidence and torn at her shields could produce such a docile expression in her presence. He pressed his fingers to his lips in embarrassment and she watched with a really odd sense of pleasure at the sight of the pink spreading across his skin and down his neck. It spreads over his skin and she wondered just how far that pretty shade of pink could go.

He spun, yanking the blanket from under his knee to clumsily drape the soft yarn over her shoulders, covering her nudity. His eyes were filled with his apology as he wrapped her in the cloth, nibbling nervously on his lips. She toom it awkwardly holding the cloth up with the hand that linked the both of them together.

It was an awkward position that resulted in him having to lean forward just to accommodate to her needs. His arm was pulled forward and pressed against hers and he shifted in an attempt to get into a more comfortable position. His expression was twisting with his perplexion as he wiggled his shoulders to fully press his arm against hers. Yes, Amber bit back a smirk. She wanted him inconvenienced if they were going to be linked together like this. She pursed her lips together.

Speaking of which-

"How many days was I asleep for?" She bit out sharply, her expression stern as she watched him. He was a little startled by her question, his eyes widening almost comically. Had he expected her to give him the cold treatment?

She almost smiled at the thought, glancing at the way her soulmate shifted about nervously. He definitely knew that he fucked up in her books from the way her usually confident and cheeky soulmate was acting. She had really never seen him this jumpy and nervous. She clamped her teeth together to stop the snort from escaping her lips. MinJae bit his lips, nibbling on the juicy buds of red nervously, the white pearly teeth digging into the rosy pink.

"Four..." He said softly, his voice escaping his throat in the prettiest sort of moans and her mind blanked for just a second. Her mind practically struggled to swallow the scene of her topless soulmate.